Centre for Migration Studies

Research impact

Male student using laptop

Migration research at Essex

Our members work hard to bring migration to the forefront of public and academic consciousness. Find out about the latest research, press and community engagement activities our members, fellows, students and graduates have been involved in.

Highlights of our research


Origins and Destinations: The Making of the Second Generation by Dr Renee Luthra, Dr Thomas Soehl, and Professor Roger Waldinger:

Using surveys of second generation immigrant adults in New York and Los Angeles, this book explains why second generation experiences differ across national origin groups and why immigrant offspring with the same national background often follow different trajectories.

Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin by Professor Peter Patrick and Professor Monika Schmid:

This book discusses current practices and the use of Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin (LADO). Readers will find chapters on how it is done, where it is used, how it is used, and learn about recent developments on the use of LADO reports in judicial practice, and current controversies in the field.

Journal articles


A row of old looking library books
Explore research online

The Centre for Migration Studies is proud to showcase a broad range of research from the University of Essex. Utilise our online search tool to discover  the very latest information relating to your chosen area of interest. Browse articles in our research repository, search for academics currently working on migration and view all research structures relating to migration issues.

Explore our research

Events and conferences

Public events

We regularly take part in outreach events which integrate with the wider community, beyond the world of academia.

One of our most recent events included a knowledge exchange workshop for case workers, local charities and support organisations, authorities, researchers and legal representatives, to discuss the current challenges they face in providing help to vulnerable migrants in Essex and the surrounding counties.

Read the full news story by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) to learn more about the workshop.

PhD Research Colloquium

Every year we host an annual PhD research colloquium in collaboration with both local stakeholders and students.

During our last colloquium, sixteen postgraduate research students from across the UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and France presented their emerging PhD projects. This event was held in collaboration with the UEA Migration Network and the Sussex Centre for Migration Research. The event featured five panels on the following themes; identity and belonging, mobilities and transnationalism, the labour market and welfare state, governance and policies, and migration and gender.

Read the full programme from our last colloquium, or visit the University of Essex events calendar to keep an eye out for upcoming events.

Student working on computer in library
Contact us
Director Centre for Migration Studies Dr Renee Luthra
University of Essex
Deputy Director Centre for Migration Studies Dr Carlos Gigoux Gramegna
University of Essex