
Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees (CTAR)

Three sets of hands crossed over a map

Exploring the refugee experience

The Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees (CTAR) aims to provide a framework and a focus for examining, from a variety of different perspectives, the main issues associated with the reality and experience of being an asylum seeker or refugee.

The main emphasis of the Centre is on the psychosocial dimensions of these experiences. The Centre also provides a forum for individuals and organisations to exchange knowledge and experiences and to further develop their ideas and work in this field.

A student holding a book.
Essex Futures Refugee Care Scholarship

The Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies offers scholarships for students undertaking the MA Refugee Care course.

Discover how to apply
Head and shoulders photo of Professor Renos Papadopoulos, with grass visible in the background.
"CTAR is so much more than a research centre. We are a community of academics, researchers, practitioners, activists and human rights workers exploring the complexities of experience in Refugee Care and Involuntary Dislocation in order to make a real difference. We welcome new ideas for fruitful collaboration."
Professor Renos Papadopoulos  DIRECTOR of the centre for tRAUMA, ASYLUM AND REFUGEES 

Highlights from our work


Our academic staff frequently feature within the wider press and media. Below are some examples of their latest appearances: 

  • View Professor Renos Papadopoulos giving a talk on displacement at The Jungian Psychoanalytic Association - 2019.
  • Watch Professor Renos Papadopoulos giving a keynote speech at the International Systemic Research Conference - 2017.

Published works


  • Papadopoulos, Renos K. 2018. "The neglected complexities of refugee fathers." Psychotherapy and Politics International.
  • Luci, M. (2021). “The psychic skin between individual and collective states of mind in trauma.” Journal of Psychosocial Studies, (online).
  • Luci, M. & Kahn, M. (2021) “Analytic therapy with refugees: Between silence and embodied narratives,” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 41:2, 103-114.
  • Luci, M. (2020),“Displacement as trauma and trauma as displacement in the experience of refugees.” Journal of Analytical Psychology, April 2020, 65(2), pp. 260-280. 
  • Luci, M. & Di Rado, D.  (2019) “The Special Needs of Victims of Torture or Serious Violence: A Qualitative Research in EU”. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
  • Luci, M. (2018) “The mark of torture and the therapeutic relationship”. International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education, Vol. X, n1, pp. 47-60.
  • Luci, M. (2017) “Disintegration of the self and regeneration of the psychic skin in the treatment of traumatized refugees”. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 62 (2)(April), pp. 227-246. doi: . Awarded as Fordham Prize 2018. 
  • Luci, M. (2017) Torture, Psychoanalysis and Human Rights, London & New York, Routledge.Carta, S. (2016). Opening our Rooms: The ETnA Projects for Migrants in Italy. London: Routledge. 
  • Carta, S. (2017). Writing stories in time. The unfolding of the objective biography in life and work. New York: The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, www.aras.org. 
  • Carta, S. (2017). Writing stories in time. The unfolding of the objective biography in life and work. New York: The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, www.aras.org. 
  • Alcaro, A., Carta, S., Panksepp J. (2017). The affective core of the self: a neuro-archetypical perspective on the foundations of human (and animal) subjectivity. Fronteers of Psychology, 2017; 8: 1424.
  • Lampis J., Cataudella S., Busonera A., Carta S. (2018). Personality Similarity and Romantic Relationship Adjustment during the Couple Life Cycle. The Family Journal, 26(1), 31-39.
  • Carta, S. (2018). La Battaglia di Algeri. Le Storie che noi Siamo. Rivista di Psicologia Analitica,  vol. 38, n. 101. 
  • Carta, S. (2018). Il pagamento in analisi. Rivista di Psicologia Analitica.
  • Alcaro, A. Carta, S. (2019). “The “Instinct” of Imagination. A Neuro-Ethological Approach to the Evolution of the Reflective Mind and Its Application to Psychotherapy”. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 
  • Carta, S. Darstellung, Vorstellung, Wahrnehmung. Der spiralförmige Atem des Erinnerns. Zeitschrift für Sandspiel-Therapie" vol. 46, mai 2019 ·       Lampis. J., Cataudella, S. Carta S. et Al. (2019). “Differentiation of self and the decision to seek systemic psychotherapy: a comparison between a help-seeking and a normative sample”. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. Vol. 32. 
  • Carta, S., “Creativity as the core of psychotherapy”, Japanese Journal of Psychotherapy, (16) 2020 ·
  • Carta, S. (2020) Here’s Johnny! American Carnival in Modern Times. In: Singer, T. (Ed.) Cultural Complexes and the Soul of America. London: Routledge.
  • Carta S. (2020) Presentazione, In: Devescovi, P.C. (2020) Pro Bono Patris, Boringhieri, Torino. 
  • Carta, S. Kijehl, E., (2020) Introduction: why is social and political activism necessary for psychological understanding? In: Carta, S., Kijehl, E., (Eds.), (2020). Political Passions. Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology. London: Routledge.
  • Carta, S. (2020). Nigredo. L’Opera al Nero. In: Massa Ope, S., Rossi, A., Tibaldi, M., Jung e la metafora viva dell'alchimia. Immagini della trasformazione psichica. Milano: Moretti e Vitali


  • Papadopoulos, Renos K. 2021 Involuntary Dislocation: Home, Trauma, Resilience and Adversity-Activated Development.  Routledge, London, United Kingdom.
  • Papadopoulos, Renos K. 2021 Moral Injury and Beyond: Understanding Human Anguish and Healing Traumatic Wounds.  Routledge, London, United Kingdom.
  • Luci, M. (2020). The salience of borders in the experience of refugees. In Carta, S. & Kiehl, E. (Eds) Political Passions and Jungian Psychology. Social and Political Activism in Analysis. Abington, UK & New York, Routledge.
  • Alexander, David. 2020. Book chapter in Moral Injury and Beyond: Understanding Human Anguish and Healing Traumatic Wounds. R. K. Papadopoulos, Ed.  Routledge Press.


Our events

To find out about upcoming seminars and events from the Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees please visit our Departmental events calendar.

 A selection of our key and current events:

View up towards a nest in a tree
Reflections on the Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugee's conference for Refugee Week: Our Home

To mark refugee week we held a conference with partners and stakeholders from a range of fields, with a focus on this year's theme of "Home".

Read the blog
Woman's hands hanging on to barbed wire
Get in touch
Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 873460
Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 873460