Department of Language and Linguistics

Our research students

Discover the research students in the Department of Language and Linguistics

Our research students investigate a broad range of exciting topics and are supervised by our academic staff.

To visit an individual research student's profile and find their contact details, please click on the links below:

Research students

Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Research interests: Affect in foreign language learning and teaching; Individual differences in second language learning; Foreign language teachers and learners' emotions
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Ask me about: Education for Sustainability ; Key competencies for sustainability; Academic skills; Sustainable Essex Awards; Embedding sustainability into curricular Research interests: Embedding the SDGs into TEFL and TESOL: A pilot study; The Multiplier Effect: Embedding the SDGs for transformative sustainable education; Lecturers’ perceptions of student writers: Implications for academic literacy and EAP; Perspectives on academic writing: L1 and L2 students’ experience within Healthcare and Hospitality Foundation degree programmes ; Reflections on Welcome Week: The challenges mature students face when learning and making sense of academic conventions
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Ask me about: Cognitive linguistics; Conceptualisation of distress; Metaphor and metonymy; Relationship between language, mind and culture
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Ask me about: Explicit and implicit knowledge and their interface; Aptitude for implicit and explicit learning; Measures of cognitive individual differences; Linear and nonlinear mixed-effects modeling; Factor analysis and structural equation modeling; Unsupervised learning (k-means and hierarchical) Research interests: Explicit and implicit knowledge and learning; Language aptitude and working memory in SLA; Reaction time measures in applied linguistics; Measures of explicit and implicit language aptitude; Statistical models in linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
Postgraduate Research Student, Department of Language and Linguistics
A string of flags criss-crossing between the walls of two buildings.
Contact us
Department of Language and Linguistics University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 872083