How to participate

Participants will be students on mathematics degree programmes who will be entering their final year of study in Autumn 2024. Each mathematics department in a UK based University will be invited to nominate up to three students to participate in this summer school. Contact will be through the LMS departmental representatives. Department LMS representatives will then forward nominations to the organisers. The organisers of the Summer School from the University of Essex will then select the successful students, notifying the nominating academics who in turn contact the students to confirm their attendance.

Students who would like to participate are recommended to discuss the event with their Head of Department, please do not contact the organising committee directly.


There is a registration fee of £250 per student. The Society asks that for each candidate accepted onto the LMS Undergraduate Summer School their home Department provides a £250 contribution. Payment will be organised by the University of Essex and will be made through the raising of a purchase order – details of this will be sent through to departmental links after the nomination process has been completed. Payment must be made in full prior to the start of the school.

We have very limited funds available to help with travel costs, however, we do ask that departments help cover these costs for their students – nominating staff should contact the organising committee directly to discuss additional funds if needed.

Nomination process and forms

If you would like to participate, please discuss with your Head of Department, and then complete and return this nomination form (.docx), together with a copy of your academic transcript to date, to your Head of Department or LMS Representative who will forward nominations to the University of Essex (

Nominations should be received by 24th May 2024 and be sent to Institutions are asked to send their nominations with a cover letter that ranks their nominees and to send nominations and transcripts in either Word or .PDF format.


To achieve an inclusive and cooperative working atmosphere, each LMS Undergraduate Summer School is usually limited to 45-50 in-person participants, so the organisers will need to be highly selective. Indeed, a high level of ability and enthusiasm for mathematics is essential to enjoy and benefit from the LMS Undergraduate Summer School.

Participation of women students in the LMS Undergraduate Summer School is particularly important as there is a recognised lack of women continuing to postgraduate study. To this end UK Institutions are asked to nominate both female and male students.


Any undergraduate student who will be entering their final year of an undergraduate degree in Autumn 2024, studying at a UK University with a Mathematics/Statistics department can be nominated.

Additional support

Additional support for participants with caring responsibilities (including childcare) may also be available – please contact the organising committee ahead of submitting the nomination form to discuss potential requirements.

Next steps

General information


We will keep our contact as minimal as possible, to try and prevent important information from being missed or overlooked. All contact will be made through email with all relevant information being included on this website. We will do our best to keep the website updated before and during the Summer School.

Pre-arrival Information

There should be no/minimal preparatory work to be done before the Summer School, with any suggested reading or revision material posted on this website.

Arrival Information

Participants will arrive on Sunday 14th July for a Welcome Event including a meal and reception. This will give all the students and University of Essex staff the chance to mingle, say Hello in preparation for the Summer School.

More information including timings, locations etc. will be provided closer to the start of the Summer School.

Departure Information

Participants will leave on Friday 26th July after the morning sessions. Lunch will be provided with a Goodbye round up session directly after.

More details on timings, luggage storage etc. will be provided closer to the start of the Summer School.