School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science

Our Research

A young Black man holding a board marker is gesturing at the board in front of him to an older white man standing in the foreground.

New knowledge, new solutions

We're an interdisciplinary school with impact on a diverse range of areas from social policy to insurance risks, and human-technology interaction to mathematical physics.

Research in our school is organised into data science, and mathematics. Both groups reflect the major fields of mathematical research undertaken by our staff and cover specific areas of research interest.

Staff in our research groups work closely both in the school and with academics across the wider university to develop strong interdisciplinary research.

Our work in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships gives us a strong commercial impact and ensures that businesses benefit from cutting-edge research.

Our academics also act as supervisors for postgraduate research degrees in their specialist areas, and co-supervise research students working on interdisciplinary projects with colleagues in other departments across the university. PhD students in the school can join one of our research groups during their time with us.

Our school holds weekly research seminars during term time. These seminars often involve guest speakers from other institutions and are open to students and academics at Essex.

Groups and areas

A photo of the middle of a microscope, showing the three objectives lenses, the mechanical stage where samples are placed, and the top of the illuminator underneath.
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Highlights of our research

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Our work can have direct impact and help businesses thrive through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. Through KTPs our researchers can evidence the value and impact of their work, while businesses benefit from expertise and cutting-edge research techniques.

Some of our KTPs have included:

  • Working with the Port of Felixstowe to improve efficiency of complex scheduling processes. We assisted in the development of optimisation algorithms using artificial intelligence, which helped with both scheduling staff resources and solving scheduling problems. This reduced waste and improved customer service.
  • Carrying out a data science KTP with knowledge resource company Mondaq that helped them make the most of large data sets. They were awarded Winner of Best KTP Partnership 2018.
  • Members of our data science group are currently working on a KTP project with online grocery company Ocado, that will utilise Big Data with machine learning and forecasting to improve delivery efficiency, which will reduce cost to the company and the carbon footprint of deliveries.

Our projects

Our research is interdisciplinary and has impact across areas as diverse as social care, mathematics education, and animal welfare, with examples including:

Our work on Covid-19

The recent pandemic saw academics from across the University come together to work on a range of projects aimed to understand COVID-19, including how it spreads, and how we can reduce the impact on services and society.

We have contributed our expertise in mathematics and data science into a range of research around COVID-19:

Get in touch
School Director of Research Professor Murat Akman