Clinical associates

Dr Tania Gudu

Consultant Rheumatologist


Dr Tania Gudu PhD is a Consultant Rheumatologist at ESNEFT who works one day a week at EEPRU collaborating with psychology staff on projects relating to arthritis and chronic pain.


Academic associates

Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Trust and interdependence; Motivated cognition and relationship maintenance; Risk, vulnerability and uncertainty regulation; Romantic relationships
Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Psychology
Research interests: Social language processing in normal and special populations (e.g., bilinguals, brain damaged, aging); Emotional and attitudinal language processing across different cultures; Motivational prosody processing; Event-related brain potentials; How teachers' tone of voice can influence students' wellbeing and behaviour
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Hyperscanning; Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience; Attachment; Bio-Behavioural and Interpersonal Neural Synchrony; Caregiving; Epigenetics; (Functional) Magnetic Resonance Imaging - (f)MRI
Professor, Department of Psychology
Research interests: In my research, I am trying to understand how people judge, reason, and make decisions in situations of uncertainty.; My current research interests are centred on two key topics: (i) exploring the reasons and mechanisms behind why individuals do or do not correct their errors, and (ii) examining the psychology of human behaviours and cognition in relation to antimicrobial resistance.; Why people expect antibiotics even when not needed?; Risk and probability communication; Why people (do not) correct their own errors in judgments and reasoning (e.g., intuitive and deliberate errors, effect of feedback)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Boredom; Nostalgia; Economic psychology; Emotion; Meaning in life
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Understanding brain networks underpinning higher order cognitive functions in the human brain
Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Research Interests:
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Climate and ecological emergency; Existential and symbolic threats; Pain and sensory threats; Emotional facial expressions; Self-harm and trauma
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: imitation; facial mimicry; action processing; development of the mirror neuron system;
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Transcranial magnetic simulation (TMS); Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS); Mirror neurons; Stress & Ageing; Nature-based socal prescribing
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Face and emotion processing in infancy.; The development of body representation and tactile localisation.; The development of the neural basis of shared touch.; Perinatal mental health.
Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Interoception; fMRI; Adolescence; Interoceptive Development; Interoception and its links to Mental Health Development during Adolescence; Interoception and Somatic Symptoms in Children; Interoception and Exercise in Adolescent Girls; Interoception and Anxiety; Trauma and Interoception Research in Children and Adolescents; Interoception and Sexual Functioning
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: body representations; interoception; hunger and satiety; multisensory development


Research staff

Chuan-Ren Isaac Chung

Research staff

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

Dr Paolo Di Luzio

Research staff

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

Dr Guyan Sloane

Research staff

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

Dr Mark Wheeler

Research staff

Department of Psychology, University of Essex


PhD students

 Olayinka Farris

Postgraduate research student

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

Amy Hollingworth

Postgraduate research student

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

Laura Dodd

Postgraduate research student

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

 Laura Mtewele

Postgraduate research student

Department of Psychology, University of Essex

 Ovgun Ses

Postgraduate research student

Department of Psychology, University of Essex