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School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences


Learning on the job

Your university experience is more than lectures on campus.

As a School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences student, you have invaluable opportunities to enhance your CV through work placements and studying abroad.

Opportunities depend on the degree you’re taking. Some of our degrees include compulsory placements, and for others you can choose to add a placement year or year abroad - check the course descriptions to find out more.

Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy placements

BSc Physiotherapy and BSc Sports Therapy include compulsory placements, which are a crucial part of your training and give you first-hand experience with real life patients.

Depending on the degree you are taking, placements can include local NHS trusts, private practices, and sports injury clinics, as well as other health and social care providers. They are your opportunity to experience life as a qualified physiotherapist or sports therapist, working with service users and colleagues from a variety of professions and backgrounds, so you feel confident to begin your career after graduation.

You won't be left to your own devices once you are on placement, you will be supported by a member of staff from within the organisation (known as a "practice educator" in Physiotherapy or "clinical supervisor" in sports therapy) as well as a member of staff from SRES, who will remain in close contact with you and the organisation.

By undertaking these placements you will graduate ready for UK practice with the skills and experience needed to apply for professional registration. Essex Physiotherapy graduates have also successfully applied for professional accreditation in other countries - the opportunities are endless!

Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy placement FAQs

Head and shoulders shot of Victoria Gunn standing in front of a door.
Blog: Mental health and physiotherapy

MSc Physiotherapy graduate Victoria Gunn reflects on her placement in a mental health care setting, and the lessons she has now taken forward in her practice as a qualified physiotherapist.

Read Victoria's blog

Placement year

Many of our degrees can be extended to four years by taking a placement year in a relevant industry in your third year.

You will be responsible for finding and securing a placement, but our School and the Student Development Department offer support throughout the process including how to identify opportunities, write CVs and applications, and develop interview techniques. The process of applying for a placement also gives you fantastic experience for applying for jobs in the future!

Students have held placements with a range of sports clubs and schools around England, including local football clubs such as Southend United, Norwich City, and West Ham.

Placement year FAQs

Year abroad

Some of our degrees come with the opportunity to study abroad for a year with a partner institution.

A year abroad is a great opportunity for you to expand your horizons and benefit from being taught by other leading academics. If you have a year abroad in a non-English speaking country you also have a chance to enhance your linguistic skills.

If you aren’t fluent in a second language, don’t panic! Many of our partner institutions offer modules in English. Our partner institutions can be found worldwide, giving you plenty of choice for where to go. SRES opportunities can be found in countries and regions including Australia, China, USA, and South America - it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Study Abroad team hold events on our campuses throughout the year, so if you’re considering a year abroad we highly recommend attending in your first year so you are fully informed before making a choice.

Year abroad FAQs

Footprints in the sand taken during a study abroad
Where will Essex take you?

We help students widen their experience with a period of study or work at one of our 150 partner institutions worldwide.

Start the adventure and find out more about studying abroad
Get in touch
Joanne Etherton Practice Placement Lead
Telephone: 07785 286371
Rachel Rosevear Placement Administrator