Abstract Template

When submitting your abstract, please ensure that you follow the formatting suggestions below to ensure consistency and clarity of the information provided.

Formatting for Abstract

Introduction, methods, results/discussion, conclusions segmentation of abstract encouraged, but not compulsory. Option to add one figure or table – please ensure that figure is embedded as a single image and that figure labels can be read when printed on A4 size paper.

  • The title of the abstract must be font size 12 and the main text must be in Arial font size 10.
  • Please keep abstract to one side of A4 including current margins (2.54 cm).
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English
  • Define all abbreviations
  • Abstracts must not contain copyrighted material
  • Limit abstract to one side of A4
  • Members of Conference Scientific Committee will review abstracts
  • The abstract must be uploaded in .pdf or .docx format.

Presenting author email address

Please follow the template below

Author Example1*, Author N. Two2,3, Author Three4 (Arial font size 10)

1 Affiliation Address Arial italics font size 9

2Affiliation Address

3 Affiliation Address

4 Affiliation Address

Any questions?

Please contact us at o2bip@essex.ac.uk