University of Essex Statements

The University’s Duty of Care Statement

Silberrad Student Centre

Date: 4 July 2023

The University has a general duty of care to our student community under common law. Our legal obligations and our policies and procedures provide the framework within which we take reasonable steps to provide an environment that supports personal safety, positive wellbeing and good mental health for students who live and study as members of our university community. The University will provide information, guidance, and support for students so that they can make informed choices to shape their own wellbeing.

The University’s duty of care includes providing a high standard of education and research, together with learning and pastoral support to a standard that can reasonably be expected of a higher education institution. It will also ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its registered students. In providing support to individual students, the University will also have due regard to the safety of its community of students and staff as a whole.

The University recognises the important role of statutory service providers in the immediate and ongoing support of students requiring clinical or mental health treatment. The University is not able to provide services that are properly the responsibility of the statutory services but will support students as far as it is able in accessing the statutory services they may need.

- University Steering Group