University strategy 2019-28

Priority 3: Communities

International Day on campus

The purpose of our mission of excellence in education and research is to improve people’s lives, transform communities and benefit society. Serving our communities through transformational education and research that meets the needs of our time remains at the heart of our mission. 

As we grow, we will extend the scale, global reach and impact of our education and research. On our campuses, “bigness will be reconciled with intimacy”, by ensuring that our campus communities foster our sense of belonging, well-being, inclusion and purpose, our connections with each other and with our global and regional partners. And we will maximise the impact of the University on communities beyond our campuses. 

Our Essex Spirit is driven by our ambition to achieve meaningful impact of global significance, and to realise the benefits of a world-class university for our region. We will achieve this by encouraging and supporting our students, staff, alumni and partners in collective action that creates benefit for people and communities around the world.

'A university should, I believe, provide an experience of living as well as an opportunity of learning.'
Sir Albert Sloman Our First Vice Chancellor