We accept the Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) with GPA 70% or 7.0 for most courses.
Please note that level 3 subject-specific requirements cannot be met by the Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate, but A-levels or other level 3 equivalent qualifications taken alongside the Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate may be considered.
For courses that require the equivalent of GCSE B/5, we accept 6 in the relevant subject.
For courses that require the equivalent of GCSE C/4, we accept 5 in the relevant subject.
Some courses have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk.
Postgraduate Taught
Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with 6 or above from Bachelor degree/Bang tot nghiep dai hoc. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team pgadmit@essex.ac.uk.
We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available if you do not meet these grades. Please visit University of Essex International College for further information.
Postgraduate Research
For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the course that you are interested in.
An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the information above), and a master’s degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for PhD applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.