Professor Thankom Arun

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Thankom Arun is a Professor of Global Development and Accountability at the Essex Business School. Currently, he is a Professor Extraordinaire at the Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa and a Research Fellow at IZA, Bonn. He is also Chairing an academic steering group on Financial inclusion in the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF). He is a Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Previously, he was Professor and Director of the Institute of Global Finance and Development (IGFD), at the Lancashire Business School, UCLan; Visiting Professor at the University of Rome and held academic positions at Manchester and Ulster. Thankom's research has been a move away from arbitrary disciplinary constraints towards an interdisciplinary learning process to understand the global challenges, particularly in developing/emerging country contexts. Over the years, the research carried out aims to understand, theorize and tackle the problems created by the uneven relationships between business, society and economy in an interdisciplinary framework. Thankom's recent research interests are in the areas of Fintech, financial inclusion, climate change and sustainability. He welcomes inquiries from prospective doctoral students in any of these areas. Grants: ESRC, British Academy, British Council, World Bank, EU etc. Project Reports (2021) Integrating climate change and livelihood within public investment policies: A cross country assessment in South Asia, PEFA/World Bank (with Bedanand Upadhaya, Chaminda Wijethilake, Pawan Adhikari and Kelum Jayasinghe) (2020) 'Mainstreaming' financial inclusion in India, UKIERI (2015) Microfoundations of access to finance, ESRC (2011) Microfinance Regulation in USA, Lilly foundation and Indiana University (with Aruna Chandrsekhar) (2010) Microfinance Regulation and Social Security, European Development Report Background paper, European Union (with Victor Murinde) (2009) Corporate Governance, Regulation and Development, ESRC (with John Turner) (2009) Combating Multiple and Overlapping Vulnerabilities: Microinsurance for the Poor in Sri Lanka, British Academy (2003) Improving Access to Rural Finance in India: Supply Side Constraints, World Bank (with Paul Mosley).
PhD University of Manchester,
MPhil (JNU/CDS, India) Centre for Development Studies,
MA (Kerala, India) University of Kerala,
University of Essex
Faculty Dean (Research), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Essex (1/1/2023 - present)
Director of Impact and Enterprise, Essex Business School (2019 - 2022)
Director,Centre for Accountability and Global Development, Essex Business School (2019 - 2022)
Deputy Director, Research and Impact, University of Essex (2017 - 2022)
Associate PhD Director, Accounting, Essex Business School (2017 - 2018)
Other academic
Professor of Global Development and Accountability, University of Essex (2016 - present)
Professor of Development Finance and Public Policy, University of Central Lancashire (2009 - 2016)
Reader, University of Central Lancashire (2007 - 2009)
Lecturer, University of Manchester (2002 - 2007)
Lecturer, University of Ulster (1999 - 2002)
Visiting Professor, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (2018 - present)
Professor (Extraordinary), University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (2015 - present)
Visiting Professor, University of Rome, La Sapienza (2008 - 2009)
Research Fellow, IZA BONN (2008 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Global Development and Development Finance.
Emerging economies
Financial Inclusion, Technology based financial delivery/services, Microfinance and Microinsurance
Issues in Corporate Governance, Disclosure and Social responsibility
Hybrid Organisations and Social Enterprises
Issues in Sustainable Development
Conferences and presentations
'Mainstreaming' financial inclusion
50th Foundation Year Lecture, Centre for Development Studies Trivandrum, India, th Foundation Year Lecture, Centre for Development Studies Trivandrum, India, Trivandrum, India, 22/1/2021
(2015) Development, Finance and Accounting: Trends and Research Priorities, Keynote Lecture, British Accounting and Finance Association, Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies (Special Interest Group), 14th Research Workshop Programme, 27th November 2015.
(2015) Hybrids in Financial Services and Financial Inclusion: the case of Microfinance, ESRC Research Seminar on Responsible Finance: An Emerging/Developing Countries Perspective, 12th November 2015.
(2013) Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy, organised at OECD Headquarters in Paris, attended as an expert on 31 October 2013.
Paris, France, 2013
(2011) Finance and Regulation, Keynote address at the International Conference on Microfinance, Chandragupta Institute of Management, Patna (CIMP), June 2011.
Patna, India, 2011
(2010) Microfinance Regulation and Social Protection, invited presentation, Conference on Experiences and Lessons from Social Protection Programmes across the Developing Word: What Role for the EU?,University of Paris, 17-18 June.
Paris, France, 2010
(2009) Governance Blackbox in Microfinance, Plenary lecture at the Second International Conference on Development Policy, Institute of Finance and Management, Tanzania, 7-9 August 2009.
Tanzania, United Republic of, 2009
(2009) Combating Multiple and Overlapping Vulnerabilities, Invited presentation at the Central Bank, Sri Lanka, 30th June 2009.
Sri Lanka, 2009
(2008) Microfinance: The way Forward, Invited research seminar at Bradford, Centre for International Development, University of Bradford, 18 March
Bradford, United Kingdom, 2008
(2008) Microfinance: New challenges, International conference on Microfinance and Millennium Development Goals, University of Cape, Coast, Ghana, 7-8 January 2008
Cape Coast, Ghana, 2008
(2008) Invited Lecture on Microfinance at the Northern Universitys India forum meeting at Lake District, UK, organised by the Lancaster University.
Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2008
(2007) Corporate Governance and Regulation, International Conference on Competition and Policy: Emerging Themes in Policy and Practice, Beijing, 25-26 February.
Beijing, China, 2007
(2007) The Regulation of Microfinance and the poor, Lecture at 12th Dilman Governance Forum, National College of Public Administration and Governance, Philippines, 2nd March.
Philippines, 2007
(2004) Microfinance for Cooperation: Sustainability, performance and legal framework, Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Microcredit, Rome, 6th December
Rome, Italy, 2004
(2004) Regulation of Financial Institutions, Jointly organised by the Institute of Legal Affairs, University of London, Oxford Brooks University and Journal of International Banking Regulation, 1st April.
(2004) Regulation of Microfinance, Conference on The Regulation of Development and the Development of Regulation, jointly organized by Centre on Regulation and Competition and the University of Illinois, 23rd April.
Chicago, United States, 2004
(2003) Strategic Approach for Development Financing and the role of Private capital, Keynote presentation in the Conference on the Road to prosperity Northeast Financial Hub, jointly organised by Korea Development Bank and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and with the support of Koreas Ministry of Finance and Economy, Seoul, 8th December.
Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2003
(2003) Regulation and Profitability, International Telecom Union and Centre of Excellence for East Africa at Maputo, Mozambique, 2nd June.
Mozambique, 2003
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/10/2024

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/2/2024

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2022

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/8/2021

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2021

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2020

Degree subject: Accounting and Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2020

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/12/2018

Degree subject: Accounting and Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/10/2018

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 4/10/2017

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2017
Journal articles (67)
Arun, S. and Arun, T., (2023). Cracking IT: Negotiating Working-Class Gender Capital through Group Enterprises in India. Work, Employment and Society. 37 (4), 823-840
Adhikari, P., Dhakal Adhikari, S., Arun, S. and Arun, T., (2023). Gurkha Warriors as Entrepreneurs in Britain: A Social Anchoring Lens on Martial Heritage and Migrant Enterprises. Work, Employment and Society. 37 (5), 1359-1376
Ozili, PK. and Arun, TG., (2023). What drives bank income smoothing? Evidence from Africa. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. 20 (3), 274-295
Siddiqui, J., Arun, T. and Yazdifar, H., (2023). Guest editorial: Transparency, accountability and the role of control mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a future research agenda in the context of emerging economies. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 13 (4), 705-713
Agyemang, J., Azure, J., Kimani, DK. and Arun, T., (2023). Government Financial Resilience during Pandemics: the case of West Africa. Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management. 35 (3), 385-414
Sha'ban, M., Girardone, C., Sarkisyan, A. and Arun, T., (2023). On the Relationship between Financial Inclusion and Bank Performance. Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics. 52 (3)
Markose, S., Arun, T. and Ozili, P., (2022). Financial inclusion, at what cost? : Quantification of economic viability of a supply side roll out. The European Journal of Finance. Online (1), 1-26
Ozili, PK. and Arun, TG., (2022). Does economic policy uncertainty affect bank profitability?. International Journal of Managerial Finance. 19 (4), 803-830
Arun, T., Adhikari, P. and Mohan, R., (2021). Learning accountability in the public sector: the experience of Kerala. Financial Accountability and Management. 37 (2), 184-203
Alrashidi, R., Baboukardos, D. and Arun, T., (2021). Audit fees, non-audit fees and access to finance: Evidence from India. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. 43, 100397-100397
Bose, U., Arun, T. and Arun, S., (2021). Do Information Networks Benefit Households with Female Heads?. Economic Modelling. 103, 105613-105613
Arun, T., Jayasinghe, K. and Ashraf, M., (2021). Guest editorial Accounting, Accountability and Global Development: Key perspectives. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 11 (1), 1-9
Joseph, KJ., Kakarlapudi, KK. and Arun, T., (2021). Reconciling higher productivity with innovation paradox mode of learning and innovation in India’s manufacturing sector. Innovation and Development. 11 (2-3), 323-342
Upadhaya, B., Wijethilake, C., Adhikari, P., Jayasinghe, K. and Arun, T., (2020). COVID-19 Policy Responses: Reflections on Governmental Financial Resilience in South Asia. Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management. 32 (5), 825-836
Raj, A., Kuznetsov, A. and Arun, TG., (2020). Culture of Sustainability and Marketing Orientation of Indian Agribusiness in implementing CSR Programs—Insights from Emerging Market. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 13 (11), 269-269
Ozili, PK. and Arun, T., (2020). Spillover of COVID-19: Impact on the Global Economy
Raj, A., Kuznetsov, A., Arun, T. and Kuznetsova, O., (2019). How different are corporate social responsibility motives in a developing country? Insights from a study of Indian agribusiness firms. Thunderbird International Business Review. 61 (2), 255-265
Aribi, ZA., Arun, T. and Gao, S., (2019). Accountability in Islamic financial institution. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. 10 (1), 98-114
Ozo, FK. and Arun, TG., (2019). Stock market reaction to cash dividends: evidence from the Nigerian stock market. Managerial Finance. 45 (3), 366-380
Mushonga, M., Arun, TG. and Marwa, NW., (2019). The cooperative movement in South Africa: Can financial cooperatives become sustainable enterprises?. Strategic Change. 28 (4), 259-271
Adhikari, P. and Arun, T., (2019). Competency Framework: Can it be a Tool for Improving Public Administration in Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal. 22 (1), 16-19
Peterson, OK. and Arun, TG., (2018). Income smoothing among European systemic and non-systemic banks. The British Accounting Review. 50 (5), 539-558
Mushonga, M., Arun, TG. and Marwa, N., (2018). Drivers, Inhibitors and the Future of Co-operative Financial Institutions: A Delphi Study on South African Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 133 (C), 254-268
Almahrog, Y., Ali Aribi, Z. and Arun, T., (2018). Earnings management and corporate social responsibility: UK evidence. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting. 16 (2), 311-332
Aribi, ZA., Alqatamin, RM. and Arun, T., (2018). Gender diversity on boards and forward-looking information disclosure: evidence from Jordan. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 8 (2), 205-222
Alqatamin, R., Ali, Z. and Arun, T., (2017). The effect of CEOs’ characteristics on forward-looking information. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 18 (4), 402-424
Alqatamin, RM., Aribi, ZA. and Arun, T., (2017). The effect of the CEO’s characteristics on EM: evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. 25 (3), 356-375
Arun, S., Annim, S. and Arun, T., (2016). Do All Networks ‘Work’? The Mediating Role of Social Networks on Consumption Expenditure in India. Sociology. 50 (3), 522-541
Bendig, M. and Arun, T., (2016). Uptake of Multiple Microinsurance Schemes: Evidence from Sri Lanka. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice. 41 (2), 205-224
Haque, F. and Arun, TG., (2016). Corporate governance and financial performance: an emerging economy perspective. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 13 (3(1)), 228-236
Arun, TG., Almahrog, YE. and Ali Aribi, Z., (2015). Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies. International Review of Financial Analysis. 39 (C), 137-146
Ozo, FK., Arun, TG., Kostov, P. and Uzonwanne, GC., (2015). Corporate dividend policy in practice: the views of Nigerian financial managers. Managerial Finance. 41 (11), 1159-1175
Arun, T. and Kamath, R., (2015). Financial inclusion: Policies and practices. IIMB Management Review. 27 (4), 267-287
Kostov, P., Arun, T. and Annim, S., (2015). Access to financial services: The case of the ‘Mzansi’ account in South Africa. Review of Development Finance. 5 (1), 34-42
Ali Aribi, Z. and Arun, T., (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility and Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs): Management Perceptions from IFIs in Bahrain. Journal of Business Ethics. 129 (4), 785-794
Kostov, P., Arun, T. and Annim, S., (2015). Access to financial services: The case of the 'Mzansi' account in South Africa. REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT FINANCE. 5 (1), 34-42
Kostov, P., Arun, T. and Annim, S., (2014). Banking the unbanked: the Mzansi intervention in South Africa. Indian Growth and Development Review. 7 (2), 118-141
Thankom Arun, TA. and Caroline Shenaz Hossein, CSH., (2014). Reviews. Enterprise Development & Microfinance. 25 (3), 259-264
Kostov, P., Arun, T. and Annim, S., (2014). Financial Services to the Unbanked: the case of the Mzansi intervention in South Africa. Contemporary Economics. 8 (2), 191-206
Arun, S., Annim, SK. and Arun, T., (2013). Overcoming Household Shocks: Do Asset-Accumulation Strategies Matter?. Review of Social Economy. 71 (3), 281-305
Kostov, P., Arun, T. and Annim, S., (2012). Determinants of Access to Finance: An Investigation into the Mzansi Intervention. The European Journal of Development Research. 24 (3), 397-412
Arun, T., Bendig, M. and Arun, S., (2012). Bequest Motives and Determinants of Micro Life Insurance in Sri Lanka. World Development. 40 (8), 1700-1711
Haque, F., Arun, TG. and Kirkpatrick, C., (2011). Corporate governance and capital structure in developing countries: a case study of Bangladesh. Applied Economics. 43 (6), 673-681
Hulme, D. and Arun, T., (2011). What's wrong and right with microfinance. Economic and Political Weekly. 46 (48), 23-26
Haque, F., Arun, T. and Kirkpatrick, C., (2011). The political economy of corporate governance in developing economies: The case of Bangladesh. Research in International Business and Finance. 25 (2), 169-182
Arun, S., Arun, T. and Devi, U., (2011). Transforming Livelihoods and Assets through Participatory Approaches: The Kudumbashree in Kerala, India. International Journal of Public Administration. 34 (3), 171-179
Arun, T. and Ulku, H., (2011). Determinants of Remittances: The Case of the South Asian Community in Manchester. Journal of Development Studies. 47 (6), 894-912
Callaghan, V. and Hagras, H., (2010). Preface. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2 (3), 207-209
Imai, KS., Arun, T. and Annim, SK., (2010). Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New Evidence from India. World Development. 38 (12), 1760-1774
Arun, S., Annim, SK. and Arun, TG., (2010). How can Asset Accumulation Strategies be Meaningful for Adivasis in Southern India?
Adjei, J., Arun, T. and Hossain, F., (2009). Asset building and poverty reduction in Ghana: The case of microfinance. Savings and Development. 33 (3), 265-292
Haque, F., Arun, TG. and Kirkpatrick, C., (2008). Corporate governance and capital markets: a conceptual framework. Corporate Ownership and Control. 5 (2), 264-276
Reaz, M. and Arun, T., (2005). Corporate governance and competition: Conceptual thoughts. Corporate Ownership and Control. 3 (1), 46-51
Arun, T., (2005). Regulating for development: the case of microfinance. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 45 (2-3), 346-357
Arun, TG. and Turner, JD., (2004). Corporate Governance of Banks in Developing Economies: concepts and issues. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 12 (3), 371-377
Arun, SV., Arun, TG. and Borooah, VK., (2004). The effect of career breaks on the working lives of women. Feminist Economics. 10 (1), 65-84
Arun, TG. and Turner, JD., (2003). Financial Sector Reforms and Corporate Governance of Banks in Developing Economies: The Indian Experience. South Asia Economic Journal. 4 (2), 187-204
Kirkpatrick, C. and Arun, TG., (2003). Finance in India: An Overview. South Asia Economic Journal. 4 (2), v-viii
Arun, TG. and Turner, JD., (2002). Financial Sector Reforms in Developing Countries: The Indian Experience. The World Economy. 25 (3), 429-445
Arun, TG. and Turner, JD., (2002). Public Sector Banks in India: Rationale and Prerequisites for reform. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. 73 (1), 89-109
Arun, S. and Arun, T., (2002). ICTs, gender and development: women in software production in Kerala. Journal of International Development. 14 (1), 39-50
Arun, S. and Arun, TG., (2001). Gender issues in social security policy of developing countries: Lessons from the Kerala experience. International Social Security Review. 54 (4), 93-110
Arun, TG. and Nixson, FI., (2000). The Disinvestment of Public Sector Enterprises: The Indian Experience. Oxford Development Studies. 28 (1), 19-32
Arun, TG. and Nixson, FI., (1998). The transition of a public sector monopoly: India's experience with telecommunications. Journal of International Development. 10 (3), 387-395
Arun, TG. and Nixson, FI., (1998). The reform of the power sector in India: 1991-1997. Journal of International Development. 10 (4), 417-426
Arun, TG. and Nixson, EI., (1997). Privatization and public enterprise reform in the Asia‐Pacific region. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 2 (2), 201-224
Books (5)
Peprah, JA., Derera, E., Ngalawa, H. and Arun, T., (2022). Financial Sector Development in Ghana Exploring Bank Stability, Financing Models, and Development Challenges for Sustainable Financial Markets. Palgrave Macmillan. 3031093445. 9783031093449
(2016). Handbook of Research on Green Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies. IGI Global. 9781522504405
(2009). Corporate Governance and Development. 9781848444201
Arun, TG. and Turner, J., (2009). Corporate Governance and Development: Reform, Financial Systems and Legal Frameworks. 9781848444201
Hulme, D. and Arun, T., (2009). Microfinance. Routledge. 9780203882764
Book chapters (14)
Arun, T., Ashraf, M., Jayasinghe, K. and Soobaroyen, T., (2023). Accounting, Accountability and Governance in Emerging Economies: A Development Perspective. In: Handbook of Accounting, Accountability and Governance. Editors: Garry, C. and Christopher, N., . Edward Edgar Publishing. 215- 236. 9781800886537
Arun, S., Annim, S., Bose, U. and Arun, T., (2023). Gendered Financial Behaviour in Ghana: A Comparative Study with South Africa. In: Financial Sector Development in Ghana Exploring Bank Stability, Financing Models, and Development Challenges for Sustainable Financial Markets. Palgrave Macmillan. 105- 131. 9783031093449
Peprah, JA., Ngalawa, H., Arun, T. and Derera, E., (2023). Introduction. In: Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions. Springer International Publishing. 1- 11. 9783031093449
Donkor, GNA., Ofori-Sasu, D., Arun, T. and Abor, JY., (2023). Corporate governance and sustainability ethics in developing countries. In: Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Developing Markets. 115- 127
Arun, T., Girardone, C. and Piserà, S., (2022). ESG issues in emerging markets and the role of banks. In: Handbook of Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets. Editors: Duc, KN., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 1800880901. 9781800880900
Arun, TG. and Nixon, FI., (2018). Privatisation in India: "miles to go...?". In: The Indian Economy: Contemporary Issues. 69- 91
Arun, T., (2016). Financialisation in an Interwoven World. In: The Interwoven World - Ideas and Encounters in History. Editors: Avari, B. and Joseph, GG., . Common Ground Publishing. 978-1612298283
(2011). Impact of microfinance: evidence from India ANURAG PRIyADARSHee , THANKOM ARUN AND. In: Microcredit and International Development. Routledge. 162- 177
Arun, TG. and Turner, J., (2009). Corporate governance and development: Reform, financial systems and legal framework - an overview. In: Corporate Governance and Development: Reform, Financial Systems and Legal Frameworks. 1- 6
Arun, T. and Hulme, D., (2009). INTRODUCTION. In: Microfinance. Routledge. 1- 6
Arun, T., (2009). REGULATING FOR DEVELOPMENT: The case of microfinance. In: Microfinance. Routledge. 186- 197
Hulme, D. and Arun, T., (2009). THE FUTURE OF MICROFINANCE. In: Microfinance. Routledge. 225- 231
Arun, T., Hulme, D. and Matin, I., (2009). FINANCE FOR THE POOR: The way forward?. In: Microfinance. Routledge. 7- 16
Arun, T., Hulme, D., Matin, I. and Rutherford, S., (2005). Finance for the poor: The way forward?. In: Finance and Development: Surveys of Theory, Evidence and Policy. 304- 314
Reports and Papers (11)
Arun, T., Murinde, V., Markose, S., Kostov, P. and Vine, J., (2025). UK–India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech – Enabled Services: Emerging Trends and Potential for Growth
Khan, A., Arun, T., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Markose, SM., Goel, V., Sethi, R. and Mcgarrell, R., (2024). Wealth Management and FinTech Innovation in UK & India
Khan, A., Arun, T., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Markose, SM., Goel, V., Sethi, R. and Mcgarrell, R., (2024). Enhancing Cross-Border Remittances Between UK and India
Khan, A., Markose, SM., Sethi, R., Kostov, P., Goel, V., Arun, T., Mcgarrell, R. and Murinde, V., (2024). Analysing Risks & Opportunities in UK - India FinTech Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
Arun, T., Markose, SM., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Khan, A., Goel, V., Sethi, R. and Mcgarrell, R., (2024). Overview of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) Services: India - UK Comparison
Khan, A., Murinde, V., Mcgarrell, R., Arun, T., Goel, V., Kostov, P., Sethi, R. and Markose, SM., (2024). The Evolution and Current State of Open Banking in India and UK
Arun, T., Markose, SM., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Khan, A., Mcgarrell, R., Goel, V. and Sethi, R., (2024). A Comparative Analysis of Digitalization in Small Finance Banks: India and UK Scenario
Arun, T., Markose, SM., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Khan, A., Arı, N., Goel, V. and Sethi, R., (2023). Impact of Neo-Banks (Digital Banks): India - UK Comparison
Arun, T., Markose, SM., Murinde, V., Kostov, P., Khan, A., Arı, N., Goel, V. and Sethi, R., (2023). Evolution of Digital Lending in Fintech: India - UK Comparison
Arun, T., Girardone, C. and Piserà, S., (2021). ESG issues in emerging markets and the role of banks
Upadhaya, B., Wijethilake, C., Adhikari, P., Jayasinghe, K. and Arun, T., (2021). Integrating climate change and livelihood within public investment policies: A cross-country assessment in south Asia (India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka)
Scholarly Editions (13)
Kostov, P., Arun, TG. and Annim, S., Usage of Financial Services in South Africa: Perceptions Matter
Annim, S. and Arun, TG., Is Climbing Difficult? A Gendered Analysis on the Use of Financial Services in Ghana and South Africa
Arun, TG. and Bendig, M., Risk Management among the Poor: The Case of Microfinancial Services
Arun, TG. and Annim, S., Economic Governance of MFIs: Inside the Black Box
Arun, S., Annim, S. and Arun, TG., 'Even' After Access to Financial Services? Ricocheting Gender Equations
Annim, S., Arun, TG. and Kostov, P., Effect of Perceptions and Behaviour on Access to and Use of Financial Service: Evidence from South Africa
Bendig, M. and Arun, TG., Enrolment in Micro Life and Health Insurance: Evidences from Sri Lanka
Arun, TG. and Turner, J., (2009). Corporate governance of banks in developing economies: Concepts and issues
Nxele, M. and Arun, TG., (2005). Regulatory Impact on the Development of the Telecommunications Sector in East Africa: A Case Study of Kenya
Reaz, M. and Arun, TG., (2005). Corporate Governance in Developing Economies: Perspective from the Banking Sector in Bangladesh
Arun, TG., (2004). Regulation and competition: emerging issues from an Indian perspective
Chen, S. and Arun, TG., (2004). Openness, Technological Capabilities and Regional Disparities in China
Arun, TG. and Borooah, V., (2004). Earnings Inequality in Sri Lanka
Media (1)
Arun, T., How cashless societies can boost financial inclusion – with the right safeguards. Image
Grants and funding
�Greening� White Gold: Co-Creating Climate-Friendly Practices through Regenerative Agriculture among Togo Cotton Farming Communities
British Academy
Growing Toward Regeneration: Improving Sustainability of the global Agriculture Supply Chain by Enhancing Perception of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) in Togo's Cotton-Farming: Phase 2
University of Essex (Research England - ODA)
THRREADS: Transforming Responsive and Relational Autonomy in the Garment Sector of the United Kingdom and Bangladesh
Economic and Social Research Council
Competency framework in public service delivery: the case of India
University of Essex (GCRF)
Integrating Climate Change within Public Investment Policies: A Cross Country Assessment in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka and Nepal)
The World Bank (World Bank Group)
UK-India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech-Enabled Services: Emerging trends and potential for growth
Economic and Social Research Council
Two-Way Visiting Fellowship with Indian colleague
University of Essex (GCRF)
Causes of Maternal Mortality in Botswana: An Exploratory Study
University of Essex (GCRF)
Public sector accountability in Kerala, India
University of Essex (GCRF)
Mainstreaming of the Finacial Inclusion Agenda in India
IAA ECC Challenge Lab project - Waste Busters
University of Essex
Academic support hours:
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911
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