
Dr Ryan Bakker

Department of Government
Dr Ryan Bakker

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Quantitative Political Analysis (GV207)

  • Advanced Quantitative Political Analysis (GV300)

  • Doctoral Research Seminar in Political Economy (GV971)


Journal articles (25)

Martinez-Gallardo, C., de la Cerda, N., Bakker, R., Hartlyn, J., Hooghe, L. and Marks, G., Revisiting Party System Structuration in Latin America and Europe: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions. Party Politics

Zur, R. and Bakker, R., (2025). The Israeli parties' positions in comparative perspective. Party Politics. 31 (2), 323-334

Hooghe, L., Marks, G., Bakker, R., Jolly, S., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Steenbergen, M. and Vachudova, MA., (2024). The Russian threat and the consolidation of the West: How populism and EU-skepticism shape party support for Ukraine. European Union Politics. 25 (3), 459-482

Taylor, Z., Lucas, J., Armstrong, DA. and Bakker, R., (2023). The Development of the Urban-Rural Cleavage in Anglo-American Democracies. Comparative Political Studies. 57 (8), 1339-1374

Bakker, R., Jolly, S. and Polk, J., (2022). Analyzing the cross-national comparability of Party Positions on the Socio-Cultural and EU Dimensions in Europe. Political Science Research and Methods. 10 (2), 408-418

Jolly, S., Bakker, R., Hooghe, L., Marks, G., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Steenbergen, M. and Vachudova, MA., (2022). Chapel Hill Expert Survey trend file, 1999–2019. Electoral Studies. 75, 102420-102420

Bakker, R., Rovny, J., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Marks, G., Polk, J., Steenbergen, M. and Vachudova, M., (2022). Contesting Covid: The Ideological Bases of Partisan Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic. European Journal of Political Research. 61 (4), 1155-1164

Bakker, R., Jolly, S. and Polk, J., (2020). Multidimensional Incongruence, Political Disaffection, and Support for Anti-Establishment Parties.. Journal of European Public Policy. 27 (2), 292-309

Struthers, CL., Hare, C. and Bakker, R., (2020). Bridging the pond: measuring policy positions in the United States and Europe. Political Science Research and Methods. 8 (4), 677-691

Clay, KC., Bakker, R., Brook, A-M., Hill, DW. and Murdie, A., (2020). Using practitioner surveys to measure human rights: The Human Rights Measurement Initiative’s civil and political rights metrics. Journal of Peace Research. 57 (6), 715-727

Bakker, R., Jolly, S. and Polk, J., (2018). Multidimensional incongruence and vote switching in Europe. Public Choice. 176 (1-2), 267-296

Justwan, F., Bakker, R. and Berejikian, JD., (2018). Measuring social trust and trusting the measure. The Social Science Journal. 55 (2), 149-159

Polk, J., Rovny, J., Bakker, R., Edwards, E., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Koedam, J., Kostelka, F., Marks, G., Schumacher, G., Steenbergen, M., Vachudova, M. and Zilovic, M., (2017). Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data. Research & Politics. 4 (1), 205316801668691-205316801668691

Bakker, R., Hill, DW. and Moore, WH., (2016). How much terror? Dissidents, governments, institutions, and the cross-national study of terror attacks. Journal of Peace Research. 53 (5), 711-726

Bakker, R., de Vries, C., Edwards, E., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Marks, G., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Steenbergen, M. and Vachudova, MA., (2015). Measuring party positions in Europe. Party Politics. 21 (1), 143-152

Hare, C., Armstrong, DA., Bakker, R., Carroll, R. and Poole, KT., (2015). Using Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling to Study Citizens' Ideological Preferences and Perceptions. American Journal of Political Science. 59 (3), 759-774

Weinberg, J. and Bakker, R., (2015). Let them eat cake: Food prices, domestic policy and social unrest. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 32 (3), 309-326

Bakker, R., Jolly, S., Polk, J. and Poole, K., (2014). The European Common Space: Extending the Use of Anchoring Vignettes. The Journal of Politics. 76 (4), 1089-1101

Bakker, R., Edwards, E., Jolly, S., Polk, J., Rovny, J. and Steenbergen, M., (2014). Anchoring the experts: Using vignettes to compare party ideology across countries. Research & Politics. 1 (3), 205316801455350-205316801455350

Crepaz, MML., Polk, JT., Bakker, RS. and Singh, SP., (2014). Trust Matters: The Impact of Ingroup and Outgroup Trust on Nativism and Civicness. Social Science Quarterly. 95 (4), 938-959

Bakker, R., Jolly, S. and Polk, J., (2012). Complexity in the European party space: Exploring dimensionality with experts. European Union Politics. 13 (2), 219-245

Weinberg, J. and Bakker, R., (2012). Betting the farm on high food prices: A consumer based approach to agriculture protection. The Social Science Journal. 49 (2), 191-201

HOOGHE, L., BAKKER, R., BRIGEVICH, A., DE VRIES, C., EDWARDS, E., MARKS, G., ROVNY, JAN., STEENBERGEN, M. and VACHUDOVA, M., (2010). Reliability and validity of the 2002 and 2006 Chapel Hill expert surveys on party positioning. European Journal of Political Research. 49 (5), 687-703

Bakker, R., (2009). Re-measuring left–right: A comparison of SEM and Bayesian measurement models for extracting left–right party placements. Electoral Studies. 28 (3), 413-421

Marks, G., Hooghe, L., Steenbergen, MR. and Bakker, R., (2007). Crossvalidating data on party positioning on European integration. Electoral Studies. 26 (1), 23-38

Books (1)

Armstrong, DA., Bakker, R., Carroll, R., Hare, C., Poole, KT. and Rosenthal, H., (2014). Analyzing spatial models of choice and judgment with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 1466517158. 9781466517158

Reports and Papers (1)

Bakker, R. and Poole, KT., Bayesian Metric Multidimensional Scaling

Dataset (1)

Bakker, R., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Marks, G., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Steenbergen, M. and Vachudova, M., (2021).The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2019



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