Professor Han Dorussen

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5.417, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesday 3 - 4 pm, Wednesday 1 - 2 pm, or by appointment
Professor Han Dorussen received his MA in political science from the University of Nijmegen and his Ph.D. in government for the University of Texas at Austin. He has been a lecturer at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Between 2008 and 2011 and in 2013-4, he was Head of Department of Government at the University of Essex. Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Essex since 2021. He is associate editor for the Journal of Peace Research, international affiliate of Centro Europeo di Scienza della Pace (CESPIC), and a member of the Michael Nicholson Centre of Conflict and Cooperation. His research focus is on international relations, conflict resolution and applied game theory. Editor of Handbook of Peacekeeping and International Relations (Edward Elgar 2022; Co-editor (with Emil Kirchner) of EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects (Routledge 2018), (with Emil Kirchner and Thomas Christiansen) of Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation (Cambridge University Press 2016), and (with Michael Taylor) of Economic Voting (Routledge 2002). Published articles in Public Choice, International Organization, World Politics, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Peacekeeping, International Interactions, European Union Politics, World Development, and Electoral Studies.
BA/MA Political Science Radboud University Nijmegen, (1987)
PhD Government, University of Texas at Austin, USA. University of Texas at Austin, (1996)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/9/2001 - 30/9/2004)
Senior Lecturer, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2004 - 30/9/2006)
Reader, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2006 - 30/9/2009)
Professor, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2009 - present)
Head of Department, Government, University of Essex (1/9/2008 - 31/8/2011)
Head of Department, Government, University of Essex (1/12/2013 - 31/8/2014)
Coordinator of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Essex (2021 - present)
Other academic
Guest Professor, Summer School, Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel (2016 - 2024)
Guest Professor, Social Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway (15/5/2023 - 16/5/2023)
Guest Professor, Kobe University (7/4/2014 - 18/4/2014)
Visiting Professor, University of Konstanz (1/6/2000 - 31/8/2001)
(Forste)Amanuensis, Political Science and Sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (1/7/1996 - 31/8/2001)
Assistant Instructor, Government, University of Texas at Austin (1/1/1996 - 30/6/1996)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Government, University of Texas at Austin (1/9/1989 - 30/6/1995)
Instructor, Political Science, Radboud University Nijmegen (1/9/1987 - 31/8/1989)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
The relationship between trade and conflict
the use of economic policies in international politics
peacekeeping operations and the governance of post-conflict societies
policy convergence in the European Union.
Current research
EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (with Emil Kirchner) - ongoing externally-funded research project
Political Initiatives and Peacekeeping - Data Collection, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (with Govinda Clayton) - ongoing externally-funded research project
Conferences and presentations
EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects
UACES 48th annual conference, Bath, United Kingdom, 4/9/2018
New Horizons in EU-Japan Cooperation
Invited presentation, European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) conference, Paleis der Academiën, Brussels, Belgium, 17/5/2018
The Political Side of Peacekeeping
Invited presentation, ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, United States, 6/4/2018
Convergence and Security Cooperation in EU-China Relations
Invited presentation, ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, United States, 4/4/2018
The Effectiveness of Mediation and Peacekeeping for Global Conflict Management
Invited presentation, The Micro and Macro Foundations of Conflict, Bath, United Kingdom, 20/1/2018
Political Peacekeeping: Assessing the Influence of UN Political Missions
Invited presentation, FBA Research and Policy Dialogue: Peace Operations: new directions for turbulent times, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9/10/2017
NGO Perceptions and Expectations of Peacekeeping
Invited presentation, FBA Research and Policy Dialogue: Peace Operations: new directions for turbulent times, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9/10/2017
EU-China Security Relations: From convergence to cooperation?
Invited presentation, European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) conference, Brussels, Belgium, 12/5/2016
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
International Relations: Theories and Approaches (GV214)
Essex Challenge Project (GV830)
Conflict Resolution (GV906)
Conflict Resolution and Peace (GV946)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/2/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/11/2022

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/6/2022

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/12/2021

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 6/10/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/6/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/5/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/11/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/6/2017
Journal articles (53)
Yen, DA-W., Dorussen, H., Pickering, S., Hansen, M., Scotto, T. and Reifler, J., (2025). To share or not to share: Public attitudes towards disclosing personal and identifiable medical data and information. British Journal of Health Care Management. 31 (1), 1-12
Zhang, S. and Dorussen, H., (2025). Does peacekeeping mitigate the impact of aid on conflict? Peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and violence against civilians. Journal of Conflict Resolution
Pickering, S., Dorussen, H., Hansen, ME., Reifler, J., Scotto, T., Sunahara, Y. and Yen, D., (2024). London, you have a problem with women: trust towards the police in England. Policing and Society. 34 (8), 747-762
Dorussen, H., Hansen, ME., Pickering, SD., Reifler, J., Scotto, T., Yunahara, Y. and Yen, D., (2024). The influence of waiting times and sociopolitical variables on public trust in healthcare: A cross-sectional study of the NHS in England. Public Health in Practice. 7 (June 2), 100484-100484
Bakaki, Z. and Dorussen, H., (2023). Trust in peacebuilding organizations: A survey experiment in Haiti. World Development. 172, 106375-106375
Duursma, A., Bara, C., Wilén, N., Hellmüller, S., Karlsrud, J., Oksamytna, K., Bruker, J., Campbell, S., Cusimano, S., Donati, M., Dorussen, H., Druet, D., Geier, V., Epiney, M., Geier, V., Gelot, L., Gyllensporre, D., Hiensch, A., Hultman, L., Hunt, CT., Krishnan, RC., Labuda, PI., Langenbach, S., Norberg, AH., Novosseloff, A., Oriesek, D., Rhoads, EP., Re, F., Russo, J., Sauter, M., Smidt, H., Staeger, U. and Wenger, A., (2023). UN Peacekeeping at 75: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects. International Peacekeeping. 30 (4), 415-476
Clayton, G. and Dorussen, H., (2022). The effectiveness of mediation and peacekeeping for ending conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 59 (2), 150-165
Dorussen, H., Bohmelt, T. and Clayton, G., (2022). Sequencing United Nations Peacemaking: Political Initiatives and Peacekeeping Operations. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 39 (1), 24-48
González Peña, A. and Dorussen, H., (2021). The Reintegration of Ex-Combatants and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of Municipal Crime Levels in Colombia. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 38 (3), 316-337
Kirchner, EJ. and Dorussen, H., (2021). New horizons in EU–Japan security cooperation. Asia Europe Journal. 19 (1), 27-41
Clayton, G., Dorussen, H. and Bohmelt, T., (2021). United Nations Peace Initiatives 1946-2015: Introducing a New Dataset. International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations. 47 (1), 161-180
Dorussen, H., Bakaki, Z. and Kolbe, AR., (2021). Challenges of using collaborative methods in surveying political trust in Haiti. PS: Political Science and Politics. 54 (3), 570-574
Dorussen, H., (2020). Peacekeeping after Covid-19. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 26 (3)
Ruggeri, A., Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, TI., (2018). On the Frontline Every Day? Subnational Deployment of United Nations Peacekeepers. British Journal of Political Science. 48 (4), 1005-1025
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, E. and Christiansen, T., (2018). Security Cooperation in EU-China Relations: Towards Convergence?. European Foreign Affairs Review. 23 (3), 287-304
Dorussen, H. and Clayton, G., (2018). Political Initiatives and Peacekeeping: Assessing Multiple UN Conflict Resolution Tools. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 24 (4)
Ruggeri, A., Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, TI., (2017). Winning the Peace Locally: UN Peacekeeping and Local Conflict. International Organization. 71 (1), 163-185
Dorussen, H. and Ruggeri, A., (2017). Peacekeeping Event Data: Determining the Place and Space of Peacekeeping. International Peacekeeping, 32-38
Dorussen, H., Gartzke, EA. and Westerwinter, O., (2016). Networked international politics. Journal of Peace Research. 53 (3), 283-291
Ward, H. and Dorussen, H., (2016). Standing alongside your friends. Journal of Peace Research. 53 (3), 392-408
Dorussen, H., (2015). Security Perception after the Completion of UN Peacekeeping in Timor-Leste. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 21 (4), 453-458
Kirchner, EJ., Fanoulis, E. and Dorussen, H., (2015). Civil security in the EU: national persistence versus EU ambitions?. European Security. 24 (2), 287-303
Ward, H. and Dorussen, H., (2015). Public Information and Performance: The Role of Spatial Dependence in the Worldwide Governance Indicators among African Countries. World Development. 74, 253-263
Dorussen, H. and Kirchner, EJ., (2014). Better a good neighbor than a distant friend: the scope and impact of regional security organizations. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 14 (1), 117-146
Bussmann, M., Dorussen, H. and Gleditsch, NP., (2014). Against All Odds: 2013 Richardson Award to Mats Hammarstr�m and Peter Wallensteen. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 20 (2), 235-243
Dorussen, H., (2014). Peacekeeping Works, or Does It?. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 20 (4), 527-537
Ruggeri, A., Gizelis, T-I. and Dorussen, H., (2013). Managing Mistrust. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 57 (3), 387-409
Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, T-I., (2013). Into the lion’s den. Journal of Peace Research. 50 (6), 691-706
NANOU, K. and DORUSSEN, HAN., (2013). European integration and electoral democracy: How the European Union constrains party competition in the Member States. European Journal of Political Research. 52 (1), 71-93
Ruggeri, A., Gizelis, T-I. and Dorussen, H., (2011). Events Data as Bismarck's Sausages? Intercoder Reliability, Coders' Selection, and Data Quality. International Interactions. 37 (3), 340-361
Dorussen, H., Murshed, SM. and Ward, H., (2011). Any Ties that Bind? Economic Diplomacy on the South Asian Subcontinent. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. 6 (1), 149-169
Ward, H., Ezrow, L. and Dorussen, H., (2011). Globalization, Party Positions, and the Median Voter. World Politics. 63 (3), 509-547
Dorussen, H. and Ward, H., (2010). Liberal Peace en Economische Diplomatie. Internationale Spectator. 64 (2), 91-94
Ward, H. and Dorussen, H., (2010). Trade Links and the Kantian Peace: A Network-Theoretic Approach to Communication, Inter-Cultural Understanding, and Conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (1), 29-42
Ward, H. and Dorussen, H., (2010). Trade Links and the Kantian Peace: A Network-Theoretic Approach to Communication, Inter-Cultural Understanding, and Conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (1), 29-42
Dorussen, H., (2009). Economic and political coercion in ethno-political conflict. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 50 (SPECIAL ISSUE), 417-+
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2009). Sharing the Burden of Collective Security in the European Union. Research Note. International Organization. 63 (4), 789-810
Dorussen, H. and Ward, H., (2008). Inter Governmental Organizations and the Kantian Peace: A Network Perspective. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 52 (2), 189-212
Dorussen, H., Lenz, H. and Ward, H., (2007). Public commitment strategies in intergovernmental negotiations on the EU Constitutional Treaty. The Review of International Organizations. 2 (2), 131-152
Dorussen, H., (2006). Heterogeneous Trade Interests and Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 50 (1), 87-107
Dorussen, H. and Nanou, K., (2006). European Integration, Intergovernmental Bargaining, and Convergence of Party Programmes. European Union Politics. 7 (2), 235-256
Dorussen, H., Lenz, H. and Blavoukos, S., (2005). Assessing the Reliability and Validity of Expert Interviews. European Union Politics. 6 (3), 315-337
Dorussen, H., (2005). Governance, Development and State Building. The European Journal of Development Research. 17 (3), 411-422
Dorussen, H., (2004). Pim Fortuyn And the "new" far right in the Netherlands. Representation. 40 (2), 131-145
Ravlo, H., Gleditsch, NP. and Dorussen, H., (2003). Colonial War and the Democratic Peace. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 47 (4), 520-548
Dorussen, H., (2002). Trade and Conflict in Multi-country Models: A Rejoinder. Journal of Peace Research. 39 (1), 115-118
Dorussen, H. and Mo, J., (2001). Ending Economic Sanctions. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 45 (4), 395-426
Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., (2001). The political context of issue-priority voting: coalitions and economic voting in the Netherlands, 1970–1999. Electoral Studies. 20 (3), 399-426
Dorussen, H., (2001). Mixing Carrots with Sticks: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Positive Incentives. Journal of Peace Research. 38 (2), 251-262
Dorussen, H., (1999). Balance of Power Revisited: A Multi-Country Model of Trade and Conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 36 (4), 443-462
Lin, T-M., Enelow, JM. and Dorussen, H., (1999). Equilibrium in multicandidate probabilistic spatial voting. Public Choice. 89 (1-2), 210-213
Dorussen, H., (1998). Economics of crime. Deterrence and the rational offender. Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning. 39 (2), 313-316
Dorussen, H., (1997). Christopher Lingle, Singapore's authoritarian capitalism: Asian values, free market illusions, and political dependency.. Public Choice. 93 (1/2), 210-213
Books (4)
Dorussen, H., (2022). Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1839109920. 9781839109928
Kirchner, EJ. and Dorussen, H., (2019). EU-Japan Security Cooperation Trends and Prospects. Routledge. 113831580X. 9781138315808
Kirchner, E., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2016). Security Relations between the European Union and China: From Convergence to Cooperation?. Cambridge University Press. 1107149037. 9781316563243
Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., (2002). Economic Voting. Routledge. 978-0415254335
Book chapters (29)
Dorussen, H., Fanoulis, E. and Kirchner, E., The EU as a Regulator of Civil Security across Europe. In: European Civil Security Governance. Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137481115
Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., Group economic voting. In: Economic Voting. Taylor & Francis. 92- 92
Clayton, G., Dorussen, H. and Böhmelt, T., (2023). United Nations peace initiatives 1946-2015: introducing a new dataset. In: International Conflict and Conflict Management. Routledge. 161- 180
Dorussen, H., (2022). Peacekeeping as rule-based interventions in international relations. In: Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations. Editors: Dorussen, H., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 1- 11. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H., (2022). Mediation, political missions, and peacekeeping. In: Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations. Editors: Dorussen, H., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 88- 101. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H. and de Vooght, M., (2022). The local perception of peacekeepers. In: Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations. Editors: Dorussen, H., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 314- 326. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H. and de Vooght, M., (2022). The local perception of peacekeepers. In: Consent in peacekeeping. Edward Elgar Publishing. 314- 326. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H., (2022). Peacekeeping as rule-based interventions in international relations. In: Consent in peacekeeping. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1- 10. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H., (2022). Mediation, political missions, and peacekeeping. In: Consent in peacekeeping. Edward Elgar Publishing. 88- 101. 9781839109928
Dorussen, H. and Cook, ADB., (2021). Civil Protection and Disaster Management. In: The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners.. Editors: Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E. and Tan, SS., . Palgrave Macmillan. 185- 207. 978-3-030-69965-9
Cook, ADB. and Dorussen, H., (2021). Civil Protection and Disaster Management. In: The European Union in International Affairs. Springer International Publishing. 185- 207. 9783030699659
Dorussen, HPR., Madokoro, D. and Tago, A., (2018). Civil Protection: enhancing resilience through collaboration. In: EU-Japan Security Cooperation: trends and prospects. Editors: Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., . Routledge. 127- 144. 9781138315808
Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., (2018). New horizons in EU-Japan security cooperation?. In: EU-Japan Security Cooperation: trends and prospects. Editors: Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., . Routledge. 203- 220. 9781138315808
Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., (2018). New horizons in EU–Japan cooperation?. In: EU–Japan Security Cooperation. Routledge. 203- 220
Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., (2016). Against the odds: (considerable) convergence and (limited) cooperation in EU-China security relations. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation?. Editors: Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., . Cambridge University Press (CUP). 229- 247. 9781107149038
Gizelis, T., Dorussen, H. and Petrova, M., (2016). Research Findings on the Evolution of Peacekeeping. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Editors: Thompson, WR., . Oxford University Press
Dorussen, H., Jin, L. and Fanoulis, E., (2016). Civil Protection: Identifying Opportunities for Collaboration. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union. Cambridge University Press. 145- 166
Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2015). EU-China security cooperation in context. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. 1- 18. 9781107149038
Dorussen, H., Fanoulis, E. and Kirchner, EJ., (2015). The EU as Regulator of Civil Security across Europe. In: European Civil Security Goverance - Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Editors: Bossong, R. and Hegemann, H., . Palgrave Macmillan. 211- 232. 9781137481108
Metternich, NW., Gleditsch, KS., Dorussen, H. and Ruggeri, A., (2012). International dimensions of internal conflict. In: Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States. Edward Elgar Publishing. 214- 222. 9781848448421
Dorussen, H. and Ward, H., (2011). Disaggregated Trade Flows and International Conflict. In: The Handbook on the Political Economy of War. Editors: Coyne, CJ. and Mathers, RL., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 515- 533. 9781848442481
(2011). Economic Diplomacy. In: Economic Diplomacy: Economic and Political Perspectives. Editors: van Bergeijk, PAG., Okano-Heijmans, M. and Melissen, J., . Brill | Nijhoff. 149- 169. 9789004209602
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2010). Conclusion: structure, agency and the barriers to global security governance. In: National Security Cultures: Patterns of Global Governance. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., . Routledge. 103- 123. 9780415777438
(2010). Conclusion: Structure, agency and the barriers to global security governance. In: National Security Cultures. Routledge. 315- 330
Dorussen, H., (2009). �konomische und politische Zwangsmassnahmen in ethnopolitischen Konflikt. In: Identitat, Institutionen und �konomie: Ursachen innenpolitischer Gewalt. Editors: Bussman, M., Hasenclever, A. and Schneider, G., . Politsche Vierteljahresschrift. 417- 444
(2006). Policy-Making Processes and the European Constitution. In: Policy-Making Processes and the European Constitution: A Comparative Study of Member States and Accession Countries. Editors: König, T. and Hug, S., . Routledge. 69- 76
Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., (2003). Group Economic Voting: A comparison of the Netherlands and Germany. In: Economic Voting. Editors: Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., . Routledge. 92- 120. 9780415254335
Dorussen, H. and Palmer, HD., (2003). The context of economic voting: an introduction. In: Economic Voting. Editors: Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., . Routledge. 1- 14. 9780415254335
Dorussen, H., (2003). Conclusions. In: Economic Voting. 303- 310
Reports and Papers (6)
Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., EU-China Security Cooperation in Context
Dorussen, H., Obot, D., Kiboko Enyaru, J., Onweng, T., Cula, AA., Bizimana, D., Tumusiime, F., Pulkol, D., Ebila, F., Anena, C., Mugisa, J., Opondo, H. and Ouma Bwire, F., (2022). GCRF_NF138: Uptake of Public Health Practices for Prevention of COVID-19 among Refugees, Pastoralist Communities, Truck Drivers, Slum Dwellers: Uganda
Ortiz Escobar, D., Gaitán Murillo, A., Bustos Bautista, A., García Albarracín, A., Gutiérrez Yepes, P., Martínez Rojas, H., Contreras Cepeda, L., Benedetti Ramírez, V., Dorussen, H., Amaya-Panche, J. and Velasco-Guachalla, X., (2022). Fortalecimiento de la confianza y la inclusión socioeconómica
Dorussen, HPR. and de Vooght, M., (2018). Putting Civilians First. NGO Perceptions and Expectations of UN Peacekeeping
Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2015). EU-China security cooperation in context. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2015/31 (European University Institute).
Fanoulis, E., Kirchner, E., Dorussen, H. and Hinkkainen, K., (2014). ANVIL Deliverable 5.1: Report on EU added-value for policy stakeholders
Other (8)
Dorussen, H., (2024).An Image Tarnished? Anti-UN Protests and the Future of Peacekeeping
Bakaki, Z. and Dorussen, H., (2024).Trust is key to peacebuilding and humanitarian work in Haiti,Peace News Network
Dorussen, H., (2020).UN: political missions are gradually replacing peacekeeping -- why that's dangerous,The Conversation
Dorussen, H., (2019).Why the EU-Japan trade deal matters for the UK,LSE Business Review
Dorussen, HPR., (2017).Dutch elections: Why Geert Wilders failed to destroy the mainstream government,The Conversation
Dorussen, H., (2016).More than Taxi-Drivers? Pitfalls and Prospects of Local Peacekeeping,Sustainable Security, Oxford Research Group
Dorussen, H. and Gizelis, T., (2015).Flipping the Classroom in Teaching Conflict Resolution,inpracticearticles
Boin, A., Bossong, R., Brazova, V., Di Camillo, F., Coste, F., Dorussen, H., Ekengren, M., Fanoulis, E., Hegemann, H., Hellenberg, T., Kesetovic, Z., Kirchner, EJ., Kuipers, S., Marrone, A., Matczak, P., Nexon, E., Pettersson, Y., Rhinard, M., Samardzija, V., Szalankiewicz, D., Tessari, P., Ungaro, AR. and Visuri, P., (2014).Civil Security and the European Union: A survey of European civil security systems and the role of the EU in building shared crisis management capacities,The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Grants and funding
Highlight SDAI: Successful Reintegration Trajectories of Ex-Combatants in Colombia
Economic and Social Research Council
Peacekeeping Dividends and Post-conflict Development
European Research Council
Territorial trajectories of reintegration
University of Essex (GCRF)
Strengthening trust and socioeconomic inclusion
University of Essex (GCRF)
Measuring Trust and its Variance during the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Serial Surveys and Quantitative Text Analysis
Economic and Social Research Council
REF2021: Impact evidence collection, data mining and impact opportunity identification for UoA19
University of Essex
Business, Peace and Sustainability
University of Essex (GCRF)
Workshop on Peacekeeping and International Relations
Folke Bernadotte Academy
Uptake of Public Health Practices for Prevention of COVID-19 among Refugees, Pastoralist Communities, Truck Drivers and Slum Dwellers in Uganda
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Trust in organizations and their impact on peace processes in Haiti
British Academy
Local Peacekeeping: NGO perceptions and expectations of UN peacekeepers
University of Essex
IAA Funded Project
Economic & Social Research Council
Political Initiatives and Peacekeeping - Data Collection
Folke Bernadette Academy
UN Peace Building and Human Security in Post-Conflict Timor Leste
The British Academy
Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe (ANVIL)
European Commission (FP7)
Automated Peacekeeping Events (Data)
Folke Bernadette Academy
UN Peackeeping & Local Governance: The Balkans
Folke Bernadette Academy
Peacekeeping Locations Events Datset
Folke Bernadette Academy
Un Peacekeeping And Local Governance
Folke Bernadette Academy
Academic support hours:
Tuesday 3 - 4 pm, Wednesday 1 - 2 pm, or by appointment