Dr Christina Gkonou

cgkono@essex.ac.uk -
3.306, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Please email me to arrange a meeting
I received my PhD in English Language Teaching and MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Department of Language and Linguistics at the University of Essex. I also have a CELTA qualification at Pass Grade A and a BA in English Language and Literature from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. In 2006-2007 I studied French-Greek translation at the University Paul Valery Montpellier III, France. At Essex, I lead the MA TESOL programme and teach on a range of different modules on language teacher education and the psychology of language learning and teaching. Under the Erasmus+ scheme, I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate students at universities overseas including the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), University of Bremen (Germany), Pontificia Universidad Catolica in Lima (Peru) and Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany). My research is concerned with the affective dimension of language learning and teaching, particularly language learner anxiety and language teacher emotions. I am currently looking - through narrative, interview accounts - at how and why teachers undertake emotional labour in their daily practice, how they perform emotion regulation relationally, and how emotions are perceived and function within EMI institutions. Additionally, I work closely with Cambridge University Press on a number of projects on emotional skills (as part of the new Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies in Education), test/retest anxiety, anxiety among children, and psychological wellbeing. My previous book (2020) was on "The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching" (co-edited with Jean-Marc Dewaele and Jim King; published by Multilingual Matters). My new co-authored book (2022) with Kate Brierton is on "Cultivating Teacher Wellbeing" (published by Cambridge University Press). My work has received recognition and attracted interest at an international scale, and I am often invited to discuss it through plenaries and keynote presentations at international conferences. I also have extensive experience in supervising doctoral students on topics surrounding the psychological dimensions of language learning and teaching. Additionally, I have examined over 20 PhD theses as Internal Examiner at Essex and as External Examiner across the UK and in Australia, Pakistan, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In 2013 I was shortlisted for a British Council ELTons Award for Innovative Writing, and in 2015 I received a British Council English Language Teaching Research Award for a collaborative research project on English language teachers' emotional and social intelligence. In 2017 I received a Celebrating Excellence Award from the Faculty of Social Sciences for innovative ideas and for promoting the department's TESOL programmes. In 2019 I was invited to act as Expert Panel Member of the new MA TEFL programme of the Arab Open University (in Egypt but also across eight other countries in the Middle East). I have served as External Examiner for the MA TESOL and MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University of Birmingham and the University of Kent. I currently serve as External Examiner for the MA TESOL, MEd TESOL and MA TESOL China at the University of Leeds.
BA Hons (Aristotle University)
MA (Essex)
RSA Cambridge CELTA
PhD Essex
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) Advance HE,
University of Essex
Deputy Head of Department, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/8/2021 - present)
MA TESOL Course Director, University of Essex (1/9/2017 - present)
Deputy Director of Education (Linguistics), University of Essex (1/9/2017 - 30/7/2021)
GTA Coordinator, University of Essex (1/8/2018 - 30/7/2021)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Psychology of foreign language learning and teaching
Language teacher emotions, emotional labour and emotional capital
Language teacher agency and identity
Affective and meta-affective strategies for language learning
Language teacher education
Social and emotional learning
Language learner and teacher wellbeing
Current research
Emotional self-regulation in language classrooms
Caring, emotional labour and teacher professional identity
Critical incidents in language teaching
The language of emotion
Cognition and emotion in language teacher self-reflection
Conferences and presentations
Understanding language teachers' experiences of happiness and caring
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 3rd International Conference on Psychology for Language Teachers and Learners (ICPLTL-2024), Istanbul, Turkey, 26/10/2024
Understanding visual deficits and emotions in dyslexia: A study of L2 reading fluency
57th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) on ‘Applied linguistics in contemporary contexts: Practices, approaches and future directions’, Colchester, United Kingdom, 6/9/2024
Learning from experienced teachers: How and when belonging matters
Second Language Teacher Education Conference (SLTED 2024), Brno, Czech Republic, 5/9/2024
Semantics of emotion concepts: Understanding emotions in language education
Invited presentation, Warsaw, Poland, 20/5/2024
Collaborative and relational dimensions of emotion regulation in language teaching
5th International Conference for the Psychology of Language Learning (PLL5), Madrid, Spain, 17/5/2024
Understanding critical incidents in teaching
Keynote presentation, 28th TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Annual International Conference on ‘To TESOL or not to TESOL? Teachers at the helm of CPD’., 1/4/2023
Sustaining and supporting teacher wellbeing
Invited presentation, Global Schools Festival, World of Better Learning, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 25/11/2022
Understanding life competencies in language education
Invited presentation, 5th TESOL Colombia Annual International Conference on ‘Ready for Phygital ELT era? Thriving in disruptive education’ [online], Bogota, Colombia, 19/8/2022
Prioritizing wellbeing in the language classroom
Keynote presentation, Cambridge English Schools Colombia Conference, Bogota, Colombia, 17/8/2022
Language learner anxiety: Implications for language teaching and assessment
Invited presentation, ESRC/AHRC UK-South Korea Symposium on ‘Meeting future challenges in language teaching and testing: Building teams, setting goals’, Coventry, United Kingdom, 25/7/2022
Understanding language teacher emotions
Keynote presentation, 13th Turkish Education Association ELT Conference on ‘From reflection to re-imagination: In the maze of ELT’ [online], Ankara, Turkey, 28/5/2022
Cultivating teacher wellbeing
Keynote presentation, 4th TESOL Turkey International ELT Conference [online], Ankara, Turkey, 18/3/2022
Sustaining and protecting language teacher wellbeing
Keynote presentation, 26th TESOL Arabia International Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 12/3/2022
Happiness and frustration in language teaching practice
Invited presentation, 26th TESOL Arabia International Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11/3/2022
Leading school recovery through promoting wellbeing
Keynote presentation, British Council Partner Schools Conference [online], Colombia, Bogota, 10/3/2022
Socio-emotional competencies in 21st century language classrooms
Keynote presentation, International Conference on Literature, Linguistics, Translation Studies and Faculty Development (ICLLTSFD 2021) on ‘21st Century Innovative Trends and Future Perspectives in English Literature, Linguistics and Faculty Development’ [online], Lahore, Pakistan, 7/12/2021
Reflections and new perspectives on language teacher emotions
Keynote presentation, JALT2021: Reflections and New Perspectives International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching [online], 14/11/2021
Developing resilience in response to critical incidents in teaching
Keynote presentation, 10th ELT Malta Conference on ‘Celebrating resilience’ [online], Valletta, Malta, 8/10/2021
Student emotions and coping during the pandemic
Invited presentation, Cambridge University Press Ecuador [online], Quito, Ecuador, 25/8/2021
Managing emotions for learner autonomy
Keynote presentation, Independent Learning Association and IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG Conference on ‘Developing learner autonomy in language learning’ [online], Mexico City, Mexico, 28/6/2021
Building compassionate school cultures to support teacher wellbeing
Invited presentation, 54th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition [online], Harrogate, United Kingdom, 21/6/2021
Narrative analysis of critical incidents in language teacher practice
Keynote presentation, 32nd International Conference on Foreign and Second Language Acquisition on ‘Narratives of success and failure: Stories from FL teachers and learners’ [online], Katowice, Poland, 22/5/2021
Rethinking support for language teacher wellbeing
Keynote presentation, 2nd International Congress on Languages, Linguistics and Translation [online], Mexico City, Mexico, 11/3/2021
Caring for teachers and their wellbeing
Keynote presentation, Effective Teaching of Foreign Languages (Virtual Conference), Poznań, Poland, 21/11/2020
Series of online lectures on: The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching, and The psychology of language learning
Invited presentation, Changchun, China, 28/10/2020
The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching
Keynote presentation, FEL Internacional – El Foro De Estudios En Lenguas 2020 (Virtual Conference), Chetumal, Mexico, 7/10/2020
The ups and downs of language learning
Keynote presentation, The Asian Conference on Language (ACL2020) (Virtual Conference), The Asian Conference on Language (ACL2020), Tokyo, Japan, 26/3/2020
Teaching high: Wellbeing in the making (The James E. Alatis Honorary Plenary for Outstanding Service to the ELT Field)
Keynote presentation, TESOL Greece 41st Annual International Convention on ‘Teaching high: Embracing versatility’, Athens, Greece, 7/3/2020
Language teacher emotions, motivation and the craft of qualitative interviewing
Keynote presentation, Forum on Language Learning Motivation: Celebrating methodological diversity in the research community, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 19/2/2020
Exploring the teaching heart: A critical incident analysis of language teacher emotions
Invited presentation, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 18/2/2020
Cultivating wellbeing in English language teaching: Supporting teachers to flourish and thrive
Invited presentation, Better Learning Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3/7/2019
Series of lectures on: Researching language learner anxiety and other emotions, Research methods for teacher identities and emotions, Researching language learning and teaching as social and relational practices, and Doing research in applied linguistics and TESOL - topics, methods, concerns and solutions
Invited presentation, Changchun, China, 24/6/2019
Identities and emotions in language teaching practice
Invited presentation, Seoul, South Korea, 1/4/2019
Understanding shifts in language teacher identities and emotions
Invited presentation, JALT Teacher Development SIG Workshop on 'Teacher Identity and Emotions', Tokyo, Japan, 20/3/2019
Rethinking the language learner: What can the psychology of language learning offer?
Keynote presentation, 7th Bremen Symposium on Language Learning and Teaching at Universities, Bremen, Germany, 1/3/2019
Emotional and social intelligence: Examples from foreign language education
Invited presentation, Scientific Colloquium of the Department of Greek Philology, Komotini, Greece, 16/1/2019
Foreign language learner anxiety: Causes, consequences and classroom cures
Invited presentation, Language Acts and World Making workshop on 'The role of emotions in foreign language learning and teaching', London, United Kingdom, 24/11/2018
Current trends in qualitative research into language teaching
Invited presentation, Beijing, China, 15/6/2018
Critical incidents in language teaching
Invited presentation, Beijing, China, 11/6/2018
Storying language teacher selves: Emotionality in reflections on critical incidents in past teaching
Keynote presentation, Teacher Journeys 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 3/6/2018
Anxiety-free exam preparation for young learners
Invited presentation, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17/5/2018
Anxious learners, caring teachers and the emotional labour of teaching
Invited presentation, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1/5/2018
Teacher emotions and teacher education for TESOL
Invited presentation, Canterbury, United Kingdom, 21/3/2018
Emotions and foreign language education
Invited presentation, Thessaloniki, Greece, 19/12/2017
Exploring English language teachers’ emotions
Invited presentation, Leicester, United Kingdom, 1/3/2017
The dynamic interplay between learner agency and language anxiety
Invited presentation, Leeds, United Kingdom, 3/2/2016
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Language Teaching in Different Contexts (LG329)
Educational Leadership and Management (LG656)
MA Dissertation (LG981)
Research Methods (LG575)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/8/2023

Degree subject: English Language Teaching
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2023

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/4/2023

Degree subject: English Language Teaching
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/3/2023

Degree subject: English Language Teaching
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2022

Degree subject: English Language Teaching
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/2/2022

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/6/2020

Degree subject: English Language Teaching
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/2/2020

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/5/2019

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 14/1/2018
Journal articles (17)
Miller, ER. and Gkonou, C., (2024). Investigating Entanglements in Experienced Language Teachers’ Sense of Belonging and What Belonging Does. International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Hillman, S., Li, W., Şahan, Ö., Sahan, K., Liyanage, I., Zhang, T., Yuan, R., Hopkyns, S., Gkonou, C. and Sah, PK., (2023). Forum on “The emotional landscape of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education”. Linguistics and Education. 75, 101181-101181
Hopkyns, S. and Gkonou, C., (2023). Sites of belonging: Fluctuating and entangled emotions at a UAE English-medium university. Linguistics and Education. 75 (101148), 101148-101148
Gkonou, C. and Miller, ER., (2023). Relationality in language teacher emotion regulation: Regulating emotions through, with and for others. System. 115, 103046-103046
Miller, ER. and Gkonou, C., (2023). Exploring Teacher Caring as a “Happy Object” in Language Teacher Accounts of Happiness. Applied Linguistics. 44 (2), 328-346
Gkonou, C. and Miller, ER., (2021). An Exploration of Language Teacher Reflection, Emotion Labor and Emotional Capital. TESOL Quarterly. 55 (1), 134-155
Costley, T., Gkonou, C., Myles, F., Roehr-Brackin, K. and Tellier, A., (2020). Multilingual and monolingual children in the primary-level language classroom: individual differences and perceptions of foreign language learning. The Language Learning Journal. 48 (5), 643-655
Gkonou, C. and Miller, ER., (2019). Caring and emotional labour: Language teachers’ engagement with anxious learners in private language school classrooms. Language Teaching Research. 23 (3), 372-387
Gkonou, C., Mercer, S. and Daubney, M., (2018). Teacher perspectives on language learning psychology. Language Learning Journal. 46 (4), 501-513
Miller, ER. and Gkonou, C., (2018). Language teacher agency, emotion labor and emotional rewards in tertiary-level English language programs. System. 79, 49-59
Oxford, RL. and Gkonou, C., (2018). Interwoven: Culture, language, and learning strategies. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. 8 (2), 403-426
Gkonou, C., (2017). Emerging Self-Identities and Emotion in Foreign Language Learning: A Narrative-Oriented Approach. ELT Journal. 71 (3), 381-383
Gkonou, C., (2014). The Sociolinguistic Parameters of L2 Speaking Anxiety. Second Language Learning and Teaching. 17, 15-32
Gkonou, C., (2013). A diary study on the causes of English language classroom anxiety. International Journal of English Studies. 13 (1), 51-51
Gkonou, C., (2013). Tap into the World of News: Week in Pictures in the EFL Classroom. English Teaching Professional. 89, 56-57
Gkonou, C., (2013). Some Methodological Issues in Using Learner Diaries to Investigate Classroom Anxiety. ELT Research (28), 4-6
Gkonou, C., (2011). Anxiety over EFL speaking and writing: A view from language classrooms. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. 1 (2), 267-267
Books (4)
Brierton, K. and Gkonou, C., (2022). Cultivating Teacher Wellbeing Paperback Supporting Teachers to Flourish and Thrive. Cambridge University Press. 110893286X. 9781108932868
Gkonou, C., Dewaele, J-M. and King, J., (2020). The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. Multilingual Matters. 9781788928335
Gkonou, C., Daubney, M. and Dewaele, J., (2017). New Insights into Language Anxiety: Theory, Research and Educational Implications. Multilingual Matters. 9781783097708
Gkonou, C., Tatzl, D. and Mercer, S., (2016). New Directions in Language Learning Psychology. Springer. 978-3-319-23490-8
Book chapters (25)
Gkonou, C., Identities and emotions in online language teacher education programs. In: Online education for teachers of English as a Global Language. Editors: Kang, H-S., Shin, D-S. and Cimasko, T.,
Gkonou, C. and Oxford, RL., Teachers’ formative assessment, reflection, and affective strategy instruction in LLSI teacher education. In: Learning strategies instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation. Editors: Chamot, AU. and Harris, V.,
Gkonou, C., Teacher wellbeing. In: The Better Learning Research Review. Editors: Watkins, P., . Cambridge University Press
King, S. and Gkonou, C., (2024). Teacher emotional development and action research. In: The Routledge Handbook of Language Teacher Action Research. Routledge. 255- 266
Gkonou, C. and Karavas, E., (2021). Preparation of Teachers of EAL in Greece: Research, Policy, Curriculum, and Practice. In: Preparation of teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) around the world: research, policy, curriculum, and practice. Editors: Polat, N., Kayi-Aydar, H. and Mahalingappa, L., . 92- 113. 9781788926164
Gkonou, C., (2021). Teacher-Learner Relationships. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching. 275- 284
Gkonou, C. and Miller, ER., (2020). Critical incidents in language teachers’ narratives of emotional experience. In: The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching. Editors: Gkonou, C., Dewaele, J-M. and King, J., . Multilingual Matters. 131- 149. 9781788928328
Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2020). Relationships and the good language teacher. In: Lessons from good language teachers. Editors: Griffiths, C., . Cambridge University Press. 164- 174. 9781108489263
Gkonou, C. and Oxford, RL., (2020). Working with the complexity of language learners’ emotions and emotion regulation strategies. In: Complexity perspectives on researching language learner and teacher psychology. Editors: Sampson, RJ. and Pinner, R., . 52- 67. 9781788923552
(2020). 1. Introduction to the Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. In: The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. Multilingual Matters. 1- 12
(2020). 16. Concluding Thoughts on the Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. In: The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. Multilingual Matters. 288- 295
Gkonou, C., Olivero, MM. and Oxford, RL., (2020). Empowering Language Teachers to Be Influential Peacebuilders: Knowledge, Competencies and Activities. In: Peacebuilding in Language Education: Innovations in Theory and Practice. 29- 42
Gkonou, C. and Miller, ER., (2019). Emotions in language teacher education and practice. In: Qualitative research topics in language teacher education. Editors: Barkhuizen, G., . Routledge. 56- 62. 9781138618121
Gkonou, C. and Oxford, RL., (2019). 14. Teacher Education: Formative Assessment, Reflection and Affective Strategy Instruction. In: Learning Strategy Instruction in the Language Classroom. Editors: Chamot, AU. and Harris, V., . Multilingual Matters. 213- 226. 9781788923408
Dewaele, JM., Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2018). Do ESL/EFL teachers’ emotional intelligence, teaching experience, proficiency and gender affect their classroom practice?. In: Emotions in Second Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Teacher Education. Editors: Martínez Agudo, J., . Springer. 125- 141. 9783319754383
Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2018). The relational beliefs and practices of highly socioemotionally competent language teachers. In: Language teacher psychology. Editors: Mercer, S. and Kostoulas, A., . Multilingual Matters. 158- 177. 9781783099443
Gkonou, C., (2018). Listening to Highly Anxious EFL Learners through the Use of Narrative: Metacognitive and Affective Strategies for Learner Self-Regulation. In: Language Learning Strategies and Individual Learner Characteristics: Situating Strategy Use in Diverse Contexts. Bloomsbury Academic. 79- 97. 9781350005044
Gkonou, C., (2017). Towards an Ecological Understanding of Language Anxiety. In: New Insights into Language Anxiety: Theory, Research and Educational Implications. Editors: Gkonou, C., Daubney, M. and Dewaele, J., . Multilingual Matters. 135- 155. 9781783097715
Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2017). Teaching with Heart and Soul. In: Innovative Practices in Language Teacher Education Spanning the Spectrum from Intra- to Inter-personal Professional Development. Editors: Gregersen, T. and MacIntyre, P., . Springer. 103- 124. 3319517880. 9783319517889
Gkonou, C., Dewaele, J-M. and Daubney, M., (2017). 12. Conclusion. In: New Insights into Language Anxiety. Multilingual Matters. 217- 223
Tatzl, D., Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2016). Introduction: New Directions in Language Learning Psychology. In: Second Language Learning and Teaching. Springer International Publishing. 1- 6. 9783319234908
Gkonou, C., Tatzl, D. and Mercer, S., (2016). Conclusion. In: Second Language Learning and Teaching. Springer International Publishing. 249- 255. 9783319234908
Gkonou, C., (2014). Agency, anxiety and activity: Understanding the classroom behavior of EFL learners. In: Theorizing and Analyzing Agency in Second Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Editors: Deters, P., Gao, X., Miller, ER. and Vitanova, G., . Multilingual Matters. 195- 212. 9781783092901
Gkonou, C. and Rocha, C., (2014). Learner autonomy in academic speaking contexts. In: Autonomy in language learning: Tools, tasks and environments. Editors: Mynard, J. and Ludwig, C., . IATEFL
Gkonou, C., (2010). Pair Work and Group Work as Facilitators: reducing students' anxiety in the EFL Classroom. In: Issues in Languages, Linguistics and Translation. Editors: Karlowicz-Budzik, J. and Lewkowicz, J., . Higher School of Linguistics Press. 147- 154. 978-83-926356-8-0
Reports and Papers (2)
Gkonou, C., Miller, ER. and Gadella Kamstra, L., (2020). The positive influence of teacher reflection on gaining emotional capital. OASIS Summary of Gkonou, C. & Miller, E.R. (2020) in TESOL Quarterly.
Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S., (2017). Understanding emotional and social intelligence among English language teachers
Grants and funding
A Pilot Study on the Effectiveness of a Technology Based Self-Study Programme for the Development of Academic Writing Skills
University of Essex (GCRF)
A Global Study on EFL teachers' emotional and social intelligence
British Council
Academic support hours:
Please email me to arrange a meeting