Professor Jason Glynos

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5A.217, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Spring Term: Mondays 9-11am (It is recommended to reach out in advance by email to book a time within this period)
I teach political theory at the Department of Government, University of Essex, where I am co-director of the Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis. Adopting a discourse analytic and psychoanalytic approach to social and political analysis, my research engages broadly with theories of ideology, political economy, and democracy, seeking to delimit a field of investigation I call critical fantasy studies. I am especially interested in the role fantasy can play in helping us understand our affective investment in a wide range of discourses and organizational practices, and to draw out the ideological, political and normative implications of such analyses. The ‘logics approach’ to social and political analysis I have developed with my colleague David Howarth is partly informed by this interest in affect and fantasy, and runs alongside it. A product of sustained engagement with key debates in the philosophy of social science the logics approach operationalizes important insights of the Essex School of Discourse Theory - and poststructuralism more generally - for the conduct of critical empirical research. Grounded in our monograph Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory, we argue that this approach helps draw out in a rather forceful way the ideological, political and normative significance of practices. My current areas of interest and investigation include: • Competition as a principle of neoliberal governance; its varieties and counter-hegemonic alternatives – in policy and practice • Valuation practices, including those that incorporate techniques of quantification and monetization • ‘Alternative’ organizations and practices (eg., alternative financial organizations, alternative workplace practices, alternative ways of doing research, alternative forms of democratic practice, alternative community economies, such as time banks) • Practices in which the signifier ‘populism’ appears • Practices and justifications of remuneration • Practices of initiation, transition and experimentation; conditions of transformation • Creative ways of developing and combining a range of research strategies and methodologies, drawing on discourse analysis, psychoanalysis, psycho-social studies, ethnography, participatory-action research, and corpus linguistics.
BA Cambridge
LLB LLM British Columbia
PhD Essex
Research and professional activities
Research interests
political philosophy
Lacanian and post-Marxist discourse theory
philosophy and methodology of social science
post-structural approaches to political and policy studies
theories of democracy and ideology
grammars of freedom and equality in contemporary political discourse
cultures and discourses of the economy
Conferences and presentations
Community Organising from a radical democratic point of view
Association for Social and Political Philosophy Annual Conference, 14/7/2022
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Ideology and Political Discourse (GV978)
Critical Political Theory (GV988)
Ideology and Political Discourse (GV990)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/6/2024

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/12/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/6/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2023

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/1/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/7/2022

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/3/2022

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/1/2022

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 16/1/2022

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/12/2021

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 30/6/2020

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 2/10/2019

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/7/2019

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/8/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/7/2018

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 23/3/2018

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/4/2016

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/6/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/5/2015
Journal articles (51)
De Cleen, B., Glynos, J., Goyvaerts, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2025). Discourse theory and the turn to practice. Journal of Language and Politics. 24 (1), 1-24
Schneider, J., Warren, R. and Glynos, J., (2025). Community Organising and Radical Democracy From Praxis to Theory and Back Again. Journal of Language and Politics. 24 (1), 69-90
Steinhoff, A., Warren, R., Carter, D. and Glynos, J., (2024). The challenges of coeliac disease at work: A contestation of the politics of inclusion. Sociology of Health and Illness. 47 (1), e13826-
Hurtado Hurtado, J. and Glynos, J., (2024). Navigating desires beyond growth: the critical role of fantasy in degrowth’s environmental politics and prefigurative ethics. Environmental Politics. 34 (2), 367-389
Warren, R., Carter, D., Glynos, J. and Voutyras, S., (2024). Articulating the ‘How’ of Social Return on Investment: Foregrounding the Plural and Pluralizing Character of Its ‘Moments of Judgment’. Financial Accountability and Management
Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Voutyras, S. and Warren, R., (2023). Paradoxes in the management of timebanks in the UK’s voluntary sector: discursive bricolage and its limits. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 34 (3), 486-496
Glynos, J. and Voutyras, S., (2022). Valuation practices and the cooptation charge: Quantification and monetization as political logics. Contemporary Political Theory. 21 (4), 588-610
Ronderos, S. and Glynos, J., (2022). Anti-populist fantasies: interrogating Veja's discursive constructions, from Lula to Bolsonaro. Critical Discourse Studies. 20 (6), 618-642
Glynos, J., Howarth, D., Flitcroft, R., Love, C., Roussos, K. and Vazquez, J., (2021). Logics, discourse theory and methods Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 62-78
Glynos, J., (2021). Critical fantasy studies. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 95-111
De Cleen, B. and Glynos, J., (2021). Beyond populism studies. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 178-195
De Cleen, B., Goyvaerts, J., Carpentier, N., Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2021). Moving discourse theory forward. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 22-46
De Cleen, B., Goyvaerts, J., Carpentier, N., Glynos, J., Stavrakakis, Y. and Trivundža, IT., (2021). An introduction to the special issue on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 1-9
Glynos, J., (2021). Microfoundationalist Reconciliation: The Fundamental Fantasy of Neoclassical Economics—Some Reflections on Yahya Madra’s Late Neoclassical Economics. Rethinking Marxism. 33 (4), 573-580
Glynos, L., Burity, J. and Oliveira, G., (2020). Discourse Theory, Psychoanalysis, and Logics of Critical Explanation. Revista Sul-Americana de Ciencia Politica. 6 (1), 1-23
Lapping, C. and Glynos, J., (2019). ‘Two for joy’: Towards a better understanding of free associative methods as sites of transference in empirical research. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 24 (4), 432-451
Glynos, J., Burity, J. and de Oliveira, GGS., (2019). Critical Fantasy Studies: neoliberalism, education and identification. An interview with Jason Glynos. Serie-Estudos. 24 (52), 145-170
Johnston, A., Veldman, J., Eccles, RG., Deakin, S., Davis, J., Djelic, M-L., Pistor, K., Segrestin, B., Williams, CA., Millon, D., Ireland, P., Sjåfjell, B., Bruner, CM., Talbot, LE., Willmott, HC., Villiers, C., Liao, C., Valiorgue, B., Glynos, J., Sayre, TL., Morgan, B., Wartzman, R., Sikka, P., Gregor, F., Jacobs, DC., Gill, R., Brown, R., Bavoso, V., Lancastle, N., Matthaei, J., Taylor, S., Larsson-Olaison, U., Cullen, J., Dignam, AJ., Joo, TW., O'Kelly, C., Keating, C., Tomasic, R., Lilley, S., Tennent, K., Robson, K., Maley, W., Chiu, IH-Y., McGaughey, E., Rees, C., Boeger, N., Leaver, A., Moore, MT., Paape, L., Meyer, AD., Palazzi, M., Kaul, N., Espinosa-Cristia, JF., Kuhn, T., Cooper, DJ., Soederberg, S., Jansson, A., Watson, S., Sitbon, O., Loughrey, J., Collison, D., McCulloch, M., McCulloch, M., Samanta, N., Greenwood, DJH., Thompson, GF., Keay, AR., Contu, A., Rühmkorf, A., Hull, R., Esser, I-M. and Chabrak, N., (2019). Corporate Governance for Sustainability
Lapping, C. and Glynos, J., (2018). Psychical contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuneration: teaching assistants' narratives of work. Journal of Education Policy. 33 (1), 23-42
De Cleen, B., Glynos, J. and Mondon, A., (2018). Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement. Organization. 25 (5), 649-661
Glynos, J. and Voutyras, S., (2016). Ideology as blocked mourning: Greek national identity in times of economic crisis and austerity. Journal of Political Ideologies. 21 (3), 201-224
Howarth, D., Glynos, J. and Griggs, S., (2016). Discourse, explanation and critique. Critical Policy Studies. 10 (1), 99-104
West, K. and Glynos, J., (2016). "Death talk", "loss talk" and identification in the process of ageing. Ageing and Society. 36 (2), 225-239
Glynos, J., Klimecki, R. and Willmott, H., (2015). Logics in Policy and Practice: A Critical Nodal Analysis of the UK Banking Reform Process. Critical Policy Studies. 9 (4), 393-415
Glynos, J., Speed, E. and West, K., (2015). Logics of marginalisation in health and social care reform: Integration, choice, and provider-blind provision. Critical Social Policy. 35 (1), 45-68
Glynos, J., (2014). Hating government and voting against one?s interests: Self-Transgression, enjoyment, critique. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 19 (2), 179-189
Glynos, J., (2014). Neoliberalism, markets, fantasy: The case of health and social care. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 19 (1), 5-12
Glynos, J. and Speed, E., (2012). Varieties of co-production in public services: time banks in a UK health policy context. Critical Policy Studies. 6 (4), 402-433
Glynos, J., Klimecki, R. and Willmott, H., (2012). Cooling Out the Marks: The Ideology and Politics of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Cultural Economy. 5 (3), 297-320
Glynos, J., (2012). The Place of Fantasy in a Critical Political Economy: The Case of Market Boundaries. Cardozo Law Review. 33 (6), 101-139
Glynos, J., (2011). Fantasy and Identity in Critical Political Theory. Filozofski Vestnik. 32 (2), 65-88
Glynos, J., (2011). On the Ideological and Political Significance of Fantasy in the Organization of Work. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 16 (4), 373-393
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2010). Politics and the unconscious. Subjectivity. 3 (3), 225-230
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2010). Politics and the unconscious ? An interview with Ernesto Laclau. Subjectivity. 3 (3), 231-244
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2008). Critical Explanation in Social Science: A Logics Approach. Swiss Journal of Sociology. 34 (1), 5-35
Glynos, J., (2008). Ideological Fantasy at Work. Journal of Political Ideologies. 13 (3), 275-296
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2008). Lacan and Political Subjectivity: Fantasy and Enjoyment in Psychoanalysis and Political Theory. Subjectivity. 24 (1), 256-274
Glynos, J., (2008). Self-Transgressive Enjoyment as a Freedom Fetter. Political Studies. 56 (3), 679-704
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2008). Structure, Agency and Power in Political Analysis: Beyond Contextualized Self-Interpretations. Political Studies Review. 6 (2), 155-169
Glynos, J., (2003). Radical Democratic Ethos, or, What is an Authentic Political Act?. Contemporary Political Theory. 2 (2), 187-208
Glynos, J., (2003). Self-Transgression and freedom. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 6 (2), 1-20
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2001). Postures and Impostures: On Lacan's Style and Use of Mathematical Science. American Imago. 58 (3), 685-706
Glynos, J., (2001). ?There is no Other of the Other? Symptoms of a Decline in Symbolic Faith, or, ?i?ek's Anti-capitalism. Paragraph. 24 (2), 78-110
Glynos, J., (2001). The grip of ideology: A Lacanian approach to the theory of ideology. Journal of Political Ideologies. 6 (2), 191-214
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2001). Posturas e imposturas: o estilo de Lacan e sua utilização da matemática. Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica. 4 (2), 111-130
Glynos, J., (2001). The grip of ideology: a Lacanian approach to the theory of ideology. Journal of Political Ideologies. 6 (2), 191-214
Glynos, J., (2000). Sexual identity, identification and difference A psychoanalytic contribution to discourse theory. Philosophy and Social Criticism. 26 (6), 85-108
Glynos, J., (2000). Thinking the Ethics of the Political in the Context of a Postfoundational World: From an Ethics of Desire to an Ethics of the Drive. Theory & Event. 4 (4)
Glynos, J., (1999). Formalising-to-the Limits and the End of Analysis. Psychoanalytical Notebooks of the LSNLS. 2, 153-158
Glynos, J., (1999). The Knowledge/Practice Disjunction. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society. 4, 150-154
Glynos, J., (1999). Metalanguage, Formal Structures, and the Dissolution of Transference. The Letter. Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalyis. 17, 21-37
Books (4)
Glynos, J., (2023). Teoria critica della fantasia. Per una psicoanalisi del discorso politico. 9791280737212
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2007). Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory. Routledge. 9780415404280
Boucher, GM., Glynos, J. and Sharpe, M., (2005). Traversing the Fantasy: Critical Responses to Slavoj Zizek. Ashgate. 9780815398608
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2002). Lacan and Science. Karnac. 9781855759213
Book chapters (22)
Warren, R., Steinhoff, A., Glynos, J. and Roussos, K., (2024). The Accountability Assembly as a Counter-Accounting Performance. In: Handbook of Accounting in Society. Editors: Vollmer, H., . Edward Elgar. 310- 327. 978 1 80392 199 0
Goyvaerts, J., Brown, K., Mondon, A., Glynos, J. and de Cleen, B., (2024). The populist hype. In: Research Handbook on Populism. 527- 539
De Cleen, B., Glynos, L. and Mondon, A., (2021). Populist politics and the politics of “populism”: The radical right in Western Europe. In: Populism in Global Perspective: A Performative and Discursive Approach. Editors: Ostiguy, P., Panizza, F. and Moffitt, B., . Routledge. 9780367626563
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2019). The Retroductive Cycle: The Research Process in Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis. In: Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power. Editors: Marttila, T., . Palgrave MacMillan. 105- 125. 9783319941226
Glynos, J. and Mondon, A., (2019). The Political Logic of Populist Hype: The case of right wing’s populism’s ‘meteoric rise’ and its relation to the status quo. In: Populism and Passions Democratic Legitimacy After Austerity. Editors: Cossarini, P. and Vellaspin, F., . Routledge Advances in Democrat. 82- 101. 0815383797. 9780815383796
Lapping, C. and Glynos, J., (2018). Psychical contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuneration: teaching assistants’ narratives of work. In: Freud, Lacan, Zizek and Education Exploring Unconscious Investments in Policy and Practice. Editors: Lapping, C., . Routledge. 0815362811. 9780815362814
Glynos, J., (2018). Theory and evidence in the Freudian field: from observation to structure 1. In: Lacan & Science. Routledge. 13- 50
Glynos, J., (2018). Psychonalysis operates upon the subject of science: Lacan between science and ethics 1. In: Lacan & Science. Routledge. 51- 88
Glynos, J., (2016). Body, Discourse, and the Turn to Matter. In: Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions. 173- 192
Glynos, J., (2014). Death, Fantasy, And The Ethics Of Mourning. In: The Social Construction of Death Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Editors: Van Brussel, L. and Carpentier, N., . Palgrave Macmillan. 137- 160. 9781137391902
Glynos, J., West, K., Hagger, B. and Shaw, R., (2014). Narrative, Fantasy, and Mourning: A Critical Exploration of Life & Loss in Assisted Living Environments. In: The Psychosocial and Organization Studies Affect at Work. Editors: Kenny, K. and Fotaki, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 185- 214. 9781137347848
Glynos, J., (2013). Capitalism and the Act: From Content to Form and Back Again. In: Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy. Editors: Pav�n-Cu�llar, D. and Parker, I., . Routledge. 150- 161. 978-0-415-52162-8
Glynos, J., (2012). ?Body, Discourse, and the Turn to Matter?. In: Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions. Editors: Bahun, S. and Radunovi?, D., . Ashgate. 192- 211. 9781409428343
Glynos, J., (2012). Body, discourse, and the turn to matter. In: Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions. 173- 192
Chang, W. and Glynos, J., (2011). ?Ideology and Politics in the Popular Press: The Case of the 2009 UK MPs' Expenses Scandal?. In: Discourse Theory and Critical Media Politics. Editors: Dahlberg, L. and Phelan, S., . Palgrave-Macmillan. 106- 127. 9780230276994
Chang, W-Y. and Glynos, J., (2011). Ideology and Politics in the Popular Press: The Case of the 2009 UK MPs’ Expenses Scandal. In: Discourse Theory and Critical Media Politics. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 106- 127. 9781349325498
Glynos, J., (2010). ?Lacan at Work?. In: Lacan and Organization. Editors: Cederstrom, C. and Hoedemaeker, C., . MayFly Books. 13- 58. 9781906948108
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2004). Encounters of the Real Kind: sussing out the limits of Laclau's embrace of Lacan. In: Laclau: A Critical Reader. Editors: Critchley, S. and Marchart, O., . Routledge. 201- 216. 0415238439
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2002). Postures and Impostures: on Lacan's style and use of mathematical science. In: Lacan and Science. Editors: Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Karnac. 207- 230. 9781855759213
Glynos, J., (2002). Psychoanalysis operates upon the subject of science. In: Lacan and Science. Editors: Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Karnac. 51- 88. 9781855759213
Glynos, J., (2002). Theory and Evidence in the Freudian Field. In: Lacan and Science. Editors: Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Karnac. 13- 50. 9781855759213
Glynos, J., (2000). Sex and the Limits of Discourse. In: Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change. Editors: Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Manchester University Press. 205- 218. 978-0719056642
Reports and Papers (7)
Willmott, HC., Djelic, M-L., Spicer, A., Parker, M., Perrow, C., S. Pugh, D., Spender, J-C., Gond, J-P., ten Bos, R., Beverungen, A., Calas, MB., Thompson, GF., Morgan, G., Clegg, SR., McSweeney, B., Ahonen, P., Hancock, P., Czarniawska, B., Gospel, H., S. Pitsis, T., Taylor, S., Land, C., Shukaitis, S., Simpson, AV., Keenoy, T., Vachhani, S., Taskin, L., Cheney, G., Bencherki, N., Perret, V., Allard-Poesi, F., Palpacuer, F., Espinosa, J., Jacobs, DC., Brewis, J., King, D., Wainwright, T., Thanem, T., Jarvis, W., Hoedemaekers, C., Glynos, J., Towers, I., Mansell, S., Cabantous, L., Cooke, BM., Marens, R., Munro, I., Komlik, O., Weir, K., Lilley, S., Cailluet, L., Chabrak, N., Huzzard, T., Nadir Alakavuklar, O., Mowles, C., Murphy, J., Le Goff, J., Slater, R., Cambre, M-C., Velez-Castrillon, S., Laouisset, DE., Schmidt, SM., Erturk, I., Meyer, AD., Kuhn, T., Huault, I., Tchalian, H., Clarke, T., Cassiers, I., Chanteau, J-P., Malaurent, J., Cooper, DJ., O'Reilly, D., Pirson, M., Srinivas, N., de Souza Rosa Filho, D., Faria, A., Mir, R., Serrano Archimi, C., Cairns, G., Tennent, K., Doherty, D., Wartzman, R., Liew, P., Hlupic, V., Bourguignon, A., O’Mahoney, J., Riaz, S., Al-Amoudi, I., Montiel, O., McKenna, S., Bosch, HVD., Rees, C., Bell, E., Kyriakidou, O., Cathcart, A., Ridley-Duff, RR., Stevenson, L., Kornelakis, A. and Veldman, J., (2016). The Modern Corporation Statement on Management
Glynos, J., Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Speed, E., (2009). Discourse Analysis: varieties and methods
Angouri, J. and Glynos, J., (2009). Managing Cultural Diversity in the Multinational Corporate Workplace: Solution or Symptom?
Glynos, J., (2008). Ideological Fantasy at Work
Glynos, J., (2002). Democratic innovation: deliberation, representation and association
Glynos, J., (2001). Radical Democracy: Democratic Theory from an Anti-essentialist Perspective
Glynos, J., (1999). From Identity to Identification: Discourse Theory and Psychoanalysis in Context
Grants and funding
Environmental Governance after Coronavirus Crisis
Formas - The Swedish Research Council Formas
Subjectivity and valuation in community economies: A pilot study of the Essex time banks
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Timebanking in Essex: Developing an Impact Evaluation Methodology
Colchester Community Voluntary Services
Timebanking in Essex: Developing an Impact Evaluation Methodology
Economic And Social Research Institute
Academic support hours:
Spring Term: Mondays 9-11am (It is recommended to reach out in advance by email to book a time within this period)