Dr Panagiotis Kanellopoulos

panagiotis.kanellopoulos@essex.ac.uk -
1NW.3.13, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Spring Term 2024/25: - Thursday, 11am-1pm: email me to arrange a meeting
University of Essex
Faculty Progress and Assessment Officer, University of Essex (1/2025 - present)
Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/8/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Algorithmic Game Theory
Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Reinforcement Learning
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Industry Expert Lectures in Finance (BE653)
Team Project Challenge (CE201)
Finance in Practice: Industry Expert Lectures (CF968)
Machine Learning for Finance (CF969)
CCFEA MSc Dissertation (CF981)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computational Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/5/2024

Degree subject: Computational Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/11/2023
Publications (1)
Kampouridis, M., Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M., Melissourgos, T. and Voudouris, AA., (2022). Multi-Agent Systems for Computational Economics and Finance
Journal articles (23)
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2025). On interim envy-free allocation lotteries. Mathematics of Operations Research
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, A. and Zhang, R., (2025). Truthful two-facility location with candidate locations. Theoretical Computer Science. 1024, 114913-114913
Filos-Ratsikas, A., Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, AA. and Zhang, R., (2024). The Distortion of Distributed Facility Location. Artificial Intelligence. 328, 104066-104066
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2024). On priority-proportional payments in financial networks. Theoretical Computer Science. 1014, 114767-114767
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, A. and Zhang, R., (2023). On Discrete Truthful Heterogeneous Two-Facility Location. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 37 (2), 779-799
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Voudouris, A., (2023). Not all Strangers are the Same: The Impact of Tolerance in Schelling Games. Theoretical Computer Science. 971, 114065-114065
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Voudouris, AA., (2022). Bounding the Inefficiency of Compromise in Opinion Formation. Algorithmica. 84 (1), 234-271
Kampouridis, M., Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M., Melissourgos, T. and Voudouris, A., (2022). Multi-Agent Systems for Computational Economics and Finance. AI Communications: the European journal on artificial intelligence. 35 (4), 369-380
Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P., Papaioannou, K. and Patouchas, D., (2021). On the price of stability of some simple graph-based hedonic games. Theoretical Computer Science. 855, 1-15
Caragiannis, I., Filos-Ratsikas, A., Kanellopoulos, P. and Vaish, R., (2021). Stable fractional matchings. Artificial Intelligence. 295 (C), 103416-103416
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Voudouris, AA., (2021). Modified Schelling games. Theoretical Computer Science. 880, 1-19
Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Tsokana, S., (2018). On network formation games with heterogeneous players and basic network creation games. Theoretical Computer Science. 717, 62-72
Caragiannis, I., Chatzigeorgiou, X., Kanellopoulos, P., Krimpas, GA., Protopapas, N. and Voudouris, AA., (2017). Efficiency and complexity of price competition among single-product vendors. Artificial Intelligence. 248, 9-25
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M., Lucier, B., Paes Leme, R. and Tardos, É., (2015). Bounding the inefficiency of outcomes in generalized second price auctions. Journal of Economic Theory. 156, 343-388
Alon, N., Demaine, ED., Hajiaghayi, M., Kanellopoulos, P. and Leighton, T., (2014). Correction: Basic network creation games. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 28 (3), 1638-1640
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2014). Revenue Guarantees in the Generalized Second Price Auction. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. 14 (2-3), 1-19
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2012). The Efficiency of Fair Division. Theory of Computing Systems. 50 (4), 589-610
Caragiannis, I., Flammini, M., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Moscardelli, L., (2011). Tight Bounds for Selfish and Greedy Load Balancing. Algorithmica. 61 (3), 606-637
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2010). Taxes for linear atomic congestion games. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. 7 (1), 1-31
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Papaioannou, E., (2008). Scheduling to maximize participation. Theoretical Computer Science. 402 (2-3), 142-155
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2006). Energy-Efficient Wireless Network Design. Theory of Computing Systems. 39 (5), 593-617
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2003). A logarithmic approximation algorithm for the minimum energy consumption broadcast subgraph problem. Information Processing Letters. 86 (3), 149-154
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2002). New bounds on the size of the minimum feedback vertex set in meshes and butterflies. Information Processing Letters. 83 (5), 275-280
Books (1)
(2022). Algorithmic Game Theory - 15th International Symposium, SAGT 2022, Colchester, UK, September 12-15, 2022, Proceedings. Springer. 3031157133. 978-3-031-15713-4
Book chapters (1)
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kaklamanis, C., (2007). Minimum Energy Communication in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. In: Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science Series. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 9781584886235
Conferences (38)
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., Forgiving Debt in Financial Network Games: Extended Abstract
Long, X., Kampouridis, M. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2023). Multi-objective optimisation and genetic programming for trading by combining directional changes and technical indicators
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, A. and Zhang, R., (2023). Truthful Two-Facility Location with Candidate Locations
Filos-Ratsikas, A., Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, A. and Zhang, R., (2023). Settling the Distortion of Distributed Facility Location
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2023). Debt Transfers in Financial Networks: Complexity and Equilibria
Christodoulaki, E., Kampouridis, M. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2022). Technical and Sentiment Analysis in Financial Forecasting with Genetic Programming
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, A. and Zhang, R., (2022). On Discrete Truthful Heterogeneous Two-Facility Location
Long, X., Kampouridis, M. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2022). Genetic programming for combining directional changes indicators in international stock markets
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Voudouris, A., (2022). Not all Strangers are the Same: The Impact of Tolerance in Schelling Games
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2022). Forgiving Debt in Financial Network Games
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2021). Financial network games
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2021). On Interim Envy-Free Allocation Lotteries
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Voudouris, A., (2020). Modified Schelling Games
Caragiannis, I., Filos-Ratsikas, A., Kanellopoulos, P. and Vaish, R., (2019). Stable Fractional Matchings
Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Patouchas, D., (2018). On the Price of Stability of Social Distance Games
Kiourt, C., Kalles, D. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2018). How Game Complexity Affects the Playing Behavior of Synthetic Agents
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Voudouris, AA., (2017). Bounding the inefficiency of compromise
Kiourt, C., Kalles, D. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2017). How Game Complexity Affects the Playing Behavior of Synthetic Agents.
Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Papaioannou, K., (2016). The Price of Stability of Simple Symmetric Fractional Hedonic Games
Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Tsokana, S., (2016). On Network Formation Games with Heterogeneous Players and Basic Network Creation Games
Caragiannis, I., Chatzigeorgiou, X., Kanellopoulos, P., Krimpas, GA., Protopapas, N. and Voudouris, AA., (2015). Efficiency and complexity of price competition among single-product vendors
Kalles, D. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2014). A Pendulum Effect of Expert Playing in Games
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2012). Revenue Guarantees in Sponsored Search Auctions
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2011). On the efficiency of equilibria in generalized second price auctions
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Papaioannou, E., (2010). The Impact of Altruism on the Efficiency of Atomic Congestion Games
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2009). The Efficiency of Fair Division
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2009). On Low-Envy Truthful Allocations
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2008). Improving the Efficiency of Load Balancing Games through Taxes
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Papaioannou, E., (2007). Scheduling to Maximize Participation
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2006). Taxes for Linear Atomic Congestion Games
Caragiannis, I., Flammini, M., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P. and Moscardelli, L., (2006). Tight Bounds for Selfish and Greedy Load Balancing
Bilò, V., Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2005). Geometric Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Cluster Sizes
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2004). Power Consumption Problems in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
Athanassopoulos, S., Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2004). Experimental Comparison of Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Multicasting in Ad Hoc Networks
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2003). Energy-Efficient Wireless Network Design
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2002). New Results for Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in Wireless Networks
Kalles, D. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2001). On verifying game designs and playing strategies using reinforcement learning
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C. and Kanellopoulos, P., (2001). New Bounds on the Size of the Minimum Feedback Vertex Set in Meshes and Butterflies.
Reports and Papers (11)
Zhu, S., Kanellopoulos, P. and O'Hara, J., (2024). Boosting Financial Image Recognition Performance through Reverse Image Augmentation
Kanellopoulos, P. and Voudouris, AA., (2024). Constrained Truthful Obnoxious Two-Facility Location with Optional Preferences
Filos-Ratsikas, A., Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, AA. and Zhang, R., (2023). Settling the Distortion of Distributed Facility Location
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, AA. and Zhang, R., (2023). Truthful Two-Facility Location with Candidate Locations
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Voudouris, AA., (2022). Not All Strangers Are the Same: The Impact of Tolerance in Schelling Games
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2022). Forgiving Debt in Financial Network Games
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Kyropoulou, M., (2021). On interim envy-free allocation lotteries
Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M. and Zhou, H., (2021). Financial network games
Kanellopoulos, P., Voudouris, AA. and Zhang, R., (2021). On Discrete Truthful Heterogeneous Two-Facility Location
Caragiannis, I., Kanellopoulos, P. and Voudouris, AA., (2018). Bounding the inefficiency of compromise in opinion formation
Caragiannis, I., Kaklamanis, C., Kanellopoulos, P., Kyropoulou, M., Lucier, B., Leme, RP. and Tardos, É., (2012). On the efficiency of equilibria in generalized second price auctions
Grants and funding
University of Essex and Ticker Limited KTP 23_24 R1. Project aim: 'To revolutionise the collection and utilisation of driver performance behaviour data through application of leading-edge game theory and artificial intelligence approaches'.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited KTP 2021 Application
Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited
Academic support hours:
Spring Term 2024/25: - Thursday, 11am-1pm: email me to arrange a meeting