
Professor Susan Kegerreis

Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
Professor Susan Kegerreis
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873263

  • Location

    5A.209, Colchester Campus

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Adolescents

Applications of Psychodynamic Thinking in non -clinical work

Organisational Dynamics

Eating Disorders

Training issues with Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Open to supervise

Ethical approval for qualitative and clinical research

Key words: Ethical approval

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Counselling Contexts (PA215)

  • Psychodynamic Observation for Counsellors (PA216)

  • Personal Development (PA221)

  • The counselling relationship and counselling techniques (PA256)

  • Research Methodologies and Research Design (PA805)

  • Research Proposal (PA806)

  • Advanced Clinical Practice (PA809)

  • Psychodynamic Theory and Practice (PA961)

  • Psychodynamic Theory and Practice 2 (PA963)

  • Using Psychosocial and Psychodynamic Thinking in Practice (PA964)

  • Applications of Research to Psychodynamic Practice (PA965)

  • Personal Development (PA967)

  • Professional Development 1 (PA968)

  • Professional Development 2 (PA969)

  • Research Methods and Dissertation (PA981)

  • Dissertation (Child) (PA984)

  • Dissertation (Adult) (PA985)

  • Psychodynamic Concepts (PA217)

Previous supervision

Elaine Quaile
Elaine Quaile
Thesis title: The Alienated Child: A Psychodynamic Exploration of Parental Alienation Syndrome.
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 21/3/2025
Raymond James Ingram
Raymond James Ingram
Thesis title: A New Conceptual and Empirical Approach to Stuttering Based in Psychoanalysis.
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/3/2022
Thesis title: Psychoanalysis and Asexuality: An Exploration of the Phenomenon and Implications for Therapeutic Work Using a Psychoanalytic Theoretical Framework
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/3/2021
Helen Neame
Helen Neame
Thesis title: The Pull to Fusion: An Exploration of Observed Links Between Autism and Hoarding
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 27/11/2019
Yvonne Marcia Osafo
Yvonne Marcia Osafo
Thesis title: Parent-Infant Psychotherapy with a Child Showing Early Signs of Autism: Is Improvement in the Nature of Internal Parental Representations a Key Factor in Therapeutic Change? An In-Depth Qualitative Study of a Single Case
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 27/11/2019
Deborah Lillian Somerville Wright
Deborah Lillian Somerville Wright
Thesis title: Being in the Consulting Room: A Study of the Physical Space of the Consulting Room and its Role in the Therapeutic Process
Degree subject: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Doctorate
Awarded date: 12/6/2019
Beverley Janice Mears
Beverley Janice Mears
Thesis title: Is There a Connection Between Object Relations (As Described By Klein), Problems with Sexual Intimacy and Obsessive Compulsive Dis-Order.
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 7/12/2018
Barry Patrick Keane
Barry Patrick Keane
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/11/2018
Mahin Golbandi-Nazif
Mahin Golbandi-Nazif
Thesis title: Borderline Patient's Quest for Empathy: Four Female Patients in a Therapeutic Community
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/1/2018
Simona Reghintovschi
Simona Reghintovschi
Thesis title: The Emotional Radioactivity Behind Conflict in Psychoanalytic Institutions
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2017
Fiona Anne Louise Henderson
Fiona Anne Louise Henderson
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/3/2017
Sheila Marie O'sullivan
Sheila Marie O'sullivan
Thesis title: An Exploration of How Childlessness and the Decision Whether to Become a Parent Is Understood By Psychoanalytic Practitioners
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/2/2017
Jennifer Butler
Jennifer Butler
Thesis title: 'the Unexamined Death': Patients' Experiences of the Premature Termination of Analysis Due to the Sudden Death, or Terminal Illness, of the Analyst
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2015
Angela Mary Doran
Angela Mary Doran
Thesis title: Beginnings and Endings: A Study of How UK Secondary School-Based Psychodynamic Therapists At Different Stages of Their Careers Approach Initial and Final Phase Practice
Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/11/2014


Journal articles (25)

Kegerreis, S., (2025). Cohort size and group dynamics in psychodynamic trainings. Psychodynamic Practice, 1-21

Kegerreis, S., (2024). Editorial. Psychodynamic Practice. 30 (4), 325-328

Taylor, L., Kegerreis, S. and Rohleder, P., (2023). Loss and Survival: Experiences of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Pandemic. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 39 (1), 182-197

Kegerreis, S., (2023). Editorial. Psychodynamic Practice. 29 (1), 1-3

Matheson, C. and Kegerreis, S., (2023). ‘The Genie's Out of the Bottle’: The Impact of Working Online with Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Therapists and Clients, and its Lessons for Psychodynamic Training. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 39 (3), 573-591

Kegerreis, S., Wright, DLS., Hall, S., Horne, M., Langley, J., Norris, J., Quaile, E. and Shemesh, R., (2023). Becoming a researcher: psychotherapists’ experience of starting a professional doctorate. Journal of Child Psychotherapy. 49 (3), 474-489

Kegerreis, S., (2022). Life lessons from The Truman Show: parenting, adolescence and the therapeutic process. Journal of Child Psychotherapy. 48 (1), 110-122

Kegerreis, S., (2022). The role of our own history in our therapeutic work. Psychodynamic Practice. 28 (3), 243-253

Kegerreis, S., (2022). The Experience of Time Boundaries in Remote Working. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 38 (4), 754-768

Kegerreis, S., (2021). Editorial. Psychodynamic Practice. 27 (3), 223-227

Kegerreis, S., (2020). Immigration panics, borders and eating disorders. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 25 (2), 155-173

Kegerreis, S., (2020). Training for counselling young people – What is added by a child and adolescent specialism?. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling. 22 (3-4), 173-191

Kegerreis, S., (2020). Some thoughts on working psychoanalytically through the pandemic – The state of the good object. Psychodynamic Practice. 26 (4), 364-368

Kegerreis, S., (2019). Managing our time and ourselves in the way we now work. Psychodynamic Practice. 25 (1), 67-73

Willemsen, J., Della Rosa, E. and Kegerreis, S., (2017). Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatment. Frontiers in Psychology. 8 (FEB), 108-

Micklewright, D., Kegerreis, S., Raglin, J. and Hettinga, F., (2017). Will the Conscious–Subconscious Pacing Quagmire Help Elucidate the Mechanisms of Self-Paced Exercise? New Opportunities in Dual Process Theory and Process Tracing Methods. Sports Medicine. 47 (7), 1231-1239

Kegerreis, S., (2016). Further thoughts on research: a response to Michael Rustin. Journal of Child Psychotherapy. 42 (2), 198-207

Kegerreis, S., (2013). Freud and Klein in the Lion King. Journal of Child Psychotherapy. 39 (3), 334-345

Kegerreis, S., (2013). Knowing all this just makes it harder?: Psychodynamic Ideas on the Frontline. Psychodynamic Practice. 19 (1), 4-21

Kegerreis, S., (2013). ?When I Can Come on Time I'll be Ready to Finish?: Meanings of Lateness in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 29 (4), 449-465

Kegerreis, S., (2011). Taking psychodynamic thinking 'home' to the workplace ? How can courses manage better the impact on student and employing agency?. Psychodynamic Practice. 17 (1), 23-39

Kegerreis, S., (2006). Working with children and adolescents – Is specialist training necessary?. Psychodynamic Practice. 12 (4), 403-418

Kegerreis, S., (2001). Does ‘individual’ have to mean ‘all on your own’? Integrating group and institutional thinking in individual training. Psychodynamic Counselling. 7 (3), 261-278

Kegerreis, S., (1993). From a gang of two back to the family. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 7 (1), 69-83

Kegerreis, S., (1991). Using the positive : Is the truth always the awful truth?. Journal of Child Psychotherapy. 17 (1), 41-59

Books (1)

Kegerreis, S., (2009). Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People: An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230551961

Book chapters (2)

Kegerreis, S. and Midgley, N., (2014). The Psychodynamic Approach. In: The Handbook of Counselling Children & Young People. SAGE. 1473909139. 9781473909137

Kegerreis, S., (2011). The Theoretical Background to Psychodynamic School Counselling. In: Therapeutic Practice in Schools Working with the Child Within: A Clinical Workbook for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Arts Therapists. Editors: French, L. and Klein, R., . Routledge. 9780415597906

Grants and funding


Working therapeutically online

Westminster Pastoral Foundation


Cataloguing and classifying an archive of past doctoral theses for ACP

Association of Child Psychotherapists



The Glass-House Trust

+44 (0) 1206 873263


5A.209, Colchester Campus