Professor Moya Lloyd

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5A.215, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Moya Lloyd is currently on research leave. She will return to the Department on 1 October 2025.
Moya Lloyd is Professor of Politics in the Department of Government and a former Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (2018-21). Her initial training was in the history of political thought, exploring ideas about the place of property in political theory. Since then her research has focused on diverse aspects of contemporary political and social thought, including the body, gender, radical democracy, the human/human rights, the question of who counts, and the work of Judith Butler. This has resulted in publications in journals such as Hypatia, Theory, Culture and Society, Contemporary Political Theory, the Women's Philosophy Review, Economy and Society, Feminist Theory, New Formations, Journal of Gender Studies, Review of International Studies, Democratic Theory, and Constellations. She has also published seven books, the most recent of which is the edited volume Butler and Ethics (EUP 2015). Her current work focuses on questions of vulnerability, resistance, and agency, particularly in relation to marginalised, dispossessed or precaritized populations. Moya was elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2009. Outside of the University, she has served as Honorary Secretary of the Political Studies Association of the UK (1998-2000), been a member of its Executive Committee twice (1996-2000, 2008-2009), and also served on the inaugural Executive Committee of the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought (2008-2011). She has also been or currently is a member of the editorial boards of Contemporary Political Theory (since 2002), thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture (2002-2011), and Social Movement Studies (2002-2008); an editor of Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory (2010-2016); as well as a Review Editor for the APSA-sponsored eight-volume project, the Encyclopaedia of Political Thought published in 2014. Her paper, 'Naming the dead and the politics of the "human", was awarded the Best Article in the Review of International Studies Prize, 2018. She currently holds a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship and will be on research leave from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025.
University of Essex
Professor of Politics, University of Essex (1/10/2018 - present)
Executive Dean (Faculty of Social Sciences), University of Essex (1/10/2018 - 30/9/2021)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
The politics of the human
The work of Judith Butler
The politics of the body
Agency and resistance
Human Rights
Conferences and presentations
Radical corporeal politics: Flesh as a locus of political struggle
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Thinking the Political: Narrative, Fiction and Protest in the 21st Century, Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, Brighton, United Kingdom, 10/9/2024
Performative corporeal politics
Political Studies Association annual conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 26/3/2024
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/10/2024
Journal articles (21)
Lloyd, M., (2024). Embodying Resistance: Politics and the Mobilization of Vulnerability. Theory, Culture and Society. 41 (1), 111-126
Tyler, M., Butler, J., Cutcher, L., Milroy, T., Lloyd, M., Riach, K., Kenny, K., Al‐Amoudi, I., Guschke, BL., Harding, N. and Smolović‐Jones, N., (2024). Strangers in conversation: Judith Butler with gender, work and organization. Gender, Work & Organization. 31 (4), 1444-1462
Cutcher, L., Lloyd, M., Riach, K. and Tyler, M., (2024). Troubling/transforming working lives: Editorial introduction. Gender, Work & Organization. 31 (4), 1336-1341
Lloyd, M., (2023). Becoming visible: corporeal politics, spaces of appearance, and the Miss America protest.. Democratic Theory. 10 (2), 18-30
Lloyd, M., (2019). Whose names count? Jacques Rancière on Alfredo Jaar’s Rwanda Project. Contemporary Political Theory. 18 (3), 311-330
Lloyd, M. and Little, A., (2019). Introduction. The Politics of Radical Democracy, 1-11
Brace, L., Lloyd, M., Reid, A., Staples, K., Pin-Fat, V. and Phillips, A., (2018). The politics of the human. Contemporary Political Theory. 17 (2), 207-240
Lloyd, M., (2017). Naming the dead and the politics of the ‘human’. Review of International Studies. 43 (02), 260-279
Lloyd, M., (2017). The politics of the human. Contemporary Political Theory. 16 (1), 181-184
Lloyd, M., (2015). Travelling theories. Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory. 18 (2), 121-125
Coskun, BB. and Lloyd, M., (2010). Alternative futures for a multi-civilizational Europe. Futures. 42 (6), 583-591
LLOYD, M., (2007). (Women’s) human rights: paradoxes and possibilities. Review of International Studies. 33 (1), 91-103
Lloyd, M., (2007). 'Radical Democratic Activism and the Politics of Resignification'. Constellations. 14 (1), 129-146
Lloyd, M., (2006). Reply to Assiter. Journal of Gender Studies. 15 (3), 279-283
Lloyd, M., (2005). 'Butler, Antigone and the State'. Contemporary Political Theory. 4 (4), 451-468
Lloyd, M. and Thacker, A., (2005). 'Still Thinking Differently: Foucault Twenty Years On'. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics. 55 (Spring), 44-53
Lloyd, M., (2003). Mourning as Becoming. Feminist Theory. 4 (3), 343-347
Lloyd, M., (1999). Performativity, Parody, Politics. Theory, Culture & Society. 16 (2), 195-213
Lloyd, M., (1998). 'Politics and Melancholia'. Women’s Philosophy Review (20), 25-43
LLOYD, M., (1996). Feminism, Aerobics and the Politics of the Body. Body & Society. 2 (2), 79-98
Lloyd, M., (1993). The (f)utility of a feminist turn to Foucault. Economy and Society. 22 (4), 437-460
Books (7)
Lloyd, M., (2015). Butler and Ethics. Edinburgh University Press. 0748678875. 9780748678846
Little, A. and Lloyd, M., (2009). The Politics of Radical Democracy
Lloyd, M., (2007). Judith Butler From Norms to Politics. Polity. 0745654800. 9780745654805
(2005). Beyond Identity Politics: Feminism, Power & Politics Beyond identity politics: Feminism, power & politics. SAGE Publications Ltd. 0803978855. 9780803978850
Eccleshall, R., Finlayson, A., Geoghegan, V., Kenny, M., Lloyd, M., MacKenzie, I. and Wilford, R., (2003). Political ideologies: an introduction. Routledge. 0415236789. 978-0415236782
Ashe, F., Finlayson, A., Lloyd, M., MacKenzie, I., Martin, J. and O'Neill, S., (1999). Contemporary social and political theory an introduction. Open University Pres
Lloyd, M. and Thacker, A., (1996). The Impact of Michel Foucault on the Social Sciences and Humanities. Macmillan. 1349251011. 9781349251018
Book chapters (27)
Lloyd, M., (2021). From Linguistic Performativity to Social Performance. In: Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. Editors: Delanty, G. and Turner, SP., . Routledge. 294- 303. 0367629097. 9780367629090
Little, A. and Lloyd, M., (2019). Conclusion. In: The Politics of Radical Democracy. 199- 206
Lloyd, M., (2019). Julia Kristeva (1941-). In: Contemporary Critical Theorists: From Lacan to Said. 135- 151
Lloyd, M., (2018). 'Rethinking the Human in Human Rights'. In: Critical Perspectives on Human Rights. Editors: Schippers, B., . Rowman and Littlefield. 47- 62. 9781786600158
Lloyd, M., (2016). 'Performativity and Performance'. In: Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory. Editors: Disch, L. and Hawkesworth, M., . Oxford University Press. 9780199328581
Lloyd, M., (2015). 'Introduction'. In: Butler and Ethics. Editors: Lloyd, M., . Edinburgh University Press. 1- 20. 9780748678846
Lloyd, M., (2015). The Ethics and Politics of Vulnerable Bodies. In: Butler and Ethics. Editors: Lloyd, M., . Edinburgh University Press. 167- 192. 9780748678846
Lloyd, M., (2014). 'The end of ideology'. In: Political ideologies: an introduction. Editors: Geoghegan, V. and Wilford, R., . Routledge. 289- 310. 0415618177. 978-0415618175
Lloyd, M., (2014). 'Butler, Judith'. In: Encyclopaedia of Political Thought. Wiley-Blackwell
Lloyd, M., (2013). 'Power, politics, domination and oppression'. In: Oxford Handbook on Gender and Politics. Editors: Waylen, G., Celis, K., Kantola, J. and Weldon, L., . Oxford University Press. 111- 134. 0199751455. 9780199751457
Lloyd, M., (2013). ‘(Women’s) Human Rights: Paradoxes and Possibilities’. In: Gender Issues and Human Rights. Editors: Otto, D., . Edward Elgar. 978 1 84980 830 9
Lloyd, M., (2011). 'Judith Butler'. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Editors: Ritzer, G. and Stepnisky, J., . Blackwell. 541- 560. 9781444330786
Lloyd, M., (2011). 'From linguistic performativity to social performance: the development of a concept'. In: Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. Editors: Delanty, G. and Turner, S., . Routledge. 270- 279. 9780415548250
Lloyd, M., (2010). Judith Butler (1956-). In: From Agamben to Zizek: Contemporary Critical Theorists. Editors: Simons, J., . Edinburgh University Press. 77- 92. 9780748639731
Lloyd, M., (2009). 'Hate, loathing and political theory: thinking with and against William Connolly'. In: Democracy and Pluralism: The political thought of William E. Connolly. Editors: Finlayson, A., . Routledge. 114- 128. 9780415473507
Lloyd, M., (2009). Hate, loathing and political theory: Thinking with and against William Connolly. In: Democracy and Pluralism: The Political Thought of William E. Connolly. 114- 128
Lloyd, M., (2008). 'Towards a cultural politics of vulnerability: precarious live and ungrievable deaths'. In: Judith Butler's Precarious Politics. Editors: Carver, T. and Chambers, SA., . Routledge. 92- 105. 9780415384421
Lloyd, M., (2008). 'Performing radical democracy'. In: The Politics of Radical Democracy. Editors: Little, A. and Lloyd, M., . Edinburgh University Press. 33- 51. 9780748633999
Lloyd, M., (2004). 'Julia Kristeva'. In: Contemporary Critical Theorists: From Lacan to Said. Editors: Simons, J., . Edinburgh University Press. 135- 51. 9780748617197
Lloyd, M. and Zalewski, M., (2003). 'Sensational Moralities: Transnational innocence, purity, and danger'. In: Rituals of Mediation: International Politics and Social Meaning. Editors: Debrix, F. and Weber, C., . Minnesota University Press. 97- 114. 0816640742. 978-0816640744
Lloyd, M., (1999). 'Performativity, Parody, Politics'. In: Performativity & Belonging. Editors: Bell, V., . SAGE. 195- 213. 0761965238. 9780761965237
Lloyd, M., (1998). 'Sexual Politics, Performativity, Parody: Judith Butler’. In: Politics of Sexuality: Identity, gender, citizenship. Editors: Carver, T. and Mottier, V., . Routledge. 124- 34. 9780415169530
Lloyd, M., (1998). 'Feminism'. In: New Political Thought: An Introduction. Editors: Lent, A., . Lawrence and Wishart. 163- 183. 0853158592. 978-0853158592
Lloyd, M., (1997). 'Foucault's "Care of the Self": Some Implications for Feminist Politics'. In: Foucault: The Legacy. Editors: O'Farrell, C., . Queensland University of Technology Press. 288- 297. 1864352620. 9781864352627
Lloyd, M. and Thacker, A., (1996). 'Strategies of Transgression: An Introduction'. In: The Impact of Michel Foucault on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Editors: Lloyd, M. and Thacker, A., . Macmillan. 1- 9. 978-1-349-25101-8
Lloyd, M., (1996). 'A Feminist Mapping of Foucauldian Politics'. In: Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault. Editors: Hekman, S., . The Pennsylvania State University Press. 241- 281. 0271032715. 978-0271032719
Lloyd, M., (1996). 'Foucault's Ethics and Politics: A Strategy for Feminism?'. In: The Impact of Michel Foucault on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Editors: Lloyd, M. and Thacker, A., . 78- 101. 033368432X. 978-0333684320
Grants and funding
Rethinking subaltern agency
Leverhulme Trust
Academic support hours:
Moya Lloyd is currently on research leave. She will return to the Department on 1 October 2025.