Professor Peter Lynn

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2N2.5A.13, Colchester Campus
Professor of Survey Methodology. Research interests encompass all aspects of survey design and data collection, including sampling, weighting, nonresponse, measurement and survey quality. President of the International Association of Survey Statisticians. Editor of "Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys" (Wiley, 2009), "Improving Survey Methods" (Routledge, 2014) and "Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology" (Wiley, 2021). Awarded the Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal for services to survey research.
PhD University of Essex, (2010)
MSc Sheffield Hallam University, (2002)
BSc University College London, (1987)
University of Essex
Professor of Survey Methodology, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex (1/6/2001 - present)
Director, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Survey sampling
Sample design issues with an applied focus. Issues in sampling minority and special populations, sampling for cross-national surveys and sampling for longitudinal surveys.
Survey weighting
The development and application of weights for survey analysis. Design weights, nonresponse adjustment weights, post-stratification weights.
Survey measurement
All aspects of the survey measurement process. The role of question wording, answer scales, interviewers, motivation of respondents, cognitive ability of respondents, interview context, survey modes, etc.
Survey nonresponse
Methods for reducing nonresponse; reducing differential nonresponse; estimating the impacts of nonresponse; adjusting for nonresponse.
Conferences and presentations
How will we carry out longitudinal surveys in the future?
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies International Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 26/9/2024
Nonresponse in longitudinal surveys
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Workshop on non-response in surveys, Dan Hedlin, Stockholm, Sweden, 27/9/2022
Total Survey Error for Longitudinal Surveys
Keynote presentation, International Total Survey Error Workshop, Bergamo, Italy, 11/6/2019
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/6/2024

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2021

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2021

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/4/2019

Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2018

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2018

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2016

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2015

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/11/2009
Journal articles (92)
Cabrera Alvarez, P. and Lynn, P., An increase matters, not the actual value: early bird incentives in longitudinal surveys. Survey Research Methods
Cabrera Alvarez, P. and Lynn, P., (2025). Benefits of increasing the value of respondent incentives during the course of a longitudinal mixed-mode survey. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-13
Lynn, P. and Cabrera Alvarez, P., (2024). Text Messages to Facilitate the Transition to Web-First Sequential Mixed-Mode Designs in Longitudinal Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 12 (3), 651-673
Lynn, P., Bianchi, A. and Gaia, A., (2023). The Impact of Day of Mailing on Web Survey Response Rate and Response Speed. Social Science Computer Review. 42 (1), 352-368
Lynn, P. and Hanzlova, R., (2023). Item response theory-based psychometric analysis of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS) among adolescents in the UK. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 21 (1), 108-
Cabrera Alvarez, P. and Lynn, P., (2023). Text messages to incentivise response in a web-first sequential mixed-mode survey. Social Science Computer Review. 42 (3), 832-851
Lynn, P., Cabrera Alvarez, P. and Clarke, P., (2023). Sample composition and representativeness on Understanding Society. Fiscal Studies. 44 (4), 341-359
Silber, H., Tvinnereim, E., Stark, TH., Blom, AG., Krosnick, JA., Bosnjak, M., Clement, SL., Cornilleau, A., Cousteaux, A-S., John, M., Jonsdottir, GA., Lawson, K., Lynn, P., Martinsson, J., Shamshiri-Petersen, D. and Tu, S-H., (2022). Lack of Replication or Generalization? Cultural Values Explain a Question Wording Effect. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 10 (5), 1121-1147
Hope, S., Campanelli, P., Nicolaas, G., Lynn, P. and Jackle, A., (2022). The Role of the Interviewer in Producing Mode Effects: Results from a Mixed Modes Experiment Comparing Face-to-Face, Telephone and Web Administration. Survey Research Methods. 16 (2), 207-226
Stark, TH., Silber, H., Krosnick, JA., Blom, AG., Aoyagi, M., Belchior, A., Bosnjak, M., Clement, SL., John, M., Jonsdottir, GA., Lawson, K., Lynn, PJ., Martinsson, J., Shamshiri-Petersen, D., Tvinnereim, E. and Yu, R-R., (2020). Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects Across Cultures. Sociological Methods and Research. 49 (3), 567-602
Lynn, P., (2020). Evaluating push-to-web methodology for mixed-mode surveys using address-based samples. Survey Research Methods. 14 (1), 19-30
Burton, J., Lynn, P. and Benzeval, M., (2020). How Understanding Society: The UK Household longitudinal study adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey Research Methods. 14 (2), 235-239
Lynn, P., (2019). The Advantage and Disadvantage of Implicitly Stratified Sampling. methods, data, analyses. 13 (1), 253-266
Mavletova, A. and Lynn, P., (2019). Item Nonresponse Rates and Panel Conditioning in a Longitudinal Survey among Youth. Field Methods. 31 (2), 95-115
Christensen, AI., Lynn, P. and Tolstrup, JS., (2019). Can targeted cover letters improve participation in health surveys? Results from a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 19 (1), 151-
Lynn, P., Couper, M. and Watson, N., (2019). Longitudinal surveys – unique opportunities and unique methodological challenges. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 10 (4), 415-420
Lynn, P., (2019). Applying Prospect Theory to Participation in a CAPI/Web Panel Survey. Public Opinion Quarterly. 83 (3), 559-567
Kuchenbaecker, K., Telkar, N., Reiker, T., Walters, RG., Lin, K., Eriksson, A., Gurdasani, D., Gilly, A., Southam, L., Tsafantakis, E., Karaleftheri, M., Seeley, J., Kamali, A., Asiki, G., Millwood, IY., Holmes, M., Du, H., Guo, Y., Kumari, M., Dedoussis, G., Li, L., Chen, Z., Sandhu, MS., Zeggini, E. and Understanding Society Scientific Group, (2019). The transferability of lipid loci across African, Asian and European cohorts. Nature Communications. 10 (1), 4330-
Lynn, P. and Cernat, A., (2018). The Role of Email Communications in Determining Response Rates and Mode of Participation in a Mixed-mode Design. Field Methods. 30 (1), 70-87
Lynn, P., Nandi, A., Parutis, V. and Platt, L., (2018). Design and implementation of a high quality probability sample of immigrants and ethnic minorities: lessons learnt. Demographic Research. 38 (21), 513-548
Healy, P., Edwards, PJ., Smith, V., Murphy, E., Newell, J., Burke, E., Meskell, P., Galvin, S., Lynn, P., Stovold, E., Mccarthy, B., Biesty, LM. and Devane, D., (2018). Design-based methods to influence the completeness of response to self-administered questionnaires. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2018 (7)
Kaminska, O. and Lynn, P., (2017). Survey-Based Cross-Country Comparisons Where Countries Vary in Sample Design: Issues and Solutions. Journal of Official Statistics. 33 (1), 123-136
Lynn, PJ., (2017). From standardised to targeted survey procedures for tackling non-response and attrition. Survey Research Methods. 11 (1), 93-103
Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S. and Lynn, P., (2017). Web-Face-to-Face Mixed-Mode Design in a Longitudinal Survey: Effects on Participation Rates, Sample Composition, and Costs. Journal of Official Statistics. 33 (2), 385-408
Kaminska, O. and Lynn, P., (2017). The implications of alternative allocation criteria in adaptive design for panel surveys. Journal of Official Statistics. 33 (3), 781-789
Hendricks, AE., Bochukova, EG., Marenne, G., Keogh, JM., Atanassova, N., Bounds, R., Wheeler, E., Mistry, V., Henning, E., Körner, A., Muddyman, D., McCarthy, S., Hinney, A., Hebebrand, J., Scott, RA., Langenberg, C., Wareham, NJ., Surendran, P., Howson, JM., Butterworth, AS., Danesh, J., Nordestgaard, BG., Nielsen, SF., Afzal, S., Papadia, S., Ashford, S., Garg, S., Millhauser, GL., Palomino, RI., Kwasniewska, A., Tachmazidou, I., O’Rahilly, S., Zeggini, E., Barroso, I., Farooqi, IS., Benzeval, M., Burton, J., Buck, N., Jäckle, A., Kumari, M., Laurie, H., Lynn, P., Pudney, S., Rabe, B., Wolke, D., Overvad, K., Tjønneland, A., Clavel-Chapelon, F., Kaaks, R., Boeing, H., Trichopoulou, A., Ferrari, P., Palli, D., Krogha, V., Panico, S., Tuminoa, R., Matullo, G., Boer, J., van. der. Schouw, Y., Weiderpass, E., Quiros, JR., Sánchez, M-J., Navarro, C., Moreno-Iribas, C., Arriola, L., Melander, O., Wennberg, P., Key, TJ., Riboli, E., Turki, SA., Anderson, CA., Anney, R., Antony, D., Soler Artigas, M., Ayub, M., Bala, S., Barrett, JC., Beales, P., Bentham, J., Bhattacharyaa, S., Birney, E., Blackwooda, D., Bobrow, M., Bolton, PF., Boustred, C., Breen, G., Calissanoa, M., Carss, K., Charlton, R., Chatterjee, K., Chen, L., Ciampia, A., Cirak, S., Clapham, P., Clement, G., Coates, G., Coccaa, M., Collier, DA., Cosgrove, C., Coxa, T., Craddock, N., Crooks, L., Curran, S., Curtis, D., Daly, A., Danecek, P., Day, INM., Day-Williams, A., Dominiczak, A., Down, T., Du, Y., Dunham, I., Durbin, R., Edkins, S., Ekong, R., Ellis, P., Evansa, DM., Fitzpatrick, DR., Flicek, P., Floyd, J., Foley, AR., Franklin, CS., Futema, M., Gallagher, L., Gaunt, TR., Geihs, M., Geschwind, D., Greenwood, CMT., Griffin, H., Grozeva, D., Guo, X., Guo, X., Gurling, H., Hart, D., Holmans, P., Howie, B., Huang, J., Huang, L., Hubbard, T., Humphries, SE., Hurles, ME., Hysi, P., Iotchkova, V., Jackson, DK., Jamshidi, Y., Joyce, C., Karczewski, KJ., Kaye, J., Keane, T., Kemp, JP., Kennedy, K., Kent, A., Khawaja, F., van Kogelenberg, M., Kolb-Kokocinski, A., Lachance, G., Langford, C., Lawson, D., Lee, I., Lek, M., Li, R., Li, Y., Liang, J., Lin, H., Liu, R., Lönnqvist, J., Lopes, LR., Lopes, M., MacArthur, DG., Mangino, M., Marchini, J., Maslen, J., Mathieson, I., McGuffin, P., McIntosh, AM., McKechanie, AG., McQuillin, A., Memari, Y., Metrustry, S., Migone, N., Min, JL., Mitchison, HM., Moayyeri, A., Morris, A., Morris, J., Muntoni, F., Northstone, K., O’Donovan, MC., Onoufriadis, A., Oualkacha, K., Owen, MJ., Palotie, A., Panoutsopoulou, K., Parker, V., Parr, JR., Paternoster, L., Paunio, T., Payne, F., Payne, SJ., Perry, JRB., Pietilainen, O., Plagnol, V., Pollitt, RC., Porteous, DJ., Povey, S., Quail, MA., Quaye, L., Raymond, FL., Rehnström, K., Richards, JB., Ridout, CK., Ring, S., Ritchie, GRS., Roberts, N., Robinson, RL., Savage, DB., Scambler, P., Schiffels, S., Schmidts, M., Schoenmakers, N., Scott, RH., Semple, RK., Serra, E., Sharp, SI., Shaw, A., Shihab, HA., Shin, S-Y., Skuse, D., Small, KS., Smee, C., Smith, BH., Davey Smith, G., Soranzo, N., Southam, L., Spasic-Boskovic, O., Spector, TD., St Clair, D., St Pourcain, B., Stalker, J., Stevens, E., Sun, J., Surdulescu, G., Suvisaari, J., Syrris, P., Taylor, R., Tian, J., Timpson, NJ., Tobin, MD., Valdes, AM., Vandersteen, AM., Vijayarangakannan, P., Visscher, PM., Wain, LV., Walter, K., Walters, JTR., Wang, G., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Ward, K., Whyte, T., Williams, HJ., Williamson, KA., Wilson, C., Wilson, SG., Wong, K., Xu, C., Yang, J., Zhang, F., Zhang, P. and Zheng, H-F., (2017). Rare Variant Analysis of Human and Rodent Obesity Genes in Individuals with Severe Childhood Obesity. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 4394-
Bosnjak, M., Das, M. and Lynn, P., (2016). Methods for Probability-Based Online and Mixed-Mode Panels. Social Science Computer Review. 34 (1), 3-7
Lynn, P., (2016). Targeted Appeals for Participation in Letters to Panel Survey Members. Public Opinion Quarterly. 80 (3), 771-782
Goldstein, H., Lynn, P., Muniz-Terrera, G., Hardy, R., O’Muircheartaigh, C., Skinner, C. and Lehtonen, R., (2015). Population sampling in longitudinal suverys. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 6 (4), 447-452
Al Baghal, T. and Lynn, P., (2015). Using Motivational Statements in Web-Instrument Design to Reduce Item-Missing Rates in a Mixed-Mode Context. Public Opinion Quarterly. 79 (2), 568-579
Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2015). Revisiting ?yes/no? versus ?check all that apply?: Results from a mixed modes experiment. Survey research methods. 9 (3), 189-204
Lynn, P., (2015). The need for representative survey samples. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 6 (4), 453-457
Jackle, A., Lynn, P. and Burton, J., (2015). Going Online with a Face-to-Face Household Panel: Effects of a Mixed Mode Design on Item and Unit Non-Response. Survey Research Methods. 9 (1), 57-70
Lynn, P., Kaminska, O. and Goldstein, H., (2014). Panel Attrition: How Important is Interviewer Continuity?. Journal of Official Statistics. 30 (3), 443-457
Lynn, P., (2014). Longer Interviews May Not Affect Subsequent Survey Participation Propensity. Public Opinion Quarterly. 78 (2), 500-509
Fumagalli, L., Laurie, H. and Lynn, P., (2013). Experiments with Methods to Reduce Attrition in Longitudinal Surveys. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 176 (2), 499-519
Hall, J., Brown, V., Nicolaas, G. and Lynn, P., (2013). Extended Field Efforts to Reduce the Risk of Non-response Bias. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique. 117 (1), 5-25
Lynn, P. and Kaminska, O., (2013). The Impact of Mobile Phones on Survey Measurement Error. Public Opinion Quarterly. 77 (2), 586-605
J�ckle, AE., Lynn, P., Sinibaldi, J. and Tipping, S., (2013). The Effect of Interviewer Experience, Attitudes, Personality and Skills on Respondent Co-operation with Face-to-Face Surveys. Survey research methods. 7 (1), 1-15
Lynn, P., (2013). Alternative Sequential Mixed-Mode Designs: Effects on Attrition Rates, Attrition Bias, and Costs. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 1 (2), 183-205
Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE., Jenkins, SP. and Sala, E., (2012). The impact of questioning method on measurement error in panel survey measures of benefit receipt: evidence from a validation study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society). 175 (1), 289-308
Sala, E., Uhrig, SCN. and Lynn, P., (2011). ‘‘It Is Time Computers Do Clever Things!’’: The Impact of Dependent Interviewing on Interviewer Burden. Field Methods. 23 (1), 3-23
Lynn, P., (2011). A fishy story: the roles of rods and nets in maintaining representative longitudinal survey samples. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 2 (2), 98-100
Lynn, P., (2011). Wilting greens: Britain falls out of love with environmentalism. The Economist. 401 (8763)
Lynn, P. and Erens, B., (2011). The ESRC Survey Resources Network: Opportunities for the advancement of survey methods. International Journal of Market Research. 52 (3), 285-285
J�ckle, AE., Roberts, C. and Lynn, P., (2010). Assessing the Effect of Data Collection Mode on Measurement. International Statistical Review. 78 (1), 3-20
Lynn, P. and Schnell, R., (2010). Editorial: “conflict deaths in Iraq: A methodological critique of the orb survey estimate”. Survey Research Methods. 4 (1), 1-
Lynn, P. and Erens, B., (2010). The ESRC Survey Resources Network: Opportunities for the Advancement of Survey Methods. International Journal of Market Research. 52 (3), 285-294
Lynn, P. and Nicolaas, G., (2010). Making Good Use of Survey Paradata. Survey Practice. 3 (2)
Sala, E. and Lynn, P., (2009). The potential of a multi-mode data collection design to reduce non response bias. The case of a survey of employers. Quality & Quantity. 43 (1), 123-136
Jenkins, SP., Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE. and Sala, E., (2008). The feasibility of linking household survey and administrative record data: new evidence for Britain. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 11 (1), 29-43
Lynn, P., (2008). The International Conference on Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys (MOLS), 12-14 July 2006. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique. 97 (1), 48-65
Jäckle, A. and Lynn, P., (2008). Respondent incentives in a multi-mode panel survey: Cumulative effects on nonresponse and bias. Survey Methodology. 34 (1), 105-117
Jackle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2008). Respondent incentives in a multi-mode panel survey: cumulative effects on nonresponse and bias. Survey Methodology. 34 (4), 105-117
Lynn, P. and Schnell, R., (2007). Methodology in our madness. Survey Research Methods. 1 (1), 1-2
J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2007). Dependent interviewing and seam effects in work history data. Journal of Official Statistics. 23 (4), 529-552
Lynn, PJ., Haeder, S., Gabler, S. and Laaksonen, S., (2007). Methods for achieving equivalence of samples in cross-national surveys. Journal of Official Statistics. 23 (1), 107-124
Lynn, P., Hader, S., Gabler, S. and Laaksonen, S., (2007). Methods for achieving equivalence of samples in cross-national surveys: the European social survey experience. Journal of Official Statistics. 23 (1), 107-124
Burton, J., Laurie, H. and Lynn, P., (2006). The Long-Term Effectiveness of Refusal Conversion Procedures on Longitudinal Surveys. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 169 (3), 459-478
Lynn, P. and Sala, E., (2006). Measuring Change in Employment Characteristics: The Effects of Dependent Interviewing. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 18 (4), 500-509
Lynn, P., (2006). Editorial: Attrition and Non-Response. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 169 (3), 393-394
Jenkins, SP., Cappellari, L., Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE. and Sala, E., (2006). Patterns of consent: evidence from a general household survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society). 169 (4), 701-722
Lynn, PJ., Haeder, S. and Gabler, S., (2006). Design effects for multiple design samples. Survey Methodology. 32 (1), 115-120
Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE., Jenkins, SP. and Sala, E., (2006). The effects of dependent interviewing on responses to questions on income sources. Journal of Official Statistics. 22 (3), 357-384
Roberts, C., J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2006). Causes of Mode Effects: Separating out Interviewer and Stimulus Effects in Comparisons of Face-to-Face and Telephone Surveys. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association
Lynn, PJ. and Gabler, S., (2005). Approximations to b* in the prediction of design effects due to clustering. Survey Methodology. 31 (1), 101-104
Lynn, P., (2005). Pure imputation for statistical surveys. Journal of Obnoxious Statistics. 1, 72-76
(2004). Discussion on the Meeting on ‘The 2001 Census and Beyond’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 167 (2), 229-248
Lynn, P., (2004). Editorial: Measuring and Communicating Survey Quality. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 167 (4), 575-578
Lynn, PJ., (2004). Development of a sampling method for household surveys in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. Statistics in Transition. 6 (6), 953-978
Lynn, P., (2004). The Use of Substitution in Surveys. The Survey Statistician. 49, 14-16
Lynn, P., (2003). Developing quality standards for cross-national survey research: five approaches. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 6 (4), 323-336
Weale, M., Leyland, J., Eastabrook, G., Allin, P., Longford, NT., Thomas, R., Swires-Hennessy, E., Maclean, I., Holt, D., Haworthy, M., Kenny, P., Kokic, P. and Lynn, P., (2003). Discussion on the paper by Smith, Pont and Jones. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician). 52 (3), 286-295
Lynn, P., (2003). PEDAKSI: Methodology for Collecting Data about Survey Non-Respondents. Quality and Quantity. 37 (3), 239-261
Lynn, P. and Clarke, P., (2002). Separating refusal bias and non-contact bias: evidence from UK national surveys. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician). 51 (3), 319-333
Nicolaas, G. and Lynn, P., (2002). Random-Digit Dialling in the UK: Viability Revisited. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 165 (2), 297-316
Lynn, P., Beerten, R., Laiho, J. and Martin, J., (2002). Towards standardisation of survey outcome categories and response rate calculations. Research in Official Statistics. 1 (1), 61-84
Lynn, P., (2001). The Impact of Incentives on Response Rates to Personal Interview Surveys: Role and Perceptions of Interviewers. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 13 (3), 326-336
Taylor, S. and Lynn, P., (1998). The effect of a preliminary notification letter on response to a postal survey of young people. International Journal of Market Research. 40 (2), 165-172
Lynn, PJ., (1998). Data collection mode effects on responses to attitudinal questions. Journal of Official Statistics. 14 (1), 1-14
Lynn, PJ., Turner, R. and Smith, P., (1998). Assessing the effects of an advance letter for a personal interview survey. Journal of the Market Research Society. 40 (3), 265-272
Lynn, P., (1998). The British Crime Survey Sample: A response to Elliott and Ellingworth. Sociological Research Online. 3 (1), 76-81
Lynn, P., (1997). Sampling Frame Effects on the British Crime Survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 160 (2), 253-269
O’Muircheartaigh, C. and Lynn, P., (1997). Editorial: The 1997 UK Pre-election Polls. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. 160 (3), 381-385
Lynn, P. and Jowell, R., (1996). How Might Opinion Polls be Improved?: The Case for Probability Sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society). 159 (1), 21-21
Lynn, PJ. and Taylor, B., (1995). On the Bias and Variance of Samples of Individuals: A Comparison of the Electoral Registers and Postcode Address File as Sampling Frames. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D: The Statistician. 44 (2), 173-194
Lynn, PJ., (1995). Surveys of school leavers in Great Britain. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 50, 763-764
Lynn, PJ., (1994). Measuring voluntary activity. Non-Profit Studies. 1 (2), 1-11
Rao, N., Young, K., Lynn, P. and Hurrell, P., (1994). Place, Personal Characteristics and Councillor Roles: a multivariate analysis of survey data. Policy & Politics. 22 (1), 31-42
Lynn, PJ., (1993). Sampling Users of Facilities for Homeless People: An Illustration of some problems and some solutions in sampling flows of people. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 49, 135-136
Jowell, R., Hedges, B., Lynn, P., Farrant, G. and Heath, A., (1993). Review: The 1992 British Election: The Failure of the Polls. Public Opinion Quarterly. 57 (2), 238-238
Lynn, PJ., (1991). A split-run experiment in a postal survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D. 40, 61-66
Books (6)
Lynn, P., (2021). Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Wiley-Blackwell. 1119376939. 9781119376934
Lynn, P., (2021). Preface
Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P., (2014). Improving Survey Methods Lessons from Recent Research. Routledge. 131762971X. 9781317629719
Lynn, P., (2009). Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. John Wiley & Sons. 0470743913. 9780470743911
(2009). Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley. 9780470018712
Pickering, K., Fitzpatrick, S., Hinds, K., Lynn, P. and Tipping, S., (2003). Tracking Homelessness: a feasibility study. Scottish Executive. 0-7559-3523-3
Book chapters (38)
Watson, N. and Lynn, P., (2021). Refreshment sampling for longitudinal surveys. In: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley-Blackwell. 1- 25. 1119376939. 9781119376934
Lynn, P. and Watson, N., (2021). Issues in weighting for longitudinal surveys. In: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley-Blackwell. 447- 468. 1119376939. 9781119376934
Jackle, A. and Lynn, P., (2019). Mounting Multiple Experiments on Longitudinal Social Surveys: Design and Implementation Considerations. In: Experimental Methods in Survey Research: Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment. Editors: Lavrakas, P., Traugott, M., Kennedy, C., Holbrook, A., De Leeuw, E. and West, B., . Wiley. 293- 308. 978-1-119-08374-0
Lynn, P., (2018). Tackling Panel Attrition. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Springer International Publishing. 143- 153. 9783319543949
Ozan, J., Pollock, G., Goswami, H. and Lynn, P., (2018). Challenges in Conducting a New Longitudinal Study on Children and Young People Well-Being in the European Union. In: Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research. Springer International Publishing. 111- 130. 9783319760629
Lynn, PJ., (2016). Principles of Sampling. In: Research Methods for Postgraduates, Third Edition. Editors: Greenfield, T. and Greener, S., . Wiley. 244- 254. 9781118341469
Lynn, PJ., (2015). Targeted response inducement strategies on longitudinal surveys. In: Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research. Editors: Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P., . Routledge. 322- 338. 131762971X. 9781317629719
Lynn, P., (2014). Coping with nonresponse: Overview and introduction. In: Improving survey methods: lessons from recent research. Editors: Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P., . Routledge. 978-0-415-83625-8
Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P., (2014). Improving survey methods: General Introduction. In: Improving survey methods: lessons from recent research. Editors: Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P., . Routledge. 978-0-415-83625-8
Lynn, P., De Luca, G. and Ganninger, M., (2013). Sample Design in SHARE Wave Four. In: SHARE Wave 4: Innovations & Methodology. Editors: Malter, F. and B�rsch - Supan, A., . MEA, Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy. 74- 123. 9783000408021
Lynn, P., (2012). Sampling in Human Studies. In: Research Methods for Postgraduates: Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 255- 263. 9781118341469
Lynn, P. and Kaminska, O., (2011). Factors Affecting Measurement Error in Mobile Phone Interviews. In: Telephone Surveys in Europe. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 211- 228. 9783642254109
Burton, J., Laurie, H. and Lynn, P., (2011). Appendix: Understanding Society design overview. In: Understanding Society: early findings from the first wave of the UK's household longitudinal study. Editors: McFall, SL. and Garrington, C., . ISER. 129- 139. 9781858711584
Lynn, P. and Longhi, S., (2011). Environmental attitudes and behaviour: who cares about climate change?. In: Understanding Society: early findings from the first wave of the UK's household longitudinal study. Editors: McFall, SL. and Garrington, C., . ISER. creators- Lynn=3APeter=3A=3A. 9781858711584
Blom, AG., Jäckle, A. and Lynn, P., (2010). The Use of Contact Data in Understanding Cross‐National Differences in Unit Nonresponse. In: Survey Methods in Multicultural, Multinational, and Multiregional Contexts. Wiley. 333- 354. 9780470177990
Lynn, P., Jackle, AE. and Blom, AG., (2010). Understanding Cross-National Differences in Unit Non-Response: The Role of Contact Data. In: Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts. Editors: Harkness, J., Braun, M., Edwards, B., Johnson, TP., Lyberg, LL., Mohler, PP., Pennell, B. and Smith, TW., . John Wiley & Sons Inc.. creators- J=E4ckle=3AAnnette_E=3A=3A. 978-0-470-17799-0
Lynn, P., (2010). Sample survey methods. In: International encyclopedia of statistical science. Editors: Lovric, M., . Springer. creators- Lynn=3APeter=3A=3A. 9783642048975
Smith, P., Lynn, P. and Elliot, D., (2009). Sample Design for Longitudinal Surveys. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley. 21- 33. 9780470018712
Lynn, P., (2009). Methods for Longitudinal Surveys. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley. 1- 19. 9780470018712
Lynn, PJ., (2009). Preface. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Editors: lynn, P., . Wiley. xv- xvii. 0470743913. 9780470743911
Laurie, H. and Lynn, P., (2009). The use of respondent incentives on longitudinal surveys. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley. 205- 233. 0-470-01871-2. 978-0-470-01871-2
Lynn, P., (2009). Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley. 0470018712. 9780470018712
Lynn, P., (2008). The problem of nonresponse. In: International Handbook of Survey Methodology. Editors: de Leeuw, ED., Hox, JJ. and Dillman, DA., . Routledge. creators- Lynn=3APeter=3A=3A. 978-0-8058-5752-8
Hader, S. and Lynn, P., (2007). How representative can a multi-nation survey be?. In: Measuring Attitudes Cross-Nationally: Lessons from the European Social Survey. Editors: Jowell, R., Roberts, C., Fitzgerald, R. and Eva, G., . Sage Publications Ltd. 9781412919814
Lynn, P., (2005). Weighting. In: Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Editors: Kempf-Leonard, K., . Elsevier. 967- 973. 0-12-443890-3. 978-0-12-443890-3
Lynn, P., (2004). Attrition. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . SAGE Publications Inc. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Design Effects. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . SAGE Publications Inc. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Multistage sampling. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods: volume 2: G-P. SAGE Publications Inc. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Random Sampling. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . SAGE Publications Inc. 0761923632
Lynn, P., (2004). Sampling distribution. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods: Volume 3: Q-Z. SAGE Publications Inc. 990- 991. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Sampling error. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods: Volume 3: Q-Z. SAGE Publications Inc. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Show Card. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . Sage Publications Inc. 0761923632
Lynn, P., (2004). Simple Random Sampling. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . SAGE Publications Inc. 9780761923633
Lynn, P., (2004). Stratified Sample. In: Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Editors: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Liao, T., . SAGE Publications Inc. 0761923632
Lynn, P., (2004). Systematic sampling. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods: Volume 3: Q-Z. SAGE Publications Inc. 1111- 1112. 9780761923633
Lynn, PJ., (2004). Weighting. In: Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Three-Volume Set. V3-967-V3-973
Lynn, PJ., (2002). Sampling in Human Studies. In: Research Methods for Postgraduates. Oxford University Press. 195- 202. 0340806567. 9780340806562
Lynn, P., Clarke, PS., Martin, J. and Sturgis, P., (2001). The effects of extended interviewer efforts on nonresponse bias. In: Survey Nonresponse. Editors: Groves, R., Dillman, D., Eltinge, J. and Little, R., . Wiley. 135- 148. 978-0-471-39627-7
Reports and Papers (24)
Fumagalli, L., Laurie, H. and Lynn, P., Experiments with methods to reduce attrition in longitudinal surveys
Al Baghal, T., Bryson, C., Fisher, H., Hanson, T., Jessop, C., Low, H., Lynn, P., Martin, N., McKay, S., Sloan, L. and Sobolewska, M., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 10: results from methodological experiments
Creighton, M., Dykema, J., Gaia, A., Cernat, A., Garbarski, D., Jamal, A., Kaminska, O., Keusch, F., Lynn, P., Oberski, D., Schaeffer, NC., Uhrig, SCN. and Yan, T., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 8: results from methodological experiments
Lynn, P. and Kaminska, O., Weighting and Sample Representation: Frequently Asked Questions
Kaminska, O. and Lynn, P., (2024). Weighting and Population Estimation using Understanding Society: Some Frequently Asked Questions
Lynn, P., (2024). A framework for identifying and assessing the risks of exclusion from social surveys
Lynn, P., Ormston, R., Martin, C., Rogers, L., Huskinson, T., Irvin, E. and Rimmington, E., (2024). Mixed mode research: report to inform the Scottish Government Long Term Survey Strategy
Lynn, P. and Cabrera Alvarez, P., (2023). Trends in Panel Attrition in Understanding Society: Waves 1 to 13
Murray, AL., Ushakova, A., Wright, H., Booth, T. and Lynn, P., (2021). Structural equation modelling with complex sampling designs and non-random attrition: A tutorial using Mplus
Lynn, P. and Bosch, O., (2021). Methodological lessons from the pilot longitudinal survey on debt advice
Lynn, P. and Xena, C., (2021). Exploration of statistical weighting in the Graduate Outcomes Survey: technical report
Lynn, P., Cabrera Alvarez, P. and Burton, J., (2021). COVID-19 and mode selection effects in Understanding Society
Lynn, P., (2021). The effect of formal debt advice on financial management and knowledge: insights from a new longitudinal study in Britain
Fumagalli, L., Lynn, P. and Munoz-Bugarin, J., (2021). Investigating the role of debt advice on borrowers’ wellbeing: an encouragement study on a new sample of over-indebted people in Britain
Lynn, P., (2020). Methods for recruitment and retention
Lynn, P., (2018). European Social Survey Round 8 Sample Design Data File: User Guide
Lynn, P., Jackle, A., Al Baghal, M. and Burton, J., (2018). Understanding Society the UK Household Longitudinal Study Innovation Panel, Waves 1-10, User Manual Version 1.0
Lynn, P., Jackle, A., Gaia, A., Al Baghal, M. and Burton, J., (2017). Understanding Society the UK Household Longitudinal Study Innovation Panel, Waves 1-9, User Manual
Allum, N., Auspurg, K., Blake, M., Booker, CL., Crossley, TF., d'Ardenne, J., Fairbrother, M., Iacovou, M., Jackle, AE., Kaminska, O., Lynn, P., Nicoletti, C., Oldfield, Z., Pudney, S., Schnettler, S., Uhrig, SCN., Winter, J. and Al Baghal, T., (2014). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments
Lynn, P., Benzeval, M., Davillas, A. and Kumari, M., (2014). Understanding Society Biomarker User Guide and Glossary
Lynn, P., Nicolaas, G., Calderwood, L. and Roberts, C., (2014). Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when?
Lynn, P., Burton, J., Kaminska, O., Knies, G. and Nandi, A., (2012). An initial look at non-response and attrition in Understanding Society
Roberts, C., Eva, G., Allum, N. and Lynn, P., (2010). Data quality in telephone surveys and the effect of questionnaire length: a cross-national experiment
Burton, J., Laurie, H., Uhrig, SCN., Bryan, ML., Desousa, C., Fumagalli, L., Jackle, A., Knies, G., Lynn, P., Nandi, A., Platt, L., Pudney, S., Rabe, B., Sacker, A., Sala, E., Taylor, MP., Wolke, D., Bottazzi, R., Crossley, T. and O'Dea, C., (2008). Understanding Society. Some preliminary results from the Wave 1 Innovation Panel
Scholarly Editions (1)
Lynn, P. and Knies, G., (2015). The Understanding Society Quality Profile
Grants and funding
Roots of problem debt and policies to mitigate its consequences
Nuffield Foundation
Survey Data Collection Methods Collaboration: Securing the Future of Social Surveys
Economic and Social Research Council
ESS ERIC CST Sampling and Weighting Expert Panel Chair - Extension 2023-2025
European Social Survey
Survey Data Collection Methods Collaboration: Securing the Future of Social Surveys
Economic and Social Research Council
Understanding Society Waves 17-22
Economic and Social Research Council
Understanding Society Waves 17-22
Economic and Social Research Council
European Commission
Exploration of Statistical Weighting in Graduate Outcomes Survey
Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited
ESS ERIC CST Sampling and Weighting Expert Panel Chair - Extension 2021-2023
European Social Survey
COORDINATE: COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe
European Commission
European Social Survey
European Commission
Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey Waves 13-15
Economic and Social Research Council
ESS ERIC CST Sampling and Weighting Expert Panel Chair 2019-2021
European Social Survey
Statistics, survey methodology - University of Botswana
University of Essex (GCRF)
Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2)
European Commission
Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study Wave 12
Economic and Social Research Council
European Cohort Development Project
European Commission
IAA ECC Challenge Lab project - Waste Busters
University of Essex
ESS ERIC CST Sampling and Weighting Expert Panel Chair.
European Social Survey
Longitudinal Survey of Indebted People
The Money Advice Service
European Commission (H2020)
Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study: Waves 9-11
Economic & Social Research Council
Studentship Agreement - Alexander Wenz
Longitudinal survey of endebted people
The Money Advice Service
The Feasibility of Conducting a Universal Credit Panel Survey - Development Work and the Selection of an Optimal Design
Department Of Works And Pensions
Understanding non-reponse on Understanding Society
Economic & Social Research Council
MYWEB - Measuring Youth Well-Being
European Commission (FP7)
European Social Survey : Data for a changing Europe
European Commission
Assessment of the future design of the EU-SILC longitudinal component
The Distribution and Dynamics of UK Citizens' Environmental Attitudes, Behaviours and Actions
Economic & Social Research Council
Understanding Society and the UKLS
Economic & Social Research Council
European Social Survey (ESSi Project)
European Commission
Green Exercise: Environment & Exercise
Economic & Social Research Council
Survey Resource Network - Sociology
Economic & Social Research Council
Survey Resource Network - ISER
Economic & Social Research Council
Survey Resource Network - Data Archive
Economic & Social Research Council
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