Professor Klaus McDonald-Maier

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1NW.4.22, Colchester Campus
Klaus McDonald-Maier is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Essex where he leads the Embedded and Intelligent Systems (EIS) Research Laboratory, heads the Intelligent Embedded Systems and Environments Research Group and is Director of Impact. He is also the co-founder and the Chief Scientist of UltraSoC Technologies Ltd (a Venture Capital backed semiconductor startup company) and the co-founder and CEO of Metrarc Limited (a startup company commercialising cybersecurity research outcomes). Klaus McDonald-Maier studied Electronic Engineering at the University of Ulm (Germany), Cardiff University (Wales), and the École Supérieur de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon (CPE-Lyon, France). He completed his doctorate at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany) in 1999, in the area of high performance parallel Neural Network computer architectures and neural networks based control of legged robots. Following this he worked on Systems-on-Chip (SoC) at Infineon Technologies AG (formerly Siemens Semiconductors), Munich (Germany), where he was a Systems Architect for SoC platform based reusable microprocessor cores and peripheral modules as well as debug support for industrial control SoC platforms, used as the standard controller core in many automotive industrial and embedded SoCs. In 2001 he returned to academia and led significant research endeavours in the area of embedded systems, computer architecture, Systems-on-Chip and their application in robotics and intelligent systems. Initially he joined the University of Kent as Lecturer in Digital Systems, then moved to the University of Essex, as Reader in 2005, and was promoted to Professor of Embedded and Intelligent Systems in 2008. He has held visiting Professor positions at INRIA Nord and ESIGELEC. Since 2013 he is a Visiting Research Affiliate at the Advanced Robotics Group of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and a Visiting Professor at the University of Kent.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Embedded Systems and System-on-Chip (SoC) design, development support and technology to increase performance and reliability
Advanced computer architectures offering vast processing power for robotics, image processing and other real-time critical applications
Application of AI for real world problems and robot control
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/1/2025

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/9/2024

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/3/2024

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/9/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/6/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2023

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/4/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 20/3/2023

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2022

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/9/2022

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 3/11/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/3/2020

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 14/1/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/11/2019

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2018

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/12/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/7/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 23/12/2016

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/5/2012
Publications (15)
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2024). Multi-Technique Sequential Information Consistency For Dynamic Visual Place Recognition In Changing Environments
Zhu, X., Zhang, H., Lee, J., Zhu, J., Pal, C., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2024). Fast, Scalable, Energy-Efficient Non-element-wise Matrix Multiplication on FPGA
Waheed, M., Milford, M., Zhai, X., Fasli, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2024). Employing Universal Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition Performance
Tomita, M-A., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). Visual Place Recognition with Low-Resolution Images
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2023). Patch-DrosoNet: Classifying Image Partitions With Fly-Inspired Models For Lightweight Visual Place Recognition
Tomita, M-A., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). Data-Efficient Sequence-Based Visual Place Recognition with Highly Compressed JPEG Images
Waheed, M., Milford, M., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). An Evaluation and Ranking of Different Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition
Waheed, M., Waheed, S., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). A Complementarity-Based Switch-Fuse System for Improved Visual Place Recognition
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2023). A-MuSIC: An Adaptive Ensemble System For Visual Place Recognition In Changing Environments
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Fasli, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2023). Aggregating Multiple Bio-Inspired Image Region Classifiers For Effective And Lightweight Visual Place Recognition
Wang, Y., Grant, OA., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2022). Recalibrating the cerebellum DNA methylation clock: implications for ageing rates comparison
Tomita, M-A., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Data Efficient Visual Place Recognition Using Extremely JPEG-Compressed Images
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Merging Classification Predictions with Sequential Information for Lightweight Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
Dey, S., Kumar, A. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). ThermalAttackNet: Are CNNs Making It Easy To Perform Temperature Side-Channel Attack In Mobile Edge Devices?
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). TMAV: Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Journal articles (119)
Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2025). Evaluating the Effect of Surrogate Data Generation on Healthcare Data Assessment. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 9 (2), 22-22
Ahmadi-Pour, S., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Drechsler, R., (2025). MESSI: Task Mapping and Scheduling Strategy for FPGA-based Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. 30 (3), 1-29
Pal, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2025). RENOWNED: A Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Mitigation Framework in Edge-Enabled IoV. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1
Saha, S., Shounak, C., Agarwal, S., Sjalander, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2024). ARCTIC: Approximate Real-Time Computing in a Cache-Conscious Multicore Environment. IEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 43 (10), 2944-2957
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Fasli, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2024). Aggregating Multiple Bio-Inspired Image Region Classifiers for Effective and Lightweight Visual Place Recognition. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 9 (4), 3315-3322
Liu, Y., Yu, W., Zhai, X., Zhang, B., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fasli, M., (2024). Multi-level CEP Rules Automatic Extraction Approach for Air Quality Detection and Energy Conservation Decision Based on AI Technologies. Applied Energy. 372, 123724-123724
Zhu, X., Boukhennoufa, I., Liew, B., Gao, C., Yu, W., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2023). Monocular 3D Human Pose Markerless Systems for Gait Assessment. Bioengineering. 10 (6), 653-653
Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2023). A novel model to generate heterogeneous and realistic time-series data for post-stroke rehabilitation assessment. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 31, 2676-2687
Gao, C., Saha, S., Zhu, X., Jing, H., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2023). Application Level Resource Scheduling for Deep Learning Acceleration on MPSoC. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 95 (10), 1231-1243
Abolfathi, K., Rosales-Medina, JA., Khaksar, H., Chandler, JH., McDonald-Maier, KD., Ashkan, K., Valdastri, P. and Hoshiar, AK., (2023). Independent and Hybrid Magnetic Manipulation for Full Body Controlled Soft Continuum Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 8 (7), 4235-4242
Wang, Y., Grant, O., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Schalkwyk, L., (2023). Insights into ageing rates comparison across tissues from recalibrating cerebellum DNA methylation clock. GeroScience. 46 (1), 39-56
Minhas, S., Hernandez-Sabate, A., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). Effects of Non-Driving Related Tasks During Self-Driving Mode. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23 (2), 1391-1399
Khanam, Z., Aslam, B., Saha, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Gamma-Induced Image Degradation Analysis of Robot Vision Sensor for Autonomous Inspection of Nuclear Sites. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (18), 17378-17390
Majumder, A., Saha, S., Chakrabarti, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Energy-Aware Real-time Tasks Processing for FPGA Based Heterogeneous Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 7 (2), 414-426
Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Wearable sensors and machine learning in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment: A systematic review. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 71 (B), 103197-103197
Su, J., Yi, D., Coombes, M., Liu, C., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Chen, W-H., (2022). Spectral Analysis and Mapping of Blackgrass Weed by Leveraging Machine Learning and UAV Multispectral Imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 192, 106621-106621
Saha, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Majeed, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). RASA: Reliability-Aware Scheduling Approach for FPGA-Based Resilient Embedded Systems in Extreme Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 52 (6), 3885-3899
Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). A Self-adaptive SEU Mitigation Scheme for Embedded Systems in Extreme Radiation Environments. IEEE Systems Journal. 16 (1), 1436-1447
Saha, S., Chakraborty, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). ACCURATE: Accuracy Maximization for Real-Time Multi-core systems with Energy Efficient Way-sharing Caches. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 41 (12), 5246-5260
Boukhennoufa, I., Altai, Z., Zhai, X., Utti, V., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Liew, B., (2022). Predicting the Internal Knee Abduction Impulse During Walking Using Deep Learning. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 10, 877347-
Minhas, S., Khanam, Z., Ehsan, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Hernández-Sabaté, A., (2022). Weather Classification by Utilizing Synthetic Data.. Sensors. 22 (9), 3193-3193
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). SmartNoshWaste: Using Blockchain, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and QR Code to Reduce Food Waste in Decentralized Web 3.0 Enabled Smart Cities. Smart Cities. 5 (1), 162-176
Wang, Y., Gorrie-Stone, TJ., Grant, OA., Andrayas, AD., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2022). InterpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation microarray data avoiding sex bias. Bioinformatics. 38 (16), 3950-3957
Dey, S., Isuwa, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). CPU-GPU-Memory DVFS for Power-Efficient MPSoC in Mobile Cyber Physical Systems. Future Internet. 14 (3), 91-91
Saha, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). DELICIOUS: Deadline-Aware Approximate Computing in Cache-Conscious Multicore. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 34 (2), 718-733
Arcanjo, B., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). An Efficient and Scalable Collection of Fly-Inspired Voting Units for Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 7 (2), 2527-2534
Ferrarini, B., Milford, MJ., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Binary Neural Networks for Memory-Efficient and Effective Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 38 (4), 1-15
Wachter, EW., Kasap, S., Kolozali, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection on a System-on-Chip under Gamma Radiation. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 54 (11), 3985-3995
Tomita, M-A., Zaffar, M., Ferrarini, B., Milford, MJ., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Sequence-Based Filtering for Visual Route-Based Navigation: Analyzing the Benefits, Trade-Offs and Design Choices. IEEE Access. 10, 81974-81987
Khanam, Z., Saha, S., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Coverage Path Planning Techniques for Inspection of Disjoint Regions with Precedence Provision. IEEE Access. 9, 5412-5427
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). FoodSQRBlock: Digitizing Food Production and the Supply Chain with Blockchain and QR Code in the Cloud. Sustainability. 13 (6), 3486-3486
Lu, Y., Chen, X., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S., Su, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). A Fast Simulation Method for Analysis of SEE in VLSI. Microelectronics Reliability. 120, 114110-114110
Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2021). Novel lockstep-based fault mitigation approach for SoCs with roll-back and roll-forward recovery. Microelectronics Reliability. 124, 114297-114297
Waheed, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Improving Visual Place Recognition Performance by Maximising Complementarity. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 6 (3), 5976-5983
Zaffar, M., Garg, S., Milford, M., Kooij, J., Flynn, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change. International Journal of Computer Vision. 129 (7), 2136-2174
Tomia, M-A., Zaffar, M., Milford, MJ., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2021). ConvSequential-SLAM: A Sequence-Based, Training-Less Visual Place Recognition Technique for Changing Environments. IEEE Access. 9, 118673-118683
Wang, Y., Hannon, E., Grant, O., Gorrie-Stone, T., Kumari, M., Mill, J., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Schalkwyk, L., (2021). DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predictsex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy. BMC Genomics. 22 (1), 484-
Tahir, R., Tahir, S., Tahir, H., McDonald-Maier, K., Howells, G. and Sajjad, A., (2021). A novel ICMetric public key framework for secure communication. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 195, 103235-103235
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). ThermalAttackNet: Are CNNs Making It Easy to Perform Temperature Side-Channel Attack in Mobile Edge Devices?. Future Internet. 13 (6), 146-146
Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Novel Lockstep Technique with Roll-back and Roll-forward Recovery to Mitigate Radiation-Induced Soft Errors. 2020 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference, NORCAS 2020 - Proceedings, 1-7
Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-defining Places in Visual Place Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Early Access (12), 1-1
Chakraborty, S., Saha, S., Själander, M. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2021). Prepare: Power-Aware Approximate Real-time Task Scheduling for Energy-Adaptive QoS Maximization. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 20 (5s), 1-25
Khaliq, A., Ehsan, S., Chen, Z., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). A Holistic Visual Place Recognition Approach Using Lightweight CNNs for Significant ViewPoint and Appearance Changes. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 36 (2), 561-569
Ferrarini, B., Waheed, M., Waheed, S., Ehsan, S., Milford, MJ. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Exploring Performance Bounds of Visual Place Recognition Using Extended Precision. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5 (2), 1688-1695
Kasap, S., Weber Wachter, E., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Survey of Soft Error Mitigation Techniques Applied to LEON3 Soft Processors on SRAM-Based FPGAs. IEEE Access. 8, 28646-28658
Singh, AK., Dey, S., Basireddy, KR., McDonald-Maier, K., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2020). Dynamic Energy and Thermal Management of Multi-Core Mobile Platforms: A Survey. IEEE Design and Test. 37 (5), 25-33
Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). CoHOG: A Light-Weight, Compute-Efficient, and Training-Free Visual Place Recognition Technique for Changing Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5 (2), 1835-1842
Xu, J., Chen, L., Zhai, X., Zhang, R., Mcdonald-Maier, KD., Huang, S. and Bi, K., (2020). Generation of Continuously Variable-mode Orbital Angular Momentum Beams. Engineered Science. 10, 51-57
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). IRON-MAN: An Approach To Perform Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC. IEEE Access. 8, 137101-137115
Khaliq, A., Ehsan, S., Chen, Z., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2020). A Holistic Visual Place Recognition Approach Using Lightweight CNNs for Significant ViewPoint and Appearance Changes.. IEEE Trans. Robotics. 36, 561-569
Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2020). Binary Neural Networks for Memory-Efficient and Effective Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments.. CoRR. abs/2010.00716
Malik, QW., ur Rehman, N., Gull, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). FPGA based real-time implementation of Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 38 (1), 118-137
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Exploring Object-Centric and Scene-Centric CNN Features and their Complementarity for Human Rights Violations Recognition in Images. IEEE Access. 7, 10045-10056
Naveed, K., Ehsan, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and ur Rehman, N., (2019). A Multiscale Denoising Framework using Detection Theory with Application to Images from CMOS/CCD Sensors. Sensors. 19 (1), 206-206
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). P-EdgeCoolingMode: An Agent Based Performance Aware Thermal Management Unit for DVFS Enabled Heterogeneous MPSoCs. IET Computers and Digital Techniques. 13 (6), 514-523
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). SoCodeCNN: Program Source Code for Visual CNN Classification Using Computer Vision Methodology. IEEE Access. 7, 157158-157172
Alizai, ZA., Tahir, H., Murtaza, MH., Tahir, S. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2019). Key-Based Cookie-Less Session Management Framework for Application Layer Security. IEEE Access. 7, 128544-128554
Xu, J., Bi, K., Zhai, X., Hao, Y. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2019). A Dual-Band Microwave Filter Design for Modern Wireless Communication Systems. IEEE Access. 7, 98786-98791
Naveed, K., Shaukat, B., Ehsan, S., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ur Rehman, N., (2019). Multiscale image denoising using goodness-of-fit test based on EDF statistics.. PLoS One. 14 (5), e0216197-e0216197
Xu, J., Bi, K., Zhang, R., Hao, Y., Lan, C., McDonald-Maier, KD., Zhai, X., Zhang, Z. and Huang, S., (2019). A Small-Divergence-Angle Orbital Angular Momentum Metasurface Antenna. Research. 2019, 1-8
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2019). TMAV: Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC. CoRR. abs/1902.05657
Khaliq, A., Saha, S., Bhatt, B., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Profi-Load: An FPGA-Based Solution for Generating Network Load in Profinet Communication.. CoRR. abs/1905.00247
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Exploring Object-Centric and Scene-Centric CNN Features and Their Complementarity for Human Rights Violations Recognition in Images.. IEEE Access. 7, 10045-10056
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). DisplaceNet: Recognising Displaced People from Images by Exploiting Dominance Level.. CoRR. abs/1905.02025
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Bartoli, A., Leonardis, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Assessing Capsule Networks With Biased Data.. CoRR. abs/1904.04555
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Rehman, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Performance Characterization of Image Feature Detectors in Relation to the Scene Content Utilizing a Large Image Database. IEEE Access. 6, 8564-8573
Alheeti, KMA., Al-ani, MS. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). A hierarchical detection method in external communication for self-driving vehicles based on TDMA. PLoS ONE. 13 (1), e0188760-e0188760
Tahir, H., Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). On the security of consumer wearable devices in the Internet of Things. PLoS ONE. 13 (4), e0195487-e0195487
Ali Alheeti, KM. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Intelligent intrusion detection in external communication systems for autonomous vehicles. Systems Science & Control Engineering. 6 (1), 48-56
Guerra, JCV., Khanam, Z., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). Weather Classification: A new multi-class dataset, data augmentation approach and comprehensive evaluations of Convolutional Neural Networks.. CoRR. abs/1808.00588
Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). Sensors, SLAM and Long-term Autonomy: A Review.. CoRR. abs/1807.01605
Yasir Qadri, M., Qadri, NN., Fleury, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Energy-efficient data prefetch buffering for low-end embedded processors. Microelectronics Journal. 62, 57-64
Zahra, A., Kanwal, N., ur Rehman, N., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Seizure detection from EEG signals using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 88, 132-141
Alheeti, KMA., Gruebler, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). Using discriminant analysis to detect intrusions in external communication for self-driving vehicles. Digital Communications and Networks. 3 (3), 180-187
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Performance Characterization of Image Feature Detectors in Relation to the Scene Content Utilizing a Large Image Database.. CoRR. abs/1709.08202
Ehsan, S., Clark, A., Leonardis, A., ur Rehman, N., Khaliq, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). A Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of Image Feature Detectors. Remote Sensing. 8 (11), 928-928
Qadri, MY., Qadri, NN. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2016). Fuzzy logic based energy and throughput aware design space exploration for MPSoCs. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 40, 113-123
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., ur Rehman, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). Performance comparison of image feature detectors utilizing a large number of scenes. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 25 (1), 010501-010501
Ali Alheeti, K., Gruebler, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). Intelligent Intrusion Detection of Grey Hole and Rushing Attacks in Self-Driving Vehicular Networks. Computers. 5 (3), 16-16
Chen, L., Wang, S., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fei, M-R., (2016). Novel path curvature optimization algorithm for intelligent wheelchair to smoothly pass a narrow space. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica. 42 (12), 1874-1885
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Leonardis, A., Rehman, NU., Khaliq, A., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2016). A Generic Framework for Assessing the Performance Bounds of Image Feature Detectors.. Remote. Sens.. 8, 928-928
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Naveed ur Rehman and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Integral Images: Efficient Algorithms for Their Computation and Storage in Resource-Constrained Embedded Vision Systems.. Sensors. 15 (7), 16804-16830
Rehman, NU., Ehsan, S., Abdullah, SMU., Akhtar, MJ., Mandic, DP. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Multi-scale pixel-based image fusion using multivariate empirical mode decomposition.. Sensors. 15 (5), 10923-10947
Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). Exploring ICMetrics to detect abnormal program behaviour on embedded devices. Journal of Systems Architecture. 61 (10), 567-575
Tahir, R., Tahir, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). Securing Health Sensing Using Integrated Circuit Metric. Sensors. 15 (10), 26621-26642
Li, R., Lu, B. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Cognitive assisted living ambient system: a survey. Digital Communications and Networks. 1 (4), 229-252
Qadri, MY., Qadri, NN., Fleury, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). Software-Controlled Instruction Prefetch Buffering for Low-End Processors. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. 24 (10), 1550161-1550161
Rehman, N., Ehsan, S., Naveed, K., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Safdar, MW., (2015). Dynamically sampled multivariate empirical mode decomposition. Electronics Letters. 51 (24), 2049-2051
Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). A Method for Detecting Abnormal Program Behavior on Embedded Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 10 (8), 1692-1704
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Rapid Online Analysis of Local Feature Detectors and Their Complementarity.. CoRR. abs/1510.05145
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Performance Characterization of Image Feature Detectors in Relation to the Scene Content Utilizing a Large Image Database.. CoRR. abs/1510.05157
Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). On-Board Vision Processing For Small UAVs: Time to Rethink Strategy.. CoRR. abs/1504.07021
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Cheung, WM., Bais, AM., Menzat, BI., Kanwal, N. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Memory-Efficient Design Strategy for a Parallel Embedded Integral Image Computation Engine.. CoRR. abs/1510.05142
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Integral Images: Efficient Algorithms for Their Computation and Storage in Resource-Constrained Embedded Vision Systems.. Sensors. 15, 16804-16830
Qadri, MY., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Qadri, NN., (2014). Energy and throughput aware fuzzy logic based reconfiguration for MPSoCs. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 26 (1), 101-113
Ehsan, S., Clark, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Rapid Online Analysis of Local Feature Detectors and Their Complementarity. Sensors. 13 (8), 10876-10907
Chen, L., Wang, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Hu, H., (2013). Towards autonomous localization and mapping of AUVs: a survey. International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems. 1 (2), 97-120
Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2012). An algorithm for the contextual adaption of SURF octave selection with good matching performance: best octaves.. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 (1), 297-304
Lorrentz, P., Howells, WGJ. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2011). An advanced combination strategy for multi-classifiers employed in large multi-class problem domains. Applied Soft Computing. 11 (2), 2151-2163
Kovalchuk, Y., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2011). Overview of ICmetrics Technology – Security Infrastructure for Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology. 4, 49-60
Udenze, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2011). Dyna-routing: Multi criteria reinforcement learning routing forwireless sensor networks with lossy links. Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks. 11 (3-4), 285-306
Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2010). Improved repeatability measures for evaluating performance of feature detectors. Electronics Letters. 46 (14), 998-998
Lorrentz, P., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). A Novel Weightless Artificial Neural Based Multi-Classifier for Complex Classifications. Neural Processing Letters. 31 (1), 25-44
Qadri, MY., Gujarathi, HS. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review. Journal of Computers. 4 (10), 927-942
Qadri, MY. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). Data Cache-Energy and Throughput Models: Design Exploration for Embedded Processors. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. 2009 (1), 725438-725438
Wood, SK., Akehurst, DH., Uzenkov, O., Howells, WGJ. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2008). A Model-Driven Development Approach to Mapping UML State Diagrams to Synthesizable VHDL. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 57 (10), 1357-1371
Akehurst, DH., Howells, WG., Scheidgen, M. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2008). C# 3.0 makes OCL redundant!. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 9
Statheros, T., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Autonomous Ship Collision Avoidance Navigation Concepts, Technologies and Techniques. Journal of Navigation. 61 (01), 129-142
Bartzoudis, N., Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Monitoring field-programmable gate array-based processing engines of dependable computer systems. IET Computers & Digital Techniques. 1 (6), 661-668
Mayer, A., Siebert, H. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Boosting Debugging Support for Complex Systems on Chip. Computer. 40 (4), 76-81
Akehurst, D., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Implementing associations: UML 2.0 to Java 5. Software & Systems Modeling. 6 (1), 3-35
Statheros, T., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Trajectory equilibrium state detection and avoidance algorithm for multi-autonomous potential field mobile robots. Electronics Letters. 43 (15), 799-801
Mayer, A., Siebert, H. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Debug Support, Calibration and Emulation for Multiple Processor and Powertrain Control SoCs. CoRR. abs/0710.4827
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). Debug support for complex systems on-chip: a review. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques. 153 (4), 197-197
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). Debug support strategy for systems-on-chips with multiple processor cores. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 55 (2), 174-184
Maier, KD., (2002). A single cycle 16-bit microcontroller and DSP core for systems on chips solutions. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS. E85C (2), 339-346
Maier, KD., Beckstein, C., Blickhan, R. and Erhard, W., (2001). Standard cell-based implementation of a digital optoelectronic neural-network hardware. Applied Optics. 40 (8), 1244-1244
Maier, KD., Glauche, V., Beckstein, C. and Blickhan, R., (2000). Controlling fast spring-legged locomotion with artificial neural networks. Soft Computing. 4 (3), 157-164
Maier, KD., Wank, V., Bartonietz, K. and Blickhan, R., (2000). Neural network based models of javelin flight: prediction of flight distances and optimal release parameters. Sports Engineering. 3 (1), 57-63
Books (1)
Murphy, J., Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, K., Gadfi, S., Falquet, G., Rouis, K., Aroua, S., Tamani, N., Coustaty, M., Gomez-Krämer, P. and Ghamri-Doudane, Y., (2019). A Framework for Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things (SPIRIT). IOS Press. 978-1-64368-052-1
Book chapters (1)
Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2013). Kinect Enabled Monte Carlo Localisation for a Robotic Wheelchair. In: Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Editors: Lee, S., Yoon, K-J. and Lee, J., . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 17- 27. 9783642354847
Conferences (205)
Aslam, B., Saha, S., Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Zhai, X., Cazzaniga, C., Frost, C., McDonald-Maier, K. and Stolkin, R., Measuring the Degradation of Commercial Cameras Under Fast Neutron Beam
Cheung, WM., Abdullah, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., Model Driven Development Approach for Effective SOA Communication Performance Analysis
Sudhakaran, S., Chung, WM., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., Application of UML Diagrams in the Design and Verification of Digital Systems
McDonald-Maier, K., C166S_V2: A Single Cycle 16-Bit Microncontroller and DSP Core for Next Generation Systems on Chips
Chung, WM., Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, K., Hopkins, ABT., Arslan, T. and Derrick, J., Novel Model Driven Design and Validation Techniques for Adaptive Cruise Control
Maier, KD., Beckstein, C., Blickhan, R., Erhard, W. and Fey, D., A multi-layer-perceptron neural network hardware based on 3D massively parallel optoelectronic circuits
Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Borowski, M., Zhang, H., Pal, C., Saha, S., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2024). NIRVANA: Non-Invasive Real-Time VulnerAbility ANAlysis for RISC-V Processor
Pal, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2024). REALITY: RL-PowEred AnomaLy Detection with Imprecise Computing in MulTi-Core SYstems (Best paper Award)
Shounak, C., Saha, S., Magnus, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2024). MAFin: Maximizing Accuracy in FinFET based Approximated Real-Time Computing
Chakraborty, S., Saha, S., Själander, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2024). MAFin: Maximizing Accuracy in FinFET based Approximated Real-Time Computing.
Borowski, M., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Benchmark Tool for Detecting Anomalous Program Behaviour on Embedded Devices
Ahmadi-Pour, S., Saha, S., Herdt, V., McDonald-Maier, K. and Drechsler, R., (2023). Task Mapping and Scheduling in FPGA-based Heterogeneous Real-time Systems: A RISC-V Case-Study
Gao, C., Zhu, X., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2023). Modelling and Analysis of FPGA-based MPSoC System with Multiple DNN Accelerators
Borowski, M., Pal, C., Saha, S., Poli, L., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Anomaly Behaviour tracing of CHERI-RISC V using Hardware-Software Co-design
Zhu, X., Gao, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Bayesian Optimization for Efficient Heterogeneous MPSoC based DNN Accelerator Runtime Tuning
Waheed, M., Waheed, S., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). A Complementarity-Based Switch-Fuse System for Improved Visual Place Recognition
Guha, K., Saha, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). SENAS: Security driven ENergy Aware Scheduler for Real Time Approximate Computing Tasks on Multi-Processor Systems
Gao, C., Saha, S., Lu, Y., Saha, R., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). Deep Learning on FPGAs with Multiple Service Levels for Edge Computing
zhu, X., Boukhennoufa, I., Liew, B., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). A Kalman Filter based Approach for Markerless Pose Tracking and Assessment
Lu, Y., Cong, G., Saha, R., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). FPGA-based Dynamic Deep Learning Acceleration for Real-time Video Analytics
Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). Encoding Sensors’ Data into Images to Improve the Activity Recognition in Post Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment
Smith, WHB., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD., Ehsan, S. and Fisher, RB., (2022). OpenSceneVLAD: Appearance Invariant, Open Set Scene Classification
Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). FPGA based Adaptive Hardware Acceleration for Multiple Deep Learning Tasks
Waheed, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2022). SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Highly-Efficient Binary Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition
Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., McDonald-Maier, K. and Jackson, J., (2021). Improving the activity recognition using GMAF and transfer learning in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment
Saha, S., Adetomi, A., Zhai, X., Kasap, S., Ehsan, S., Arslan, T. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). EnSuRe: Energy & Accuracy Aware Fault-tolerant Scheduling on Real-time Heterogeneous Systems
Khanam, Z., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Near-Optimal Coverage Path Planning of Distributed Regions for Aerial Robots with Energy Constraint
Khanam, Z., Saha, S., Ognibene, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). An Offline-Online Strategy for Goal-Oriented Coverage Path Planning using A Priori Information
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Asynchronous Hybrid Deep Learning (AHDL): A Deep Learning Based Resource Mapping in DVFS Enabled Mobile MPSoCs
Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2021). A comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art time-series deep learning models for activity-recognition in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment
Poli, L., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2021). Design and Implementation of a RISC V Processor on FPGA
Aslam, B., Saha, S., Khanam, Z., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Gamma-induced Degradation Analysis of Commercial off-the-shelf Camera Sensors
Dey, S., Singh, A., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). User Interaction Aware Reinforcement Learning for Power and Thermal Efficiency of CPU-GPU Mobile MPSoCs
Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). A self-scrubbing scheme for embedded systems in radiation environments
Wachter, E., Kasap, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). A Framework and Protocol for Dynamic Management of Fault Tolerant Systems in Harsh Environments
Wachter, EW., Kasap, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Survey of Lockstep based Mitigation Techniques for Soft Errors in Embedded Systems
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Adetomi, A., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Arslan, T., (2020). Proxy Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Primitive Interfacing in Reconfigurable Devices Targeting Extreme Environments
Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Novel Lockstep-based Approach with Roll-back and Roll-forward Recovery to Mitigate Radiation-Induced Soft Errors
Chakraborty, S., Saha, S., Sjalander, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). RePAiR: A Strategy for Reducing Peak Temperature while Maximising Accuracy of Approximate Real-Time Computing: Work-in-Progress
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). FruitVegCNN: Power- and Memory-Efficient Classification of Fruits & Vegetables Using CNN in Mobile MPSoC
Khaliq, A., Saha, S., Bhatt, B., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Profi-Load: An FPGA-Based Solution for Generating Network Load in Profinet Communication
Ferrarini, B., Waheed, M., Waheed, S., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Visual Place Recognition for Aerial Robotics: Exploring Accuracy-Computation Trade-off for Local Image Descriptors
Khanam, Z., Saha, S., Aslam, B., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Cazzaniga, C., Frost, C., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Degradation Measurement of Kinect Sensor Under Fast Neutron Beamline
Aroua, S., Murphy, J., Rabah, M., Rouis, K., Sidere, N., Tamani, N., Champagnat, R., Coustaty, M., Falquet, G., Ghadfi, S., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., Gomez-Kramer, P., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things: an overview of the project
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Bartoli, A., Leonardis, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Assessing Capsule Networks with Biased Data
Murphy, J., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). A Machine Learning Method For Sensor Authentication Using Hidden Markov Models
Ali Alheeti, KM., Al-Ani, MS. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Spreading Code Identification of Legal Drones in IoT Environment
Isuwa, S., Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). TEEM: Online Thermal- and Energy-Efficiency Management on CPU-GPU MPSoCs
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). DeadPool: Performance Deadline Based Frequency Pooling and Thermal Management Agent in DVFS Enabled MPSoCs
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Saha, S., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). RewardProfiler: A Reward Based Design Space Profiler on DVFS Enabled MPSoCs
Dey, S., Guajardo, EZ., Basireddy, KR., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). EdgeCoolingMode: An Agent Based Thermal Management Mechanism for DVFS Enabled Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Ferrarini, B., Waheed, M., Waheed, S., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). Visual Place Recognition for Aerial Robotics: Exploring Accuracy-Computation Trade-off for Local Image Descriptors.
Kalliatakis, G., Sticlaru, A., Stamatiadis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Material classification in the wild: Do synthesized training data generalise better than real-world training data?
Dey, S., Kalliatakis, G., Saha, S., Singh, AK., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). MAT-CNN-SOPC: Motionless Analysis of Traffic Using Convolutional Neural Networks on System-On-a-Programmable-Chip
Murphy, J., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). On Quaternary 1-of-4 ID Generator Circuits
Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and Maier, KM., (2018). Sensors, SLAM and Long-term Autonomy: A Review
Villarreal Guerra, JC., Khanam, Z., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Weather Classification: A new multi-class dataset, data augmentation approach and comprehensive evaluations of Convolutional Neural Networks
Saha, S., Ehsan, S., Stoica, A., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Real-Time Application Processing for FPGA-Based Resilient Embedded Systems in Harsh Environments
Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). ICMetrics based industrial internet of things (IIoT) security in the post quantum world
Kalliatakis, G., Sticlaru, A., Stamatiadis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). Material Classification in theWild: Do Synthesized Training Data Generalise Better than Real-world Training Data?
Dey, S., Kalliatakis, G., Saha, S., Singh, AK., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2018). MAT-CNN-SOPC: Motionless Analysis of Traffic Using Convolutional Neural Networks on System-On-a-Programmable-Chip.
Tahir, R., Tahir, H., Sajjad, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). A secure cloud framework for ICMetric based IoT health devices.
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?
Kalliatakis, G., Stamatiadis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Gall, J., Sticlaru, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Material Classification
Al-Zaidi, R., Woods, J., Al-Khalidi, M., Ali Alheeti, KM. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). Next generation marine data networks in an IoT environment
Murphy, J., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). Multi-factor authentication using accelerometers for the Internet-of-Things
Bin Nazar, H., Moetesum, M., Ehsan, S., Siddiqi, I., Khurshid, K., Vincent, N. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Classification of Graphomotor Impressions Using Convolutional Neural Networks: An Application to Automated Neuro-Psychological Screening Tests
Ali Alheeti, KM. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). An enhanced AODV protocol for external communication in self-driving vehicles
Ali Alheeti, KM. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). An intelligent security system for autonomous cars based on infrared sensors
Alheeti, KMA., Al-Zaidi, R., Woods, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). An intrusion detection scheme for driverless vehicles based gyroscope sensor profiling
Alheeti, KMA. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2017). An intelligent intrusion detection scheme for self-driving vehicles based on magnetometer sensors
Kalliatakis, G., Stamatiadis, G., Ehsan, S., Leonardis, A., Gall, J., Sticlaru, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Material Classification.
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M., Leonardis, A., Gall, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?.
ur Rehman, N., Naveed, K., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). Multi-scale image denoising based on goodness of fit (GOF) tests
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Rehman, NU., Leonardis, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2016). Automatic Selection of the Optimal Local Feature Detector
Tahir, R., Tahir, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fernando, A., (2016). A novel ICMetric based framework for securing the Internet of Things
Tahir, H., Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). Securing MEMS Based Sensor Nodes in the Internet of Things
Minhas, S., Hernández-Sabaté, A., Ehsan, S., Díaz-Chito, K., Leonardis, A., López, AM. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). LEE: A photorealistic virtual environment for assessing driver-vehicle interactions in self-driving mode
Alheeti, KMA. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2016). Hybrid intrusion detection in connected self-driving vehicles
Alheeti, KMA., Gruebler, A., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fernando, A., (2016). Prediction of DoS attacks in external communication for self-driving vehicles using a fuzzy petri net model
Gruebler, A., McDonald-Maier, K. and Alheeti, KMA., (2016). An Intrusion Detection System against Black Hole Attacks on the Communication Network of Self-Driving Cars
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Rehman, NU., Leonardis, A. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2016). Automatic Selection of the Optimal Local Feature Detector.
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Ferrarini, B., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices
Ferrarini, B., Ehsan, S., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Performance characterization of image feature detectors in relation to the scene content utilizing a large image database
Greaves, DJ., Puzovic, M., Zaidi, AM., McDonald-Maier, K. and Hopkins, A., (2015). Fine-grained Energy / Power Instrumentation for Software-level Efficiency Optimization
ur Rehman, N., Khan, MM., Sohaib, I., Jehanzaib, M., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD.
Alheeti, KMA., Gruebler, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). On the detection of grey hole and rushing attacks in self-driving vehicular networks
Alheeti, KMA., Gruebler, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). An intrusion detection system against malicious attacks on the communication network of driverless cars
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Ferrarini, B., Rehman, NU. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). Assessing the performance bounds of local feature detectors: Taking inspiration from electronics design practices.
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF., Cheung, WM., Bais, AM., Menzat, BI., Kanwal, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). Memory-Efficient Design Strategy for a Parallel Embedded Integral Image Computation Engine
Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). Detecting Compromised Programs for Embedded System Applications
Li, R., Wei, L., Gu, D., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2014). Multi-layered map based navigation and interaction for an intelligent wheelchair
Tahir, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). A group secure key generation and transfer protocol based on ICMetrics
Tahir, H., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2014). On the Incorporation of Secure Filter in ICMetrics Group Communications
Tahir, H., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and Mcdonald-Maier, K., (2014). On Secure Group Admission Control Using ICMetrics
Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). An Assessment of Recent Attacks on Specific Embedded Systems
(2013). Preface
Jamiołkowski, A. and Michalski, M., (2013). Foreword
Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A Self-Organising Map Based Algorithm for Analysis of ICmetrics Features
Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Automatic Number Plate Recognition on FPGA
Ragot, N., Bouzbouz, F., Khemmar, R., Ertaud, J-Y., Kokosky, A-M., Labbani-Igbida, Q., Sajous, P., Niyonsaba, E., Reguer, D., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K., Sirlantzis, K., Howells, G., Pepper, M. and Sakel, M., (2013). Enhancing the Autonomy of Disabled Persons: Assistive Technologies Directed by User Feedback
Kovalchuk, Y., McDonald-Maier, K., Howells, G., Gu, D. and Hu, H., (2013). A practical proposal for ensuring the provenance of hardware devices and their safe operation
Ali Alheeti, KM., Al-Jobouri, L. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Increasing the rate of intrusion detection based on a hybrid technique
Wang, S., Chen, L., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Sensor-based dynamic trajectory planning for smooth door passing of intelligent wheelchairs
Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K., Cheung, WM. and Howells, G., (2013). Application of ICmetrics for Embedded System Security
Stoica, A., Barrero, DF. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Improved targeting through collaborative decision-making and brain computer interfaces
Li, R., Oskoei, MA., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Hu, H., (2013). ROS Based Multi-sensor Navigation of Intelligent Wheelchair
Stoica, A., Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Barrero, DF., (2013). Towards human-friendly efficient control of multi-robot teams
Appiah, K., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). Program Counter as an Integrated Circuit Metrics for Secured Program Identification
Wang, S., Chen, L., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Doorway passing of an intelligent wheelchair by dynamically generating Bézier curve trajectory
Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2013). A recursive Bayesian filter for landmark-based localisation of a wheelchair robot
Rechy-Ramirez, EJ., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Head movements based control of an intelligent wheelchair in an indoor environment
Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A Scheme for the Generation of Strong ICMetrics Based Session Key Pairs for Secure Embedded System Applications
Tahir, H., Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). A Novel Private Cloud Document Archival System Architecture Based on ICmetrics
Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A scheme for the generation of strong cryptographic key pairs based on ICMetrics
Tahir, R., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). Resilience against brute force and rainbow table attacks using strong ICMetrics session key pairs
Horsman, G., Laing, C. and Vickers, P., (2012). User-Contributory Case-Based Reasoning for Digital Forensic Investigations
Williams, A., York, H. and Frowd, CD., (2012). Understanding Familiar Face Recognition for 3D Scanned Images: The Importance of Internal and External Facial Features
Gillham, M., McElroy, B., Howells, G., Kelly, S., Spurgeon, S. and Pepper, M., (2012). Weightless Neural System Employing Simple Sensor Data for Efficient Real-Time Round-Corner, Junction and Doorway Detection for Autonomous System Path Planning in Smart Robotic Assisted Healthcare Wheelchairs
Chen, L., Wang, S., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). Bézier curve based trajectory planning for an intelligent wheelchair to pass a doorway
Theodoridis, T., Hu, H., McDonald-Maier, K. and Gu, D., (2012). Kinect Enabled Monte Carlo Localisation for a Robotic Wheelchair
Wang, S., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). Optimization and Sequence Search Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lu, B., Gu, D., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). Sparse Gaussian Process for Spatial Function Estimation with Mobile Sensor Networks
Kovalchuk, Y., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K., Newman, D., Kelly, S. and Howells, G., (2012). Investigation of Properties of ICmetrics Features
Chen, L., Hu, H. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). EKF Based Mobile Robot Localization
Kovalchuk, Y., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2012). ICmetrics for Low Resource Embedded Systems
Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). An ICMetrics Based Lightweight Security Architecture Using Lattice Signcryption
Tahir, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2012). Improving Resilience Against Node Capture Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using ICmetrics
Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2011). Measuring the Coverage of Interest Point Detectors
Sudhakaran, S., Chung, WM., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2010). UML based hierarchical state diagram approach for protocol designs
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2010). Hardware Based Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Feature Extraction: A Retrospective Analysis and Future Directions
Lorrentz, P., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). Model learning from weights by adaptive enhanced probabilistic convergent network
Qadri, MY., Matichard, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). JetBench: An Open Source Real-time Multiprocessor Benchmark
Qadri, MY. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). A fuzzy logic based dynamic reconfiguration scheme for optimal energy and throughput in symmetric chip multiprocessors
Qadri, MY. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2010). A Fuzzy Logic Reconfiguration Engine for Symmetric Chip Multiprocessors
Qadri, MY. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). Analytical Evaluation of Energy and Throughput for Multilevel Caches
Ehsan, S., Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E., Clark, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2010). Analysis of interest point distribution in SURF octaves
Ehsan, S., Clark, AF. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). Novel Hardware Algorithms for Row-Parallel Integral Image Calculation
Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). Exploring Integral Image Word Length Reduction Techniques for SURF Detector
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). Ensuring Secure Healthcare Communications via ICmetric Based Encryption on Unseen Devices
Lorrentz, P., Howells, WGJ. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2009). FPGA-based enhanced probabilistic convergent weightless network for human iris recognition
Statheros, T., Howells, G., Lorrentz, P. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). A novel potential field algorithm and an intelligent multi-classifier for the automated control and guidance system (ACOS)
Lorrentz, P., Howells, WGJ. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). A Fingerprint Identification System Using Adaptive FPGA-Based Enhanced Probabilistic Convergent Network
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). Integrating Feature Values for Key Generation in an ICmetric System
Udenze, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). Direct Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Power Configuration and Control in Wireless Networks
Udenze, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2009). Indirect Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Power Configuration and Control in Wireless Networks
Howells, G., Batchelor, JC., Spurgeon, SK., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Hopkins, ABT., (2009). Novel secure communications technologies supporting remote healthcare
Qadri, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). Cycle Accurate Energy and Throughput Estimation for Data Cache
Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2009). On-Board Vision Processing for Small UAVs: Time to Rethink Strategy
Hopkins, ABT., McDonald-Maier, KD., Papoutsis, E. and Howells, G., (2008). Adaptive Online Profiling Hardware for ICmetrics Based Security
Hopkins, ABT., Sartain, P., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Howells, WGJ., (2008). Towards Embedded Artificial Intelligence Based Security for Computer Systems
Sartain, P., Hopkins, ABT., McDonald-Mair, KD. and Howells, WGJ., (2008). A Framework for Self-Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring for Embedded Systems Using a SOM-Based Classifier
Wood, S., Akehurst, D., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Array OL Descriptions of Repetitive Structures in VHDL
Bartzoudis, N., Tantsios, V. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Dynamic Scheduling of Test Routines for Efficient Online Self-Testing of Embedded Microprocessors
Udenze, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Partially Observable Markov Decision Process for Transmitter Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Effects of Feature Trimming on Encryption Key Stability for an ICmetric System
Lorrentz, P., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). An FPGA based Adaptive Weightless Neural Network Hardware
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Investigation of Sample Sizes and Correlation in Multi-Cluster Feature Distributions for an Efficient Encryption System
Akehurst, DH., Howells, WGJ., Bordbar, B. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2008). Maths vs (meta)modelling: Are we reinventing the wheel?
Bartzoudis, N., Tantsios, V. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2008). Constraint-based test-scheduling of embedded microprocessors
Lorrentz, P., Howells, WGJ. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2008). An analysis of hardware configurations for an adaptive weightless neural network
Qadri, MY. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2008). Towards Increased Power Efficiency in Low End Embedded Processors: Can Cache Help?
Sartain, PE., Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Optoelectronic Measurement Interface for System-on-Chip Debug
Scottow, RG., Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). ESTATS: Embedded Systems Timing Analysis Tool Suite Prototype
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Trace algorithms for deeply integrated complex and hybrid SoCs
Sartain, P., Hopkins, ABT., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Howells, WGJ., (2007). A System Level Framework for Monitoring and Self Diagnosis in ESPACENET
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2007). Debug Support for Hybrid SoCs
Hopkins, ABT., McDonald-Maier, KD., Papoutsis, E. and Howells, WGJ., (2007). Ensuring data integrity via ICmetrics based security infrastructure
Hopkins, ABT., McDonald-Maier, KD., Howells, WGJ., Erdogan, AT. and Arslan, T., (2007). I^2 S^3 the Integrated Intelligent Secure Sensor Systems Project
Bartzoudis, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Online monitoring of FPGA-based co-processing engines embedded in dependable workstations
Bartzoudis, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). An adaptive processing node architecture for validating sensors reliability in a wind farm
Akehurst, DH., Howells, WGJ., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Bordbar, B., (2007). Compiling UML State Diagrams into VHDL: An Experiment in Using Model Driven Development.
Howells, G., McDonald-Maier, KD., Binzegger, T. and Young, MP., (2007). MAVIS: A Secure Formal Computational Paradigm based on the Mammalian Visual System
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Integrating Multi-Modal Circuit Features within an Efficient Encryption System
Bartzoudis, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). An embedded sensor validation system for adaptive condition monitoring of a wind farms
Howells, G., Howlett, B. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). TRICODA - Complex Data Analysis and Condition Monitoring based onv Neural Network Model
Udenze, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Renewal theory sleep time optimisation for scheduling events in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lorrentz, P., Howells, WGJ. and McDonald-Maier, D., (2007). Design and Analysis of a novel weightless artificial neural based Multi-Classifier
Howells, G., Papoutsis, E., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Normalizing Discrete Circuit Features with Statistically Independent values for incorporation within a highly Secure Encryption System
Papoutsis, E., Howells, G., Hopkins, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Key Generation for Secure Inter-satellite Communication
Frowd, CD., Bruce, V., Gannon, C., Robinson, M., Tredoux, C., Park, J., Mcintyre, A. and Hancock, PJB., (2007). Evolving the Face of a Criminal: How to Search a Face Space More Effectively
Drahansky, M., (2007). Sinusoidal Shape of a Papillary Line Crosscut
Bartzoudis, N. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2007). Concurrent monitoring of PCI bus transactions for timely detection of errors initiated by FPGA-based applications
Park, Y., Lee, W-Y. and Rhee, K-H., (2007). Authenticated On-Demand Ad Hoc Routing Protocol without Pre-shared Key Distribution
Scottow, RG., Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). Instrumentation of Real-Time Embedded Systems for Performance Analysis
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). A Generic On-Chip Debugger for Wireless Sensor Networks
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). Debug support for embedded processor reuse
Akehurst, DH., Bordbar, B., Evans, MJ., Howells, WGJ. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2006). SiTra: Simple Transformations in Java
Howells, G., Papoutsis, E. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2006). Novel Techniques for Ensuring Secure Communications for Distributed Low Power Devices
Arslan, T., Haridas, N., Yang, E., Erdogan, AT., Barton, N., Walton, AJ., Thompson, JS., Stoica, A., Vladimirova, T., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Howells, WGJ., (2006). ESPACENET: A Framework of Evolvable and Reconfigurable Sensor Networks for Aerospace–Based Monitoring and Diagnostics
R. G. Scottow, (2006). Instrumentation of Real-Time Embedded Systems for Performance Analysis
Blickhan, R., Seyfarth, A., Wagner, H., Friedrichs, A., Günther, M. and Maier, KD., (2006). Robust Behaviour of the Human Leg
Scottow, R. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2005). Measuring determinism in real-time embedded systems using cached Processors
Hopkins, ABT. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2005). Transform digital signal processor architecture using optical interconnections
Mayer, A., Siebert, H. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2005). Debug Support, Calibration and Emulation for Multiple Processor and Powertrain Control SoCs
D'Auriol, BJ., Arabnia, HR., Chung, PT., Liszka, K., Pan, Y., Parhami, B., Pescapè, A., Smid, J., Abonamah, A., Alameldin, T., Alghazo, JM., Apparao, P., Bhavsar, V., Biaz, S., Boppana, RV., Bourgeois, A., Bruneel, H., Buhari, SM., Chan, H., Chen, Z., Victor, C., Dai, Y., Dang, XH., De Turck, F., Dehne, F., Engel, T., Eskicioglu, MR., Frietman, EEE., Garrido, J., Gavrilova, ML., Graham, PCJ., Gravvanis, GA., He, L., Hung, CC., Iftekharuddin, KM., Iraqi, Y., Jack, J., Jia, W., Jun, YK., Kato, H., Li, K., Li, KC., Liang, X., Massini, A., McDonald-Maier, KD., Melhem, R., Mudiraj, P., Myoupo, JF., Nanda, P., Ould-Khaoua, M., Paprzycki, M., Petcu, D., Reinefeld, A., Risch, T., Romero, R., Sansone, C., Semé, D., Sessums, J., Shaw, R., Shen, H., Shrikumar, H., Skeie, T., Slimani, Y., Srimani, PK., Stutz, A., Sung, KY., Thomas, J., Uhlig, S., Vaidyanathan, R., Vasikarla, S., Wagner, A., Wang, BF., Welch, P., Wittevrongel, S., Wu, F., Xu, CW., Yang, L., Yim, KS., Young, G., Yu, H. and Zheng, SQ., (2005). General chair's foreword
Yang, LT., Becker, J., Imai, M., Salcic, Z., Frank, S., Giorgi, R., Hassan, H., John, E., Kim, SW., Vemuru, SR., Arabnia, HR., Bartolini, S., Bechini, A., De Bosschere, K., Dominguez, C., Eeckhout, L., Eom, DS., Foglia, P., Gaydadjiev, GN., Guo, M., Han, H., Kato, H., Kerboeuf, M., Kermarrec, Y., Khatri, A., Khemaissia, S., Legrand, J., Li, KC., Lopez, P., Martinelli, E., Martinez, JM., McDonald-Maier, KD., Nana, L., Navet, N., Nolin, M., Paek, Y., Park, JH., Plassart, L., Podesta, R., Prete, A., Sastry, S., Shrikumar, H., Singhoff, F., Steger, C., Vareille, J., Wong, S., Yim, KS., Zhang, W. and Zhang, X., (2005). Message from ESA-05 chairs
Abachi, H., Iqbal, SA., Ali, H., Arabnia, HR., Bai, Y., Bhagyavati, Bischof, HP., Boutaba, R., Burmester, M., Clarke, S., Coronato, A., D'Auriol, B., d'Medieros, B., Dadej, A., Dasgupta, P., De Pietro, G., Denko, M., Deogun, J., Dommel, P., Fu, H., Gravvanis, GA., Hara, T., Huang, EM., Inoue, S., Kato, H., Kawaguchi, N., Kurkovsky, S., Leckie, T., Lee, H., Li, KC., Li, W., Liscano, R., Liszka, KJ., Logrippo, L., Ma, J., MacDonald, T., Mahmoud, Q., Makki, K., Manivannan, D., Marshall, J., McDonald-Maier, KD., Medidi, M., Minami, M., Nakazawa, J., Narayanan, L., Nasser, N., Nishimura, T., Noma, H., Park, S., Pissinou, N., Pour, G., Ra, K., Raines, R., Ravi, SS., Sastry, S., Schmidt, A., Sharif, H., Shih, TK., Shrikumar, H., Strohbach, M., Takizawa, M., Terada, T., Tri, L., Uchyigit, G., Wang, C., Won, C., Yan, L., Yang, LT., Yasinsac, A., Yoo, SM., Youn, J., Zeng, QA. and Zhu, Q., (2005). Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Pervasive Systems and Computing, PSC'05: Message from PSC-05 chairs
Abachi, H., Abdullah, R., Ahuja, SP., Alghazo, JM., Andresen, D., Arabnia, HR., Arcangeli, JP., Astsatryan, H., Chandy, J., Chen, Z., Chiu, SC., Chung, PT., Constantinides, C., DeMara, RF., Dominguez, FQ., Goswami, D., Gravvanis, GA., Grosu, D., Guo, M., Sean He, X., Hsieh, SY., Joe, K., Kato, H., Kettimuthu, R., Lee, JR., Lee, J., Li, KC., Liao, W., Liu, D., Lopez, EMM., Lopez-Benitez, N., Lu, T., Marowka, A., McDonald-Maier, KD., Mun, Y., Nagar, N., Nakamori, M., Oudshoorn, M., Pang, J., Park, JH., Pedersen, M., Pescape', A., Power, D., Shrikumar, H., Stiles, S., Su, HC., Subramani, K., Tinetti, FG., Veselovsky, G., Watson, LT., Wolfinger, BE., Woo, J., Xu, B., Yim, KS., Young, G., Zabir, S., Zhang, C. and Zhang, X., (2005). Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'05): Foreword
D'Auriol, BJ., Arabnia, HR., Chung, PT., Liszka, K., Pan, Y., Parhami, B., Pescapè, A., Smid, J., Abonamah, A., Alameldin, T., Alghazo, JM., Apparao, P., Bhavsar, V., Biaz, S., Boppana, RV., Bourgeois, A., Bruneel, H., Buhari, SM., Chan, H., Chen, Z., Victor, C., Dai, Y., Dang, XH., De Turck, F., Dehne, F., Engel, T., Eskicioglu, MR., Frietman, EEE., Garrido, J., Gavrilova, ML., Graham, PCJ., Gravvanis, GA., He, L., Hung, CC., Iftekharuddin, KM., Iraqi, Y., Jack, J., Jia, W., Jun, YK., Kato, H., Li, K., Li, KC., Liang, X., Massini, A., McDonald-Maier, KD., Melhem, R., Mudiraj, P., Myoupo, JF., Nanda, P., Ould-Khaoua, M., Paprzycki, M., Petcu, D., Reinefeld, A., Risch, T., Romero, R., Sansone, C., Semé, D., Sessums, J., Shaw, R., Shen, H., Shrikumar, H., Skeie, T., Slimani, Y., Srimani, PK., Stutz, A., Sung, KY., Thomas, J., Uhlig, S., Vaidyanathan, R., Vasikarla, S., Wagner, A., Wang, BF., Welch, P., Wittevrongel, S., Wu, F., Xu, CW., Yang, L., Yim, KS., Young, G., Yu, H. and Zheng, SQ., (2005). General chair's foreword
Maier, KD., (2003). On-chip debug support for embedded Systems-on-Chip
Maier, KD., (2001). Neural network based control of legged hopping systems
Maier, KD., Blickhan, R., Glauche, V. and Beckstein, C., (1999). Control of legged planar hopping with radial basis function neural networks
Reports and Papers (31)
Waheed, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2022). SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2022). Highly-Efficient Binary Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2021). FoodSQRBlock: Digitizing food production & supply chain with blockchain & QR code in the cloud
Smith, WHB., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Scene Retrieval for Contextual Visual Mapping
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2021). FoodSQRBlock: Digitizing food production & supply chain with blockchain & QR code in the cloud
Wang, Y., Gorrie-Stone, TJ., Grant, OA., Andrayas, AD., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2021). interpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation microarray data avoiding sex bias
Power, R., Zaffar, M., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). A Benchmark Comparison of Visual Place Recognition Techniques for Resource-Constrained Embedded Platforms
Waheed, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Improving Visual Place Recognition Performance by Maximising Complementarity
Zaffar, M., Garg, S., Milford, M., Kooij, J., Flynn, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change
Tomită, M-A., Zaffar, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Sequence-Based Filtering for Visual Route-Based Navigation: Analysing the Benefits, Trade-offs and Design Choices
Tomita, M-A., Zaffar, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2021). Sequence-Based Filtering for Visual Route-Based Navigation: Analysing the Benefits, Trade-offs and Design Choices.
Dey, S., Singh, A., Prasad, DK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). FoodSQRBlock: Digitizing food production & supply chain with blockchain & QR code in the cloud
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). New approaches to DVFS in mobile MPSoC for power-, thermal-efficiency and reliability
Dey, S., Singh, A., Prasad, DK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2020). DATE: Defense Against TEmperature Side-Channel Attacks in DVFS Enabled MPSoCs.
Wang, Y., Hannon, E., Grant, OA., Gorrie-Stone, TJ., Kumari, M., Mill, J., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2020). DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predict sex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). FruitVegCNN: Power- and Memory-Efficient Classification of Fruits & Vegetables Using CNN in Mobile MPSoC
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). New approaches to DVFS in mobile MPSoC for power-, thermal-efficiency and reliability
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). FruitVegCNN: Power- and Memory-Efficient Classification of Fruits & Vegetables Using CNN in Mobile MPSoC
Tomită, M-A., Zaffar, M., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2020). ConvSequential-SLAM: A Sequence-based, Training-less Visual Place Recognition Technique for Changing Environments
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). TMAV: Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Zaffar, M., Khaliq, A., Ehsan, S., Milford, M., Alexis, K. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Are State-of-the-art Visual Place Recognition Techniques any Good for Aerial Robotics?
Zaffar, M., Khaliq, A., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Levelling the Playing Field: A Comprehensive Comparison of Visual Place Recognition Approaches under Changing Conditions
Khaliq, A., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). CAMAL: Context-Aware Multi-scale Attention framework for Lightweight Visual Place Recognition
Khaliq, A., Bhatt, SSB., Gu, D., Howells, G. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). FLAG: A Framework for FPGA-based LoAd Generation in Profinet Communication
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). GET-AID: Visual Recognition of Human Rights Abuses via Global Emotional Traits
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S., Fasli, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). DisplaceNet: Recognising Displaced People from Images by Exploiting Dominance Level
Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Milford, M. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-defining Places in Visual Place Recognition
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2019). conference_041818.pdf
Kalliatakis, G., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2017). A Paradigm Shift: Detecting Human Rights Violations Through Web Images
Patents (1)
Dey, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). ThermalAttackNet: Are CNNs Making It Easy To Perform Temperature Side-Channel Attack In Mobile Edge Devices?
Thesis dissertation (1)
Power, R., Zaffar, M., Ferrarini, B., Milford, M., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Ehsan, S., (2021). A Benchmark Comparison of Visual Place Recognition Techniques for Resource-Constrained Embedded Platforms.
Grants and funding
ABC - Adaptive, Biomimetic, Cost-effective collaborative robots for next-gen smart farming
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
AGRITECH4ALL - smart farming solutions
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
IDEAL: Reducing Carbon Footprints of IoT Devices through Extension of Active Lifespans
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
FORENSIC: Fast and Autonomous Platform Anomalies detections in CPS
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
FORENSIC: Fast and AutonomousPlatform Anomalies detections in Cyber Physical Systems
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Sensei-Chain: CyberASAP Covid-19 Recovery Consultancy Funding
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Skyships Automotive KTP - 22_23 R2
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Morello-HAT: Morello High-Level API and Tooling
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Swarm robots flexible intelligent manufacturing system
The Royal Society
Network Attachment Inspection (NetAI)
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Industrial Robotic Solutions Ltd KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
National Centre for Nuclear Robotics - Stream A to Mitigate Impact of COVID-19
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
RoboK KTP Resubmission
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
SensiChain � Secure Blockchain Alert Systems
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
COVID-19 Extension: Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things (SPIRIT)
SenseiChain - Secure Real-time Blockchain Data Analytics
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
AppControl: Enforcing Application Behaviour through Type-Based Constraints
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Impact acceleration through vision-based quantification of climate anomalies on displacement & human conflict
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Cyber security academic start-up accelerator programme
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
RICE: Visual Place Recognition for Robotics in Extreme Environments
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
National Centre for Nuclear Robotics (NCNR)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Robust remote sensing for multi-modal characterisation in nuclear and other extreme environments.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
50% - To develop a next generation control system for permanent magnet AC motors and embed the capability to extend the range and tailor solutions in the future
Technology STrategy Board
50% - To develop a next generation control system for permanent magnet AC motors and embed the capability to extend the range and tailor solutions in the future
Flakt Woods UK Ltd
Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data
Economic & Social Research Council
Research & Development into HERIOT - High EntRopy IoT
Ministry Of Defence
67% - To develop dedicated firmware, software and electronics to control an automated viscometer platform suitable for determining kinematic viscosity and solution viscosity of polymers
Technology STrategy Board
33% - To develop dedicated firmware, software and electronics to control an automated viscometer platform suitable for determining kinematic viscosity and solution viscosity of polymers
Poulten, Selfe & Lee Ltd
Empowerment of Disabled People through Ethics in Care & Tech (EDECT)
TFCloud, assuring the provenance of Cloud based Web Services
Technology STrategy Board
Visiting Fellowships - Dr Anne Gruebler
Leverhulme Trust
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Cooperative autonomy of micro aerial vehicles
British Council
Adaptive Development Support (ADS-SoC)
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
2 Seas Programme
Eclipse Project - KTP - EEDA
Eclipse Project - KTP - Ultrasoc
Trigger Project - KTP - EEDA
Trigger Project - KTP - Ultrasoc