Dr Vlad Teif

vteif@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872121
3SW.5.25, Colchester Campus
Our lab works on fundamental and translational aspects of gene regulation in ageing, cancer and cell differentiation using approaches of biophysics, bioinformatics and next generation sequencing. On the fundamental side, our focus is on nucleosome positioning and transcription factor-nucleosome interaction. On the translational side, our focus is on liquid biopsied based on cell-free DNA for patient diagnostics, stratification and monitoring.
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) University of Essex,
PhD CEA/Saclay and IBOCH NASB,
MSc Belarusian State Unversity,
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - present)
Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/5/2015 - present)
Other academic
Researcher, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) (1/9/2009 - 30/4/2015)
Senior Researcher, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/6/2009 - 1/6/2010)
Visiting Scientist, University of California, San Diego (1/2/2008 - 1/6/2008)
Visiting Scientist, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1/11/2005 - 29/5/2007)
Researcher, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/6/2004 - 1/6/2009)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Modelling gene regulation
Modelling gene regulation in chromatin
Cancer epigenetics
Studying epigenetic effects in cancer
Stem cell differentiation
Computational modelling of cell differentiation
Nucleosome positioning
Transcription factor binding
Transcription factor-focused description of gene regulation
Liquid biopsies based on cell-free DNA
Augmented reality tools for education and science outreach
Development of augmented reality tools for education and science outreach
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Transferable Skills in Life Sciences (BS143)
Employability Skills for the Biosciences (BS211)
Genome Science (BS222)
Genome Bioinformatics (BS312)
Molecular Basis of Cancer (BS349)
Advanced Cancer Biology (BS932)
Medical Genetics (BS220)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 20/5/2024

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 8/5/2024

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 29/4/2024

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 24/4/2023

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 2/3/2023

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/4/2021

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/3/2020
Publications (2)
Takahashi, N., Pongor, L., Agrawal, SP., Shtumpf, M., Rajapakse, VN., Shafiei, A., Schultz, CW., Kim, S., Roame, D., Carter, P., Vilimas, R., Nichols, S., Desai, P., Figg, WD., Bagheri, M., Teif, VB. and Thomas, A., (2024). Genomic alterations and transcriptional phenotypes in circulating tumor DNA and matched metastatic tumor
Tajmul, M., Bhatt, DN., Ruje, L., Price, E., Ji, Y., Loukinov, D., Teif, VB., Lobanenkov, VV. and Pugacheva, EM., (2024). CTCF binding landscape is shaped by the epigenetic state of the N-terminal nucleosome in relation to CTCF motif orientation
Journal articles (53)
Peng, Y., Song, W., Teif, VB., Ovcharenko, I., Landsman, D. and Panchenko, AR., Detection of new pioneer transcription factors as cell-type-specific nucleosome binders. eLife. 12
Takahashi, N., Pongor, L., Agrawal, SP., Shtumpf, M., Gurjar, A., Rajapakse, VN., Shafiei, A., Schultz, CW., Kim, S., Roame, D., Carter, P., Vilimas, R., Nichols, S., Desai, P., Figg, WD., Bagheri, M., Teif, VB. and Thomas, A., (2025). Genomic alterations and transcriptional phenotypes in circulating free DNA and matched metastatic tumor. Genome Medicine. 17 (1), 15-
Jacob, DR., Guiblet, WM., Mamayusupova, H., Shtumpf, M., Ciuta, I., Ruje, L., Gretton, S., Bikova, M., Correa, C., Dellow, E., Agrawal, SP., Shafiei, N., Drobysevskaja, A., Armstrong, CM., Lam, JDG., Vainshtein, Y., Clarkson, CT., Thorn, GJ., Sohn, K., Pradeepa, MM., Chandrasekharan, S., Brooke, GN., Klenova, E., Zhurkin, VB. and Teif, VB., (2024). Nucleosome reorganisation in breast cancer tissues.. Clinical Epigenetics. 16 (1), 50-
Teif, V., Peng, Y., Song, W., Ovcharenko, I., Landsman, D. and Panchenko, A., (2024). Detection of new pioneer transcription factors as cell-type specific nucleosome binders. eLife. 12, RP88936-
Shtumpf, M., Jeong, S., Bikova, M., Mamayusupova, H., Ruje, L. and Teif, VB., (2024). Aging clock based on nucleosome reorganisation derived from cell-free DNA.. Aging Cell. 23 (5), e14100-
Gautam, P., Ciuta, I., Teif, VB. and Sinha, SK., (2024). Predicting p53-dependent cell transitions from thermodynamic models. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 161 (13), 135101-
Piroeva, KV., McDonald, C., Xanthopoulos, C., Fox, C., Clarkson, CT., Mallm, J-P., Vainshtein, Y., Ruje, L., Klett, LC., Stilgenbauer, S., Mertens, D., Kostareli, E., Rippe, K. and Teif, VB., (2023). Nucleosome repositioning in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Genome Research. 33 (10), 1649-1661
Shtumpf, M., Piroeva, KV., Agrawal, SP., Jacob, DR. and Teif, VB., (2022). NucPosDB: a database of nucleosome positioning in vivo and nucleosomics of cell-free DNA. Chromosoma. 131 (1-2), 19-28
Thorn, GJ., Clarkson, CT., Rademacher, A., Mamayusupova, H., Schotta, G., Rippe, K. and Teif, VB., (2022). DNA sequence-dependent formation of heterochromatin nanodomains.. Nature Communications. 13 (1), 1861-
Belokopytova, P., Viesná, E., Chiliński, M., Qi, Y., Salari, H., Di Stefano, M., Esposito, A., Conte, M., Chiariello, AM., Teif, VB., Plewczynski, D., Zhang, B., Jost, D. and Fishman, V., (2022). 3DGenBench: a web-server to benchmark computational models for 3D Genomics. Nucleic Acids Research. 50 (W1), W4-W12
Cucinotta, CE., Martin, BJE., Noé González, M., Raman, P., Teif, VB. and Vlaming, H., (2021). Strength is in engagement The rise of an online scientific community during the COVID‐19 pandemic. EMBO Reports. 22 (5), e52612-
Hedley, JG., Teif, VB. and Kornyshev, AA., (2021). Nucleosome-induced homology recognition in chromatin. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 18 (179), 20210147-20210147
Mohr, A., Chu, T., Clarkson, C., Brooke, G., Teif, V. and Zwacka, R., (2021). Fas-threshold Signalling in MSCs Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Progression and Metastasis. Cancer Letters. 519, 63-77
Antwi, EB., Olins, A., Teif, VB., Bieg, M., Bauer, T., Gu, Z., Brors, B., Eils, R., Olins, D. and Ishaque, N., (2020). Whole-genome fingerprint of the DNA methylome during chemically induced differentiation of the human AML cell line HL-60/S4. Biology Open. 9 (2), bio044222-
Teif, V., (2020). Soft power of non-consensus protein-DNA binding. Biophysical Journal. 118 (8), 1797-1798
Teif, V., Gould, T., Clarkson, C., Boyd, L., Antwi, E., Ishaque, N., Olins, A. and Olins, D., (2020). Linker histone epitopes are hidden by in situ higher-order chromatin structure. Epigenetics and Chromatin. 13 (1), 26-
Antwi, EB., Olins, A., Teif, VB., Bieg, M., Bauer, T., Gu, Z., Brors, B., Eils, R., Olins, D. and Ishaque, N., (2020). Whole-genome fingerprint of the DNA methylome during chemically induced differentiation of the human AML cell line HL-60/S4.. Biology open
Wiehle, L., Thorn, G., Raddatz, G., Clarkson, C., Rippe, K., Lyko, F., Breiling, A. and Teif, V., (2019). DNA (de)methylation in embryonic stem cells controls CTCF-dependent chromatin boundaries. Genome Research. 29 (5), 750-761
Mallm, JP., Iskar, M., Ishaque, N., Klett, LC., Kugler, SJ., Muino, JM., Teif, VB., Poos, AM., Großmann, S., Erdel, F., Tavernari, D., Koser, SD., Schumacher, S., Brors, B., König, R., Remondini, D., Vingron, M., Stilgenbauer, S., Lichter, P., Zapatka, M., Mertens, D. and Rippe, K., (2019). Linking aberrant chromatin features in chronic lymphocytic leukemia to transcription factor networks. Molecular Systems Biology. 15 (5), e8339-
Clarkson, CT., Deeks, EA., Samarista, R., Mamayusupova, H., Zhurkin, VB. and Teif, VB., (2019). CTCF-dependent chromatin boundaries formed by asymmetric nucleosome arrays with decreased linker length. Nucleic Acids Research. 47 (21), 11181-11196
Pavlaki, I., Docquier, F., Chernukhin, I., Kita, G., Gretton, S., Clarkson, CT., Teif, VB. and Klenova, E., (2018). Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation associated changes in CTCF-chromatin binding and gene expression in breast cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 1861 (8), 781-730
Vainshtein, Y., Rippe, K. and Teif, VB., (2017). NucTools: analysis of chromatin feature occupancy profiles from high-throughput sequencing data. BMC Genomics. 18 (1), 158-
Teif, VB., Mallm, J-P., Sharma, T., Mark Welch, DB., Rippe, K., Eils, R., Langowski, J., Olins, AL. and Olins, DE., (2017). Nucleosome repositioning during differentiation of a human myeloid leukemia cell line. Nucleus. 8 (2), 188-204
Teif, VB., (2016). Nucleosome positioning: resources and tools online. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 17 (5), 745-757
B. Teif, V. and G. Cherstvy, A., (2016). Chromatin and epigenetics: current biophysical views. AIMS Biophysics. 3 (1), 88-98
Salih, BF., Teif, VB., Tripathi, V. and Trifonov, EN., (2015). Strong nucleosomes of mouse genome including recovered centromeric sequences. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 33 (6), 1164-1175
Teif, VB., Kepper, N., Yserentant, K., Wedemann, G. and Rippe, K., (2015). Affinity, stoichiometry and cooperativity of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) binding to nucleosomal arrays. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 27 (6), 064110-064110
Cherstvy, AG. and Teif, VB., (2014). Electrostatic effect of H1-histone protein binding on nucleosome repeat length. Physical Biology. 11 (4), 044001-044001
Beshnova, DA., Cherstvy, AG., Vainshtein, Y. and Teif, VB., (2014). Regulation of the nucleosome repeat length in vivo by the DNA sequence, protein concentrations and long-range interactions.. PLoS Computational Biology. 10 (7), e1003698-e1003698
Teif, VB., Beshnova, DA., Vainshtein, Y., Marth, C., Mallm, J-P., Höfer, T. and Rippe, K., (2014). Nucleosome repositioning links DNA (de)methylation and differential CTCF binding during stem cell development. Genome Research. 24 (8), 1285-1295
Diermeier, S., Kolovos, P., Heizinger, L., Schwartz, U., Georgomanolis, T., Zirkel, A., Wedemann, G., Grosveld, F., Knoch, TA., Merkl, R., Cook, PR., Längst, G. and Papantonis, A., (2014). TNFα signalling primes chromatin for NF-κB binding and induces rapid and widespread nucleosome repositioning. Genome Biology. 15 (12), 536-
Schöpflin, R., Teif, VB., Müller, O., Weinberg, C., Rippe, K. and Wedemann, G., (2013). Modeling nucleosome position distributions from experimental nucleosome positioning maps. Bioinformatics. 29 (19), 2380-2386
Teif, VB., Erdel, F., Beshnova, DA., Vainshtein, Y., Mallm, JP. and Rippe, K., (2013). Taking into account nucleosomes for predicting gene expression. Methods. 62 (1), 26-38
Cherstvy, AG. and Teif, VB., (2013). Structure-driven homology pairing of chromatin fibers: the role of electrostatics and protein-induced bridging. Journal of Biological Physics. 39 (3), 363-385
Teif, VB., Vainshtein, Y., Caudron-Herger, M., Mallm, J-P., Marth, C., Höfer, T. and Rippe, K., (2012). Genome-wide nucleosome positioning during embryonic stem cell development. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 19 (11), 1185-1192
Teǐf, VB., Shkrobkov, AV., Egorova, VP. and Krot, VI., (2012). [Nucleosomes in gene regulation: theoretical approaches].. Molekuliarnaia biologiia. 46 (1), 3-13
Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2012). Calculating transcription factor binding maps for chromatin. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 13 (2), 187-201
Teif, VB., Shkrabkou, AV., Egorova, VP. and Krot, VI., (2012). Nucleosomes in gene regulation: Theoretical approaches. Molecular Biology. 46 (1), 1-10
Teif, VB. and Bohinc, K., (2011). Condensed DNA: Condensing the concepts. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 105 (3), 208-222
Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2011). Nucleosome mediated crosstalk between transcription factors at eukaryotic enhancers. Physical Biology. 8 (4), 044001-044001
Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2010). Statistical-mechanical lattice models for protein-DNA binding in chromatin. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 22 (41), 414105-414105
Teif, VB., (2010). Predicting Gene-Regulation Functions: Lessons from Temperate Bacteriophages. Biophysical Journal. 98 (7), 1247-1256
Teif, VB., Ettig, R. and Rippe, K., (2010). A Lattice Model for Transcription Factor Access to Nucleosomal DNA. Biophysical Journal. 99 (8), 2597-2607
Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2009). Predicting nucleosome positions on the DNA: combining intrinsic sequence preferences and remodeler activities. Nucleic Acids Research. 37 (17), 5641-5655
Teif, VB., Harries, D., Lando, DY. and Ben‐Shaul, A., (2008). Matrix formalism for site‐specific binding of unstructured proteins to multicomponent lipid membranes. Journal of Peptide Science. 14 (4), 368-373
Teif, VB., Harries, D., Lando, DY. and Ben-Shaul, A., (2008). Matrix formalism for site-specific binding of unstructured proteins to multicomponent lipid membranes. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE. 14 (4), 368-373
Teif, VB., (2007). General transfer matrix formalism to calculate DNA–protein–drug binding in gene regulation: application to O R operator of phage λ. Nucleic Acids Research. 35 (11), e80-e80
Teif, VB., (2005). Ligand-Induced DNA Condensation: Choosing the Model. Biophysical Journal. 89 (4), 2574-2587
Teif, VB., Haroutiunian, SG., Vorob'ev, VI., Lando, DY. and Ivanov, V., (2002). Short-Range Interactions and Size of Ligands Bound to DNA Strongly Influence Adsorptive Phase Transition Caused by Long-Range Interactions. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 19 (6), 1093-1100
Lando, DY. and Teif, VB., (2002). Modeling of DNA Condensation and Decondensation Caused by Ligand Binding. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 20 (2), 215-222
Teif, VB. and Yu Lando, D., (2001). Calculations of DNA condensation caused by ligand adsorption. Molekulyarnaya Biologiya. 35 (1), 117-119
Teif, VB. and Lando, DY., (2001). Calculations of DNA condensation caused by ligand adsorption. Molecular Biology. 35 (1), 106-107
Lando, DY. and Teif, VB., (2000). Long-Range Interactions between Ligands Bound to a DNA Molecule Give Rise to Adsorption with the Character of Phase Transition of the First Kind. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 17 (5), 903-911
Book chapters (4)
Teif, VB. and Clarkson, CT., (2019). Nucleosome positioning. In: Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (vol 2). Editors: Ranganathan, S., Gribskov, M., Nakai, K. and Schönbach, C., . Elsevier. 308- 317. 978-0-12-811432-2
Teif, VB., (2014). On the Sociology of Science 2.0. In: Opening Science. Springer International Publishing. 309- 311. 9783319000251
Längst, G., Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2011). Chromatin Remodeling and Nucleosome Positioning. In: Genome Organization and Function in the Cell Nucleus. Wiley. 111- 138. 9783527326983
Teif, VB. and Lando, DY., (2001). DNA Condensation Caused by Ligand Binding May Serve as a Sensor. In: Sensor Technology 2001. Springer Netherlands. 155- 160. 9789401038416
Conferences (13)
Teif, VB., Beshnova, DA., Vainshtein, Y., Höfer, T. and Rippe, K., Developing a software suite to analyze the interplay between nucleosome arrangement, DNA methylation and transcription factor binding
Xanthopoulos, C., McDonald, C., Crawford, L., Teif, V., Ray-Jones, H., Spilakov, M., Roue, G., Mills, K. and Kostareli, E., (2023). TRIM24 expression and regulation in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia upon BTK inhibition
Kagansky, A., Gulaia, V., Tiasto, V., Mikhailova, V., Thoms, H., Burton, J., Yurchenko, A., Guschin, D., Brennan, P., Biktimirov, A. and Teif, V., (2019). Analysis of epigenetic perturbations in gliomas
Teif, VB. and Rippe, K., (2015). 8 Interplay of nucleosome repositioning, DNA methylation and transcription factor binding during stem cell development
Schöpflin, R., Müller, O., Weinberg, C., Teif, VB., Rippe, K. and Wedemann, G., (2014). Modeling Effects of Nucleosome Positioning in Short and Long Chromatin Fibers
Teif, V., Beshnova, DA., Vainshtein, Y., Marth, C., Mallm, J-P., Hoefer, T. and Rippe, K., (2014). Nucleosome rearrangement as a feedback mechanism between DNA methylation and transcription factor binding
Schöpflin, R., Teif, VB., Müller, O., Weinberg, C., Rippe, K. and Wedemann, G., (2013). Modeling Long Chromatin Fibers based on In-Vivo Nucleosome Positioning Maps
Beshnova, DA., Rippe, K. and Teif, VB., (2013). A novel method to calculate transcription factor binding in chromatin
Andrianov, AM. and Teif, VB., (2007). 3D structure model for a peptide presenting the immunogenic crown of the HIV-1 GP120 V3 loop
Teif, VB., (2007). General transfer matrix formalism to calculate DNA-protein binding in gene regulation: Applications to the lambda-switch and beyond
Lando, DY., Fridman, AS. and Teif, VB., (2007). Calculation of DNA-ligand binding characterized by the infinite radius of interactions of adsorbed ligands
Teif, V., (2005). Ligand-induced DNA condensation: Theory and experiments
Teif, VB., Vorob'ev, VI. and Lando, DY., (2002). A single DNA chemical modification by cisplatin may cause long-range changes in protein binding to DNA. Results of computer modeling.
Reports and Papers (8)
Shtumpf, M., Piroeva, KV., Agrawal, SP., Jacob, DR. and Teif, VB., (2021). NucPosDB: a database of nucleosome positioning in vivo and nucleosomics of cell-free DNA
Thorn, G., Clarkson, C., Rademacher, A., Mamayusupova, H., Schotta, G., Rippe, K. and Teif, V., (2021). DNA sequence-dependent formation of heterochromatin nanodomains
Hedley, JG., Teif, VB. and Kornyshev, AA., (2021). Nucleosome induced homology recognition in chromatin
Mohr, A., Tianyuan, C., Clarkson, CT., Brooke, GN., Teif, VB. and Zwacka, RM., (2020). Fas-threshold signalling in MSCs causes tumour progression and metastasis
Clarkson, CT., Deeks, EA., Samarista, R., Mamayusupova, H., Zhurkin, VB. and Teif, VB., (2019). CTCF-dependent chromatin boundaries formed by asymmetric nucleosome arrays with decreased linker length
Antwi, EB., Olins, A., Teif, VB., Bieg, M., Bauer, T., Gu, Z., Brors, B., Eils, R., Olins, D. and Ishaque, N., (2019). Whole-genome fingerprint of the DNA methylome during chemically induced differentiation of the human AML cell line HL-60/S4
Pavlaki, I., Docquier, F., Chernukhin, I., Kita, G., Gretton, S., Teif, V. and Klenova, E., (2018). Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation associated changes in CTCF-chromatin binding and gene expression in breast cells
Teif, VB., (2013). Science 3.0: Corrections to the Science 2.0 paradigm
Grants and funding
Next-generation liquid biopsies for early detection of pancreatic cancer based on cell-free DNA nucleosomics
Pancreatic Cancer UK
A new generation of liquid biopsies for early diagnostics of colorectal cancer
Bowel Cancer UK
Nucleosomics for liquid biopsies
Cancer Research UK
Summer Studentship 2023 - Nucleosome atlas of human ageing - Milena Bikova
Genetics Society
New method of early cancer diagnostics and stratification based on nucleosome positioning reconstructed from cell-free DNA
Cancer Research UK
Integrating cellular space and time: interplays between subcellular organisation and lifespan
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Dynamic landscape of CTCF binding in cellular decision making
Genetics Society
Integrating cellular space and time: interplays between subcellular organisation and lifespan
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Developing new genomic approaches to target COVID-19: focus on cfDNA and antisense strategies
Genetics Society
Genes & Development Summer Studentship
Genetics Society
Cancer, Biophysics, Gene regulation, Epigenetics - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
University of Essex (GCRF)
Mini-workshop associated with the visit of Prof Ranjith Padinhateeri
University of Essex (GCRF)
Nucleosome Repeat Length (NRL) as an integrative indicator of stem cell differentiation
Wellcome Trust
Nucleosome repositioning as a mechanism for cell memory in cancer transitions
Wellcome Trust
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