Professor Philip Terry

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+44 (0) 1206 872618
5NW.4.8, Colchester Campus
Philip Terry's interests include the theory and practice of creative writing, particularly the work of Oulipo, experimental translation, and hybrid forms of writing and poetry. He is the translator of Raymond Queneau's Elementary Morality (Carcanet, 2007) and Georges Perec's I Remember (Godine, 2014), and author of the poetry collections Oulipoems (Ahadada, 2007), Oulipoems 2 (Ahadada, 2009), Shakespeare's Sonnets (Carcanet, 2010), Advanced Immorality (If P Then Q, 2012), Dante's Inferno (Carcanet, 2014), Quennets (Carcanet, 2016), Dictator (Carcanet, 2018), and the memoir A Belfast Childhood (Muscaliet, 2019). His novel tapestry (Reality Street, 2013) was shortlisted for the 2013 Goldsmiths Prize.
BA (Hons) English Leeds 1984
DPhil Comparative Literature Sussex 1990
University of Essex
Head of Department, LiFTS, University of Essex (1/8/2014 - 1/9/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Creative Writing
Experimental translation
Experimental translation takes many forms but generally involves a widening of the definition of translation as traditionally and rigidly conceived. I have recently been a core member of a group of writers and academics brought together in three AHRC funded conferences under the title of Expanded Translation in March 2017 (Southbank), November 2017 (Mulhouse) and April 2018 (Bangor). In February 2018 I gave a lecture on translating Dante in Cork as part of the UCC Dante Public Lecture Series organised by their Itialian Department.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Poetry: A Very Short Introduction (LT143)
Creative Writing: Oulipo and the Avant Garde (LT359)
Reading, Writing and Doing Poetry (LT381)
Independent Creative Writing Project (LT832)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/1/2023

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/9/2020

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2019

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/6/2019

Degree subject: Film Studies (Creative Practice)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/7/2018

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2018

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2016

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/6/2016

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/7/2015
Journal articles (1)
Terry, P., (2009). “From Shakespeare: Shattered Sonnets”, “From Homage to Ray Worth”, “Larkin Paraphrased”, “Tadpoles”, “Frogs”,. NO/ON: Journal of the Short Poem. 1 (7), 24-29
Books (26)
Terry, P., Extinctions. Red Ceilings Press
Terry, P., (2024). Dante's Purgatorio. Carcanet Press Ltd. 1800174462. 9781800174467
Axelrad, C., (2024). Celina. Les Fugitives. 1739778375. 9781739778378
Champerret, J-L. and Terry, P., (2022). The Lascaux Notebooks. Carcanet Press Ltd. 1800171730. 9781800171732
Terry, P., (2022). Chicagos. Penteract Press. 978-1-913421-23-6
Terry, P., (2022). Extinctions. Red Ceilings Press
Terry, P., (2022). The Vernier Text. If A Leaf Falls Press
Terry, P., (2021). Bone. Grand Iota. 9781874400813
Terry, P., (2021). From From. Pamenar Press. 9781916228115
Metail, M. and Terry, P., (2021). Identikits. Black Square Editions. 1736324837. 9781736324837
Terry, P., (2021). Derives. Contraband. 978-1-910319-28-4
Terry, P., (2021). Birds of the British Isles. Red Ceilings
Terry, P., (2020). The Penguin Book of Oulipo. Penguin. 978-0-241-37845-8
Terry, P., (2020). Turns. Zimzalla
Terry, P., (2019). The Penguin Book of Oulipo. Penguin. 978-0-241-37842-7
Terry, P. and Davies, J., (2019). When Two Are In Love or As I Came To Behind Frank's Transporter. 0244452776. 9780244452773
Terry, P., (2018). Dictator. Carcanet. 9781784106188
Terry, P., (2016). Quennets. Carcanet. 9781784102715
Terry, P., (2014). Dante's Inferno. Carcanet Press. 978 1 847772 20 6
Terry, P., (2014). Three Wishes. Patrician Press. 978-0-9927235-7-6
Perec, G. and Terry, P., (2014). I Remember. David R Godine. 1910477893. 978-1-56792-517-3
Terry, P., (2013). Tapestry. Reality Street. 9781874400622
Terry, P., (2012). Advanced Immorality. if p then q. 9780957182707
Terry, P., (2011). Dante's Inferno. Oystercatcher Press. 9781905885435
Terry, P., (2011). Shakespeare's Sonnets. Carcanet Press Ltd. 9781847770721
Terry, P., (2009). Oulipoems 2. Ahadada Books. 9780981170459