Dr Katy Wheeler

katy.wheeler@essex.ac.uk -
5A.320, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Please email me for a zoom appointment - my zoom link is (https://essex-university.zoom.us/j/93046940208)
Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Consumption Katy's work deals with the ways ordinary consumers respond to the normative pressures placed upon them to act in sustainable or responsible ways. Katy has researched the Fairtrade movement and recycling in comparative contexts, exploring how these different consumer practices generate distinctive moral economies. There has been a growing interest in the concept of moral economy along with the growing interest in sustainable consumption and markets. Her recent work develops a holistic moral economy framework that explores the interactions and interdependencies between individuals, communities and political-economic structures. She is also exploring the ways young people are educated about sustainability through a British Academy Small Grant, entitled 'Educating young people as sustainable citizen-consumers'. Katy has been an instructor at the Essex Summer School since 2013, offering a course in qualitative interviewing and analysis. She is a Professional Trainer for the qualitative software, MAXQDA. Katy is on the editorial board for the Journal of Cultural Economy, and served as a convenor for the BSA Climate Change Study Group from 2018-2023. She is a Trustee of the charity, Sustainability and Environmental Education (SE-Ed). Twitter: @KatyMWheeler.
Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (2016)
PhD, Sociology (2010)
MA Sociological Research Methods (2006)
BA Sociology and Criminology (2004) University of Essex,
University of Essex
Departmental lead for the 'Sustainable Transitions in Governance, Ecological Management and Society – Leverhulme Doctoral Training Programme' (£2.2 million grant)., University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)
Deputy Director, Centre for Environment and Society, University of Essex (1/9/2023 - present)
Sustainability Officer, Sociology, University of Essex (1/9/2022 - present)
Director of Education, Sociology & Criminology, University of Essex (15/1/2024 - 12/4/2024)
Undergraduate Director, Sociology, University of Essex (11/1/2021 - 31/8/2022)
Senior Personal Tutor, University of Essex (4/1/2021 - 31/8/2022)
Sociology Blended Learning Co-ordinator, Sociology, University of Essex (17/8/2020 - 30/7/2021)
Deputy Director of CRESI, University of Essex (2/10/2017 - 2/9/2019)
Other academic
Lecturer in Sociology, The Open University (1/10/2013 - 31/8/2016)
Senior Researcher, , ‘Consumption Work and Societal Divisions of Labour’ project, Department of Sociology, University of Essex (3/1/2011 - 30/9/2013)
Research Fellow, National Evaluation of the Healthy Towns Programme, School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London (1/2/2010 - 1/1/2011)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Recycling and waste management
Moral economy and political economy
Sustainability and climate change
Qualitative interviewing
Sociology of consumption and consumer culture
Qualitative analysis
Current research
'Educating young people as sustainable citizen-consumers' (BA Small Grant)
Katy is currently developing her interests in consumption and moral economies, through exploring the growing number of ethically certified schools (Eco Schools, Fairtrade Schools, MSC Schools) and environmental education programmes. She was awarded a British Academy Small grant in 2017 entitled 'Educating young people as sustainable citizen-consumers'.
How young people understand sustainability and climate change in England
Working with the 'Sustainability and Environmental Education' (SEEd) Charity, I have analysed their Youth Listening Survey which asked young people what they know about sustainability and climate change, how they feel they can contribute towards sustainability, how they imagine their futures, and what sort of education they would like to receive on these topics. The survey used many open-ended questions which has posed interesting methodological challenges for analysis.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Global Challenges in Interdisciplinary Perspective: Water Conflicts, Water Cultures (CS315)
The Sociological Imagination (SC111)
Career Development and Making a Difference (SC199)
Digital Economy (SC508)
Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis (SC520)
Environment, Culture and Climate Change (SC209)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/9/2022
Journal articles (23)
Wheeler, K., How to Present Answers to Your Research Questions: The Fourth Stage of The Social Research Toolbox, QGAP. Sage Research Methods How to Guides
Wheeler, K., How to Gather Data and Evidence: The Second Stage of The Social Research Toolbox, QGAP. Sage Research Methods How to Guides
Wheeler, K., How to Develop Research Questions: The First Stage of The Social Research Toolbox, QGAP. Sage Research Methods How to Guides
Wheeler, K., How to Analyse Data and Evidence: The Third Stage Of The Social Research Toolbox, QGAP. Sage Research Methods How to Guides
Wheeler, K., (2025). How to use Generative AI to Assist the Analysis of Qualitative Data. Sage Research Methods How to Guides
Wheeler, K., (2024). This is not a ‘drill’: Young people’s understandings of and hopes for sustainability education in England. Sustainability. 16 (17), 7614-7614
Wheeler, K., (2023). Educating children as sustainable citizen-consumers: A qualitative content analysis of sustainability education resources. Journal of Moral Education. 52 (4), 453-473
Wheeler, K., (2022). Applying a Systems of Provision approach: moral economies and consumption work. Consumption and Society. 1 (1), 207-210
Wheeler, K., (2022). Differences between thematic analysis and content analysis: Exploring Environmental and Sustainability Education resources. Sage Research Methods: Cases
Wheeler, K., (2021). Education for Sustainability and Consumer Citizenship. Journal for the Association of Citizenship Teaching (54), 39-42
Hobson, K., Holmes, H., Welch, D., Wheeler, K. and Wieser, H., (2021). Consumption Work in the Circular Economy: a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production. 321, 128969-128969
Wheeler, K., (2020). Can Fairtrade Reduce Global Inequality. Sociology Review. 29 (4), 10-14
Wheeler, K., (2019). Moral economies of consumption. Journal of Consumer Culture. 19 (2), 271-288
Wheeler, K., (2018). The Moral Economy of Ready-Made Food. British Journal of Sociology. 69 (4), 1271-1292
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). ‘It's Kind of Saving them a Job isn't it?’ The Consumption Work of Household Recycling. The Sociological Review. 63 (3), 551-569
Wheeler, K., (2015). Review of David Evans 'Food Waste: Home Consumption, Material Culture and Everyday Life'. Cultural Sociology. 9 (4), 586-587
Wheeler, K., (2015). Book Review: Christell Lane, The Cultivation of Taste: Chefs and the Organisation of Fine Dining. Sociology. 49 (3), 600-601
Wheeler, K., (2014). Nice Save: The Moral Economies of Recycling in England and Sweden. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 32 (4), 704-720
Goodwin, DM., Cummins, S., Sautkina, E., Ogilvie, D., Petticrew, M., Jones, A., Wheeler, K. and White, M., (2013). The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 67 (1), 106-112
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2013). Economies of Recycling, ‘Consumption Work’ and Divisions of Labour in Sweden and England. Sociological Research Online. 18 (1), 1-14
Wheeler, K., (2012). ‘Change Today, Choose Fairtrade’ Fairtrade Fortnight and the citizen-consumer. Cultural Studies. 26 (4), 492-515
Wheeler, K., (2012). The Practice of Fairtrade Support. Sociology. 46 (1), 126-141
OGILVIE, D., CUMMINS, S., PETTICREW, M., WHITE, M., JONES, A. and WHEELER, K., (2011). Assessing the Evaluability of Complex Public Health Interventions: Five Questions for Researchers, Funders, and Policymakers. The Milbank Quarterly. 89 (2), 206-225
Books (5)
Morgan Brett, B. and Wheeler, K., (2021). How to do Qualitative Interviewing. Sage Publications. 9781526497345
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Household Recycling and Consumption Work - Social and Moral Economies. Palgrave MacMillan. 9781137440433
Drake, D., Morris, A., Shipman, A. and Wheeler, K., (2015). Investigating the Social World 2. The Open University. 978-1-7800-7956-1
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K., (2012). Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer: Shopping for Justice?. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-1-137-28367-2
Book chapters (9)
Wheeler, K., (2015). Fair trade: Bridging Boundaries?. In: Investigating the Social World 2. Editors: Drake, D., Morris, A., Shipman, A. and Wheeler, K., . The Open University. 978-1-7800-7956-1
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Comparing Recycling Consumption Work. In: Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 132- 142. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Living Off Tips: Waste and Recycling in Brazil and India. In: Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 166- 193. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). The Three Stages of Recycling Consumption Work. In: Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 104- 131. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Environmentally Regimented Rubbish: Recycling Systems in Sweden. In: Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 56- 78. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K. and Glucksmann, M., (2015). Market and State Heterogeneity: Recycling Systems in England. In: Household Recycling and Consumption Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 79- 103. 9781349562886
Wheeler, K., (2012). Conclusion: The Ideology of the Citizen-Consumer. In: Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 178- 189. 9781349337057
Wheeler, K., (2012). Introduction: The Rise of the Fair-Trade Citizen-Consumer. In: Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1- 13. 9781349337057
Wheeler, K., (2012). Promoting Fair-Trade. In: Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 55- 84. 9781349337057
Reports and Papers (3)
Wheeler, K., (2023). SEEd Youth Listening Project Report 2021-23: Attitudes to Sustainability
Wheeler, K., (2013). The Largest Environmental Movement: Recycling and Consumption Work in Sweden
Wheeler, K., (2013). The dirty man of Europe? Rubbish, recycling and consumption work in England
Media (7)
Morgan Brett, B. and Wheeler, K., How to do qualitative interviewing: Tips for interviewing vulnerable individuals (available at https://youtu.be/7_wfVRXpLMY?si=hBKKIxKAnjhheb55). Video
Wheeler, K. and Morgan Brett, B., An Introduction to the Qualitative Interviewing Series (SAGE Research Methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763102. Video
Wheeler, K., How Do I Recruit Participants? (SAGE Research Methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763157. Video
Wheeler, K. and Morgan Brett, B., Top Ten Tips for a Successful Interview (SAGE Research Methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763195. Video
Wheeler, K., What Is an In-Depth Interview? (SAGE research methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763119. Video
Wheeler, K., What Is Active Listening? (SAGE Research methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763164. Video
Wheeler, K., What Are the Key Stages of Developing an Interview Guide? (SAGE Research Methods Interviewing Series): https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529763133. Video
Thesis dissertation (1)
Wheeler, K., (2010). 'We're all Fairtrade consumers now!? An exploration of the meanings, moralities and politics of Fairtrade consumption
Other (4)
Wheeler, K., (2023).Youth Listening Survey Shows Young People Want To Learn How They Can Make A Difference (available at https://se-ed.org.uk/youth-listening-survey-shows-young-people-want-to-learn-how-they-can-make-a-difference/)
Wheeler, K., (2022).Love Island and eBay: how the reality show could model a radically sustainable future for its young viewers [https://theconversation.com/love-island-and-ebay-how-the-reality-show-could-model-a-radically-sustainable-future-for-its-young-viewers-185242],The Conversation
Wheeler, K., (2021).Education as if People and Planet matter (https://se-ed.co.uk/education-as-if-people-and-planet-matter/)
Wheeler, K., (2019).Is there any point in recycling? (https://theconversation.com/is-there-any-point-in-recycling-109550)
Grants and funding
IDEAL: Reducing Carbon Footprints of IoT Devices through Extension of Active Lifespans
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Firstsite Holiday Hunger Evaluation
Analysis of SEEd Youth Listening Project
Sustainability and Environmental Education
Embedding Education for Sustainable Development within the Sociology Curriculum and department
University of Essex
Educating young people as sustainable citizen-consumers
The British Academy
Academic support hours:
Please email me for a zoom appointment - my zoom link is (https://essex-university.zoom.us/j/93046940208)