
Dr Xiaojun Zhai

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Dr Xiaojun Zhai
  • Email

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    +44 (0) 1206 872677

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    1NW3.14, Colchester Campus

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    My Academic Support Hours will be 15-16 on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom/in person. The Zoom link for this is available from my profile on my course MOODLE page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.



Dr Xiaojun Zhai is a Reader in the Embedded Intelligent Systems (EIS) Laboratory at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. He serves as PI/Co-I for external research grants over ~£5.6M, where his primary research focus is on embedded systems and System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture, with focus on intelligence, performance, security, power, and reliability. He has published more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in the area of reconfigurable computing, connected health applications, Internet of Things, image and signal processing and their accelerations using multi-core and FPGAs/GPUs based systems during his career to date. Dr Zhai is Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of British Computer Society and ACM. Please visit our Github page ( for more information about current research projects and vacancies.


Other academic

  • Senior Lecturer in Embedded and Intelligent Systems, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - 30/9/2023)

  • Lecturer in Embedded and Intelligent Systems, University of Essex (17/9/2018 - 30/9/2021)

  • Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Real-time Software Engineering, Department of Electronics, Computing and Mathematics, University of Derby (29/6/2015 - 16/9/2018)

  • Research Associate, University of Leicester, University of Leicester (9/12/2013 - 31/10/2015)

  • Senior Research Officer, University of Essex, University of Essex (1/1/2013 - 31/12/2013)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

System-on-Chip (SoC) design

Key words: Embedded Systems
Open to supervise

Embedded processor architectures

Open to supervise

Embedded systems

Open to supervise

Hardware acceleration

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • C Programming and Embedded Systems (CE243)

Previous supervision

Issam Mohamed Amine Boukhennoufa
Issam Mohamed Amine Boukhennoufa
Thesis title: Wearable Sensor-Based Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/3/2024
Yucheng Wang
Yucheng Wang
Thesis title: Dna Methylation Analysis and Age Prediction
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/6/2023
Yufan Lu
Yufan Lu
Thesis title: Adaptive Intelligent Systems for Extreme Environments
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/4/2023


Publications (4)

Waheed, M., Milford, M., Zhai, X., Fasli, M., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2024). Employing Universal Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition Performance

Zhu, X., Zhang, H., Lee, J., Zhu, J., Pal, C., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2024). Fast, Scalable, Energy-Efficient Non-element-wise Matrix Multiplication on FPGA

Waheed, M., Milford, M., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Ehsan, S., (2023). An Evaluation and Ranking of Different Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition

Wang, Y., Grant, OA., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2022). Recalibrating the cerebellum DNA methylation clock: implications for ageing rates comparison

Journal articles (78)

Yu, W., Guo, Q., Cheng, Y., Liu, L., Hao, F., Zhai, X. and Chen, M., Formal Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Hybrid System Based on Semi-continuous Colored Petri Net: A Case Study of Adaptive Cruise Control System. Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems

Mo, L., Li, X., Kritikakou, A. and Zhai, X., (2025). Contention and Reliability-Aware Energy Efficiency Task Mapping on NoC-Based MPSoCs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 74 (1), 2010-2026

Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2025). Evaluating the Effect of Surrogate Data Generation on Healthcare Data Assessment. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 9 (2), 22-22

Pal, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2025). RENOWNED: A Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Mitigation Framework in Edge-Enabled IoV. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1

Yu, W., Cheng, Y., Fang, X., Zhai, X., Wang, Y. and Jing, H., (2025). Modeling and Risk Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems Based on Petri Nets and Distributed Edge Intelligence. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1

Yu, W., Kong, J., Ding, Z., Zhai, X., Li, Z. and Guo, Q., (2024). Modeling and Analysis of ETC Control System with Colored Petri Net and Dynamic Slicing. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 23 (1), 1-27

Liew, BXW., Pfisterer, F., Rügamer, D. and Zhai, X., (2024). Strategies to optimise machine learning classification performance when using biomechanical features. Journal of Biomechanics. 165, 111998-111998

Liew, BXW., Zhu, X., Zhai, X., McErlain-Naylor, SA. and McManus, C., (2024). Association between fat and fat-free body mass indices on shock attenuation during running.. Journal of Biomechanics. 165, 112025-112025

Yu, W., Feng, J., Liu, L., Zhai, X. and Cheng, Y., (2024). Enhancing security in e-business processes: Utilizing dynamic slicing of Colored Petri Nets for logical vulnerability detection. Future Generation Computer Systems. 158, 210-218

Liu, Y., Yu, W., Zhai, X., Zhang, B., McDonald-Maier, K. and Fasli, M., (2024). Multi-level CEP Rules Automatic Extraction Approach for Air Quality Detection and Energy Conservation Decision Based on AI Technologies. Applied Energy. 372, 123724-123724

Liao, Y., Song, Y., Xia, S., Han, Y., Xu, N., Zhai, X. and Yuan, Z., (2024). Low-latency Data Computation of Inland Waterway USVs for RIS-Assisted UAV MEC Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (16), 26713-26726

Liao, Y., Song, Y., Xia, S., Han, Y., Xu, N. and Zhai, X., (2024). Energy Minimization of RIS-Assisted Cooperative UAV-USV MEC Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (20), 32490-32502

Yu, W., Zhang, J., Lu, L., Liu, Y., Zhai, X. and Howlader, R., (2024). A Distributed Data-Driven and Machine Learning Method for High-Level Causal Analysis in Sustainable IoT Systems. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 1-13

Altai, Z., Hayford, CF., Phillips, A., Moran, J., Zhai, X. and Liew, BXW., (2024). Lower limb joint loading during high-impact activities: implication for bone health. JBMR Plus. 8 (11), ziae119-

Tang, H., Zhai, X. and Xu, X., (2024). Evaluating the performance of models predicting the flowering times of twenty-six apple cultivars in England. European Journal of Agronomy. 160, 127319-127319

Yu, W., Wang, X., Fang, X. and Zhai, X., (2023). Modeling and analytics of multi-factor disease evolutionary process by fusing petri nets and machine learning methods. Applied Soft Computing. 142, 110325-110325

Zhu, X., Boukhennoufa, I., Liew, B., Gao, C., Yu, W., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2023). Monocular 3D Human Pose Markerless Systems for Gait Assessment. Bioengineering. 10 (6), 653-653

Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2023). A novel model to generate heterogeneous and realistic time-series data for post-stroke rehabilitation assessment. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 31, 2676-2687

Gao, S., Xu, J., Cao, J., Yao, H., Ali, SE., Abo-Dief,, HM., Alanazi,, AK., Lan, C., Algadi, H. and Zhai, X., (2023). Highly efficient tunable terahertz all-dielectric metasurface absorber based on high mode. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. 6 (3)

Gao, C., Saha, S., Zhu, X., Jing, H., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2023). Application Level Resource Scheduling for Deep Learning Acceleration on MPSoC. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 95 (10), 1231-1243

Liew, BXW., Rügamer, D., Mei, Q., Altai, Z., Zhu, X., Zhai, X. and Cortes, N., (2023). Smooth and accurate predictions of joint contact force time-series in gait using over parameterised deep neural networks. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 11, 1208711-

Altai, Z., Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Phillips, A., Moran, J. and Liew, BXW., (2023). Performance of multiple neural networks in predicting lower limb joint moments using wearable sensors. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 11, 1215770-

Wang, Y., Grant, O., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Schalkwyk, L., (2023). Insights into ageing rates comparison across tissues from recalibrating cerebellum DNA methylation clock. GeroScience. 46 (1), 39-56

Yu, W., Ma, Z., Zhai, X., Zhou, Y., Zhou, W. and Liu, Y., (2023). Modeling and Analyzing User Behavior Risks in Online Shopping Processes Based on Data-Driven and Petri-Net Methods. Computing and Informatics. 42 (2), 501-524

Khanam, Z., Aslam, B., Saha, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Gamma-Induced Image Degradation Analysis of Robot Vision Sensor for Autonomous Inspection of Nuclear Sites. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (18), 17378-17390

Saha, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Majeed, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). RASA: Reliability-Aware Scheduling Approach for FPGA-Based Resilient Embedded Systems in Extreme Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 52 (6), 3885-3899

Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Wearable sensors and machine learning in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment: A systematic review. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 71 (B), 103197-103197

Manning, K., Zhai, X. and Yu, W., (2022). Image analysis and machine learning based malaria assessment system. Digital Communications and Networks. 8 (2), 132-142

Su, J., Yi, D., Coombes, M., Liu, C., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Chen, W-H., (2022). Spectral Analysis and Mapping of Blackgrass Weed by Leveraging Machine Learning and UAV Multispectral Imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 192, 106621-106621

Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). A Self-adaptive SEU Mitigation Scheme for Embedded Systems in Extreme Radiation Environments. IEEE Systems Journal. 16 (1), 1436-1447

Su, J., Wang, Y., Zhai, X., Meng, F. and liu, C., (2022). Snow Coverage Mapping by Learning from Sentinel-2 Satellite Multispectral Images via Machine Learning Algorithms. Remote Sensing. 14 (3), 782-782

Saha, S., Chakraborty, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). ACCURATE: Accuracy Maximization for Real-Time Multi-core systems with Energy Efficient Way-sharing Caches. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 41 (12), 5246-5260

Boukhennoufa, I., Altai, Z., Zhai, X., Utti, V., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Liew, B., (2022). Predicting the Internal Knee Abduction Impulse During Walking Using Deep Learning. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 10, 877347-

Wachter, EW., Kasap, S., Kolozali, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). Using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection on a System-on-Chip under Gamma Radiation. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 54 (11), 3985-3995

Wang, Y., Gorrie-Stone, TJ., Grant, OA., Andrayas, AD., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2022). InterpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation microarray data avoiding sex bias. Bioinformatics. 38 (16), 3950-3957

Wang, X., Yu, W., Ding, Z., Zhai, X. and Saha, S., (2022). Modeling and Analyzing of Breast Tumor Deterioration Process with Petri Nets and Logistic Regression. Complex System Modeling and Simulation. 2 (3), 264-272

Ali, H., Tariq, UU., Hussain, M., Lu, L., Panneerselvam, J. and Zhai, X., (2021). ARSH-FATI a Novel Metaheuristic for Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Systems Journal. 15 (2), 2386-2397

Huang, C., Lan, Y., Xu, G., Zhai, X., Wu, J., Lin, F., Zeng, N., Hong, Q., Ng, EYK., Peng, Y., Chen, F. and Zhang, G., (2021). A Deep Segmentation Network of Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Based on Attention Mechanism for IVOCT Lumen Contour. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 18 (1), 62-69

Lu, Y., Chen, X., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S., Su, J. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). A Fast Simulation Method for Analysis of SEE in VLSI. Microelectronics Reliability. 120, 114110-114110

Wang, Y., Hannon, E., Grant, O., Gorrie-Stone, T., Kumari, M., Mill, J., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, K. and Schalkwyk, L., (2021). DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predictsex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy. BMC Genomics. 22 (1), 484-

Ali, H., Tariq, UU., Hardy, J., Zhai, X., Lu, L., Zheng, Y., Bensaali, F., Amira, A., Fatema, K. and Antonopoulos, N., (2021). A survey on system level energy optimisation for MPSoCs in IoT and consumer electronics. Computer Science Review. 41, 100416-100416

Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2021). Novel lockstep-based fault mitigation approach for SoCs with roll-back and roll-forward recovery. Microelectronics Reliability. 124, 114297-114297

Ai, Q., Meng, W., Bensaali, F., Zhai, X., Liu, L. and Alaraje, N., (2021). Editorial for FGCS special issue: Intelligent IoT systems for healthcare and rehabilitation. Future Generation Computer Systems. 125, 770-773

Liew, BXW., Rügamer, D., Zhai, X., Wang, Y., Morris, S. and Netto, K., (2021). Comparing shallow, deep, and transfer learning in predicting joint moments in running.. Journal of Biomechanics. 129, 110820-110820

Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Novel Lockstep Technique with Roll-back and Roll-forward Recovery to Mitigate Radiation-Induced Soft Errors. 2020 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference, NORCAS 2020 - Proceedings, 1-7

Huang, C., Lan, Y., Xu, G., Zhai, X., Wu, J., Lin, F., Zeng, N., Hong, Q., Ng, EYK., Peng, Y., Chen, F. and Zhang, G., (2021). A Deep Segmentation Network of Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Based on Attention Mechanism for IVOCT Lumen Contour.. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. 18 (1), 62-69

Lu, Y., Liu, L., Panneerselvam, J., Zhai, X., Sun, X. and Antonopoulos, N., (2020). Latency-based Analytic Approach to Forecast Cloud Workload Trend for Sustainable Datacentres. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 5 (3), 308-318

Xu, J., Guo, Y., Yang, P., Zhang, R., Zhai, X., Huang, S. and Bi, K., (2020). Recent progress on RF orbital angular momentum antennas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 34 (3), 275-300

Esfahani, SS., Zhai, X., Chen, M., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., AbiNahed, J., Dakua, S., Younes, G., Baobeid, A., Richardson, RA. and Coveney, PV., (2020). Lattice-Boltzmann interactive blood flow simulation pipeline.. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 15 (4), 629-639

Kasap, S., Weber Wachter, E., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Survey of Soft Error Mitigation Techniques Applied to LEON3 Soft Processors on SRAM-Based FPGAs. IEEE Access. 8, 28646-28658

Zhai, X., Chen, M., Esfahani, SS., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., Abinahed, J., Dakua, S., Richardson, RA. and Coveney, PV., (2020). Heterogeneous System-on-Chip based Lattice-Boltzmann Visual Simulation System. IEEE Systems Journal. 14 (2), 1592-1601

Xu, J., Chen, L., Zhai, X., Zhang, R., Mcdonald-Maier, KD., Huang, S. and Bi, K., (2020). Generation of Continuously Variable-mode Orbital Angular Momentum Beams. Engineered Science. 10, 51-57

Al-Zawqari, A., Hommos, O., Al-Qahtani, A., Farhat, AAH., Bensaali, F., Zhai, X. and Amira, A., (2019). HD number plate localization and character segmentation on the Zynq heterogeneous SoC. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 16 (6), 2351-2365

Zhai, X., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., Al-Shibani, A., Al-Nassr, A., El-Sayed, A., Eslami, M., Dakua, SP. and Abinahed, J., (2019). Zynq SoC based acceleration of the lattice Boltzmann method. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 31 (17), e5184-e5184

Bai, X., Zhang, Z., Liu, L., Zhai, X., Panneerselvam, J. and Ge, L., (2019). Enhancing Localization of Mobile Robots in Distributed Sensor Environments for Reliable Proximity Service Applications. IEEE Access. 7, 28826-28834

Nadeem, MS., Franqueira, VNL., Zhai, X. and Kurugollu, F., (2019). A Survey of Deep Learning Solutions for Multimedia Visual Content Analysis. IEEE Access. 7, 84003-84019

Dakua, SP., Abinahed, J., Zakaria, A., Balakrishnan, S., Younes, G., Navkar, N., Al-Ansari, A., Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Amira, A., (2019). Moving object tracking in clinical scenarios: application to cardiac surgery and cerebral aneurysm clipping.. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 14 (12), 2165-2176

Xu, J., Bi, K., Zhang, R., Hao, Y., Lan, C., McDonald-Maier, KD., Zhai, X., Zhang, Z. and Huang, S., (2019). A Small-Divergence-Angle Orbital Angular Momentum Metasurface Antenna. Research. 2019, 1-8

Ma, Z., Yu, W., Zhai, X. and Jia, M., (2019). A Complex Event Processing-Based Online Shopping User Risk Identification System. IEEE Access. 7, 172088-172096

Jia, M., Yu, W., Zhai, X. and Saha, S., (2019). Modeling and Analysis of First Aid Command and Dispatching System of Cloud Medical System. IEEE Access. 7, 168752-168758

Xu, J., Bi, K., Zhai, X., Hao, Y. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2019). A Dual-Band Microwave Filter Design for Modern Wireless Communication Systems. IEEE Access. 7, 98786-98791

Ullah Tariq, U., Ali, H., Liu, L., Panneerselvam, J. and Zhai, X., (2019). Energy-efficient Static Task Scheduling on VFI based NoC-HMPSoCs for Intelligent Edge Devices in Cyber-Physical Systems. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 10 (6), 1-22

Farhat, A., Hommos, O., Al-Zawqari, A., Al-Qahtani, A., Bensaali, F., Amira, A. and Zhai, X., (2018). Optical character recognition on heterogeneous SoC for HD automatic number plate recognition system. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. 2018 (1)

Zhai, X., Eslami, M., Hussein, ES., Filali, MS., Shalaby, ST., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., Dakua, S., Abinahed, J., Al-Ansari, A. and Ahmed, AZ., (2018). Real-time automated image segmentation technique for cerebral aneurysm on reconfigurable system-on-chip. Journal of Computational Science. 27, 35-45

Baali, H., Zhai, X., Djelouat, H., Amira, A. and Bensaali, F., (2018). Inequality Indexes as Sparsity Measures Applied to Ventricular Ectopic Beats Detection and its Efficient Hardware Implementation. IEEE Access. 6, 9464-9472

Djelouat, H., Zhai, X., Al Disi, M., Amira, A. and Bensaali, F., (2018). System-on-Chip Solution for Patients Biometric: A Compressive Sensing-Based Approach. IEEE Sensors Journal. 18 (23), 9629-9639

Ali, H., Tariq, UU., Zheng, Y., Zhai, X. and Liu, L., (2018). Contention & Energy-aware Real-time Task Mapping on NoC based Heterogeneous MPSoCs. IEEE Access. 6, 75110-75123

Zhai, X., Ait Si Ali, A., Amira, A. and Bensaali, F., (2017). ECG encryption and identification based security solution on the Zynq SoC for connected health systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 106, 143-152

Zhai, X., Ali, AAS., Amira, A. and Bensaali, F., (2016). MLP Neural Network Based Gas Classification System on Zynq SoC. IEEE Access. 4, 8138-8146

Zhong, Z., Chen, K., Zhai, X. and Zhou, S., (2016). Virtual machine-based task scheduling algorithm in a cloud computing environment. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 21 (6), 660-667

Zhai, X. and Vladimirova, T., (2016). Efficient Data-Processing Algorithms for Wireless-Sensor-Networks-Based Planetary Exploration. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. 13 (1), 46-66

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2015). Exploring ICMetrics to detect abnormal program behaviour on embedded devices. Journal of Systems Architecture. 61 (10), 567-575

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2015). A Method for Detecting Abnormal Program Behavior on Embedded Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 10 (8), 1692-1704

Zhai, X. and Bensaali, F., (2015). Improved number plate character segmentation algorithm and its efficient FPGA implementation. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 10 (1), 91-103

Zhai, X., Jaber, F., Bensaali, F. and Mishra, A., (2015). Hardware acceleration of a dielectrophoresis system for achieving a single-neuron-per-electrode arrangement in microelectrode arrays. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology. 16 (3), 4.1-4.7

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Sotudeh, R., (2013). Real‐time optical character recognition on field programmable gate array for automatic number plate recognition system. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems. 7 (6), 337-344

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Ramalingam, S., (2013). Improved number plate localisation algorithm and its efficient field programmable gate arrays implementation. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems. 7 (2), 93-103

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Sotudeh, R., (2013). Field programmable gate arrays-based number plate binarization and adjustment for automatic number plate recognition systems. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 22 (1), 013009-013009

Book chapters (3)

Baptista, R., Liew, X., Pizzocaro, S., Zhai, X., Galasso, S., Rugamer, D., Waterkeyn, T., Boukhennoufa, I., Xuqi, Z. and De Nunzio, AM., (2024). Motion Analysis in Neurological Rehabilitation: From the Lab to the Clinic. In: Translational Neurorehabilitation. Editors: Calabrò, RS., . Springer Cham. 121- 163. 978-3-031-63604-2

Manning, K., Zhai, X. and Yu, W., (2019). Image Analysis Based System for Assessing Malaria. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Singapore. 466- 486. 9789811519246

Nadeem, MS., Franqueira, VN., Xiaojun Zhai, Wei Ren, Wang, L., Choo, K-KR. and Xhafa, F., (2019). Privacy verification of PhotoDNA based on machine learning. In: Security and Privacy for Big Data, Cloud Computing and Applications. Institution of Engineering and Technology. 263- 280. 9781785617478

Conferences (75)

Aslam, B., Saha, S., Zaffar, M., Ehsan, S., Zhai, X., Cazzaniga, C., Frost, C., McDonald-Maier, K. and Stolkin, R., Measuring the Degradation of Commercial Cameras Under Fast Neutron Beam

Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Borowski, M., Zhang, H., Pal, C., Saha, S., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Zhai, X., (2024). NIRVANA: Non-Invasive Real-Time VulnerAbility ANAlysis for RISC-V Processor

Pal, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2024). REALITY: RL-PowEred AnomaLy Detection with Imprecise Computing in MulTi-Core SYstems (Best paper Award)

Rob Mahid, MM., Clark, AF., Woods, JC., Zhai, X. and Brennan, J., (2024). UAV and AI-Driven Approaches for Accurate Species Classification in Railway Trackside Vegetation Management

Cheng, Y., Yu, W., Zhai, X., Hao, F. and Liu, Y., (2024). Grading and Calculation of Synchronic Distance in Petri Nets for Trustworthy Modeling and analyzing

Borowski, M., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Benchmark Tool for Detecting Anomalous Program Behaviour on Embedded Devices

Gao, C., Zhu, X., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2023). Modelling and Analysis of FPGA-based MPSoC System with Multiple DNN Accelerators

Borowski, M., Pal, C., Saha, S., Poli, L., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Anomaly Behaviour tracing of CHERI-RISC V using Hardware-Software Co-design

Zhu, X., Gao, C., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2023). Bayesian Optimization for Efficient Heterogeneous MPSoC based DNN Accelerator Runtime Tuning

(2023). Message from the EUC 2023 Program Chairs

(2023). 2023 33rd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)

Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). FPGA based Adaptive Hardware Acceleration for Multiple Deep Learning Tasks

Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2022). Encoding Sensors’ Data into Images to Improve the Activity Recognition in Post Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment

Lu, Y., Cong, G., Saha, R., Saha, S., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). FPGA-based Dynamic Deep Learning Acceleration for Real-time Video Analytics

Gao, C., Saha, S., Lu, Y., Saha, R., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). Deep Learning on FPGAs with Multiple Service Levels for Edge Computing

zhu, X., Boukhennoufa, I., Liew, B., McDonald-Maier, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). A Kalman Filter based Approach for Markerless Pose Tracking and Assessment

Liao, Y., Xia, S., Zhang, K. and Zhai, X., (2022). UAV Swarm Trajectory and Cooperative Beamforming Design in Double-IRS Assisted Wireless Communications

Liao, Y., Liu, J., Han, Y., Yu, Q., Ai, Q., Liu, Q. and Zhai, X., (2022). Energy Minimization for IRS-assisted UAV-empowered Wireless Communications

Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., McDonald-Maier, K. and Jackson, J., (2021). Improving the activity recognition using GMAF and transfer learning in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment

Saha, S., Adetomi, A., Zhai, X., Kasap, S., Ehsan, S., Arslan, T. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). EnSuRe: Energy & Accuracy Aware Fault-tolerant Scheduling on Real-time Heterogeneous Systems

Boukhennoufa, I., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2021). A comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art time-series deep learning models for activity-recognition in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment

Poli, L., Saha, S., Zhai, X. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2021). Design and Implementation of a RISC V Processor on FPGA

(2021). Message from the SmartCNS 2021 General Chairs IUCC/CIT/DSCI/SmartCNS 2021

Aslam, B., Saha, S., Khanam, Z., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Gamma-induced Degradation Analysis of Commercial off-the-shelf Camera Sensors

Wachter, EW., Kasap, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Survey of Lockstep based Mitigation Techniques for Soft Errors in Embedded Systems

Wachter, E., Kasap, S., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). A Framework and Protocol for Dynamic Management of Fault Tolerant Systems in Harsh Environments

Lu, Y., Zhai, X., Saha, S., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). A self-scrubbing scheme for embedded systems in radiation environments

Kasap, S., Wächter, EW., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Novel Lockstep-based Approach with Roll-back and Roll-forward Recovery to Mitigate Radiation-Induced Soft Errors

Franqueira, VNL., Mileva, A., Leppänen, V., Inácio, P., Conti, M., Lopes, RHC., Adnane, A. and Zhai, X., (2020). The 4th international workshop on security and forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR 2020)

Cheng, Y., Liao, Y. and Zhai, X., (2020). Energy-efficient Resource Allocation for UAV-empowered Mobile Edge Computing System

(2020). Message from the RTDPCC 2020 Workshop Chairs

Franqueira, VNL., Mileva, A., Leppänen, V., Inácio, P., Conti, M., Lopes, RHC., Adnane, A. and Zhai, X., (2020). The 4th international workshop on security and forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR 2020)

Franqueira, VNL., Mileva, A., Leppänen, V., Inácio, P., Conti, M., Lopes, RHC., Adnane, A. and Zhai, X., (2020). The 4th international workshop on security and forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR 2020)

Djelouat, H., Al Disi, M., Amira, A., Bensaali, F. and Zhai, X., (2019). Compressive Sensing Based ECG Biometric System

Liao, Y., Yu, Q., Zhai, X., Ai, Q., Liu, Q. and Zhou, T., (2019). Wireless Big Data Meets WBANs: An Attempt for Cooperative Task Process Assisted with MEC

Liao, Y., Qiao, X., Shou, L., Zhai, X., Ai, Q., Yu, Q. and Liu, Q., (2019). Caching-Aided Task Offloading Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks with MEC

Khanam, Z., Saha, S., Aslam, B., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Cazzaniga, C., Frost, C., Stolkin, R. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). Degradation Measurement of Kinect Sensor Under Fast Neutron Beamline

Esfahani, SS., Zhai, X., Chen, M., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., AbiNahed, J., Dakua, S., Younes, G., Richardson, RA. and Coveney, PV., (2019). HEMELB Acceleration and Visualization for Cerebral Aneurysms

Nadeem, MS., Franqueira, VNL., Kurugollu, F. and Zhai, X., (2019). WVD: A New Synthetic Dataset for Video-Based Violence Detection

Yu, W., Liu, L., An, Y. and Zhai, X., (2019). Analyzing the Validation Flaws of Online Shopping Systems Based on Coloured Petri Nets

Shahzad, M., Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L. and Zhai, X., (2019). Data Aggregation Challenges in Fog Computing

Tariq, UU., Ali, H., Liu, L. and Zhai, X., (2019). A Novel Meta-Heuristic for Green Computing on VFI-NoC-HMPSoCs

Ali, H., Tariq, UU., Liu, L., Panneerselvam, J. and Zhai, X., (2019). Energy Optimization of Streaming Applications in IoT on NoC Based Heterogeneous MPSoCs using Re-Timing and DVFS

Liao, Y., Shou, L., Yu, Q., Zhai, X., Ai, Q. and Liu, Q., (2019). A Novel Task Offloading Framework to Support Wireless Body Area Networks with MEC

(2019). Message from the RTDPCC 2019 Symposium Chairs

Zhai, X., Chen, M., Esfahani, SS., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., AbiNahed, J., Dakua, SP., Al-Ansari, A. and Zakaria, A., (2019). Zynq SoC based Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation Environment

Ali, H., Tariq, UU., Zhai, X. and Liu, L., (2018). Energy Efficient Task Mapping & Scheduling on Heterogeneous NoC-MPSoCs in IoT Based Smart City

Ali, H., Zhai, X., Tariq, UU. and Liu, L., (2018). Energy Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Task Mapping on Shared-Memory Heterogeneous MPSoCs

Wang, H., Pannereselvam, J., Liu, L., Lu, Y., Zhai, X. and Ali, H., (2018). Cloud Workload Analytics for Real-Time Prediction of User Request Patterns

Baali, H., Djelouat, H., Amira, A., Bensaali, F. and Zhai, X., (2017). QRS Complexes Classification Using Dictionary Learning and Pietra Index

(2017). Message from the RTDPCC-2017 Workshop Chairs

Baali, H., Djelouat, H., Amira, A., Bensaali, F. and Zhai, X., (2017). Efficient hardware implementation of the l<inf>1</inf> — Regularized least squares for IoT edge computing

Farhat, AAH., Al-Zawqari, A., Hommos, O., Al-Qahtani, A., Bensaali, F., Amira, A. and Zhai, X., (2017). OCR-Based Hardware Implementation for Qatari Number Plate on the Zynq SoC

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Liu, L., (2017). RTDPCC-2017 II General Chairs' Welcome

Ali, AAS., Zhai, X., Amira, A., Bensaali, F. and Ramzan, N., (2016). Heterogeneous Implementation of ECG Encryption and Identification on the Zynq SoC

Farhat, A., Al-Zawqari, A., Al-Qahtani, A., Hommos, O., Bensaali, F., Amira, A. and Zhai, X., (2016). OCR based feature extraction and template matching algorithms for Qatari number plate

Hommos, O., Al-Qahtani, A., Farhat, A., Al-Zawqari, A., Bensaali, F., Amira, A. and Zhai, X., (2016). HD Qatari ANPR system

Zhai, X., Jaber, F., Bensaali, F. and Mishra, A., (2015). Hardware Acceleration of an Image Processing System for Dielectrophoretic Loading of Single Neurons Inside Micro-Wells of Microelectrode Arrays

Alvarez, F., Rodrigues, P., Sinogas, P., Oliveira, A., Vlrdimireva, T., Zhai, X., Liberati, F., Oddi, G., Pietrabissa, A., Crosnier, M., Rivera, C., Millen, D. and Moreno, L., (2015). IAC-15-A3.5.9 Low power lightweight micro-meteorological station for wireless sensor network based space exploration

Rodrigues, P., Oliveira, A., Sinogas, P., Oddi, G., Lisi, F., Alvarez, F., Cabas, R., Vladimirova, T., Zhai, X. and Crosnier, M., (2015). Testing of a routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks with applications to planetary exploration

Zhai, X. and Vladimirova, T., (2015). Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks for Lunar Exploration

Zhai, X., Amira, A. and Bensaali, F., (2015). ECG Security Identification System on the Zynq SoC Platform

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Howells, G., Hu, H., Gu, D. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2014). Detecting Compromised Programs for Embedded System Applications

Vladimirova, T., Katz, R., Wansch, R., Zhao, Z., Newell, M., Merodio, D., Emam, O., Huebner, M., Erdogan, A., Fayyaz, M. and Zhai, X., (2014). Preface

Rodrigues, P., Oliveira, A., Oddi, G., Liberati, F., Alvarez, F., Cabas, R., Vladimirova, T., Xiaojun Zhai, Hongyuan Jing and Crosnier, M., (2014). Space Wireless Sensor Networks for planetary exploration: Node and network architectures

Xiaojun Zhai, Hongyuan Jing and Vladimirova, T., (2014). Multi-sensor data fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks for Planetary Exploration

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2013). Automatic Number Plate Recognition on FPGA

Appiah, K., Zhai, X., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). Program Counter as an Integrated Circuit Metrics for Secured Program Identification

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K., Cheung, WM. and Howells, G., (2013). Application of ICmetrics for Embedded System Security

Zhai, X., Appiah, K., Ehsan, S., Cheung, WM., Hu, H., Gu, D., McDonald-Maier, K. and Howells, G., (2013). A Self-Organising Map Based Algorithm for Analysis of ICmetrics Features

Jeffrey, Z., Zhai, X., Bensaali, F., Sotudeh, R. and Ariyaeeinia, A., (2013). Automatic number plate recognition system on an ARM-DSP and FPGA heterogeneous SoC platforms

Zhai, X. and Bensaali, F., (2013). Standard definition ANPR system on FPGA and an approach to extend it to HD

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Sotudeh, R., (2012). OCR-based neural network for ANPR

Zhai, X., Bensaali, F. and Ramalingam, S., (2011). Real-time license plate localisation on FPGA

Zhai, X., Benssali, F. and Ramalingam, S., (2010). License plate localisation based on morphological operations

Reports and Papers (1)

Wang, Y., Hannon, E., Grant, OA., Gorrie-Stone, TJ., Kumari, M., Mill, J., Zhai, X., McDonald-Maier, KD. and Schalkwyk, LC., (2020). DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predict sex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy

Scholarly Editions (2)

Bessis, N., Zhai, X. and Sotiriadis, S., (2018). Service-Oriented System Engineering

Bensaali, F., Zhai, X., Amira, A. and Liu, L., (2018). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Real-Time Data Processing for Internet of Things

Grants and funding


Aparito PhD Studentship Match Funded

Aparito Limited

5G4PHealth: Enhanced 5G-Powered Platform for Predictive Preventive Personalized and Participatory Healthcare

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

IDEAL: Reducing Carbon Footprints of IoT Devices through Extension of Active Lifespans

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EcoRoutePlanner: Dynamic Daily Route Planning and Scheduling for Crew Transfer Vessels in Offshore Wind Farms

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


FORENSIC: Fast and Autonomous Platform Anomalies detections in CPS

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

FORENSIC: Fast and AutonomousPlatform Anomalies detections in Cyber Physical Systems

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Morello-HAT: Morello High-Level API and Tooling

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Feasibility assessment for the design and build of a GPS-enabled Turbine Warning System (TWS) for offshore transfer vessels.

Njord Offshore Ltd

Njord Offshore KTP

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Real-Time Federated Learning at the Wireless Edge via Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


EDGE - Adaptive Deep Learning Hardware for Embedded Platforms

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Swarm robots flexible intelligent manufacturing system

The Royal Society

Network Attachment Inspection (NetAI)

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

FollowPV - Developing autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles with spatial awareness for improved image quality from solar farm inspections

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

FollowPV - Developing autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles with spatial awareness for improved image quality from solar farm inspections

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


SensiChain � Secure Blockchain Alert Systems

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

SenseiChain - Secure Real-time Blockchain Data Analytics

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

AppControl: Enforcing Application Behaviour through Type-Based Constraints

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

+44 (0) 1206 872677


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