Dr Zorzeta Bakaki

zbakak@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872651
5.304, Colchester Campus
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Zorzeta Bakaki is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Government. She studied Political Science and Public Administration at the Law School of the University of Athens. Zeta received a Master of Science in International Relations and her PhD from the University of Essex. Previously, she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the ETH Zürich's Center for Comparative and International Studies. Her research and teaching interests are International Relations, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of conflict management and resolution, international cooperation, and environmental politics.
PhD in International Relations University of Essex, (2014)
MSc in International Relations University of Essex, (2010)
BA in Political Science and Public Administration National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (2007)
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2019 - present)
Lecturer in Political Science, Government, University of Essex (1/1/2017 - 30/9/2019)
Other academic
Senior researcher, Center for Comparative and International Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (1/5/2014 - 30/12/2016)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
International Relations
The quantitative and qualitative analysis of conflict management and resolution
International cooperation
Environmental politics
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Contemporary Topics in International Relations (GV113)
International Organisations (GV212)
International Institutions and Global Governance (GV945)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/4/2024

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/12/2022

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/11/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019
Publications (3)
Hignell, B., Bakaki, Z. and Valentini, E., Emotional predictors of environmental policy support and opposition
Hignell, B., Bakaki, Z. and Valentini, E., (2024). Emotional predictors of environmental policy support and opposition
Hignell, B., Bakaki, Z. and Valentini, E., (2024). Emotional predictors of environmental policy support and opposition
Journal articles (24)
Bakaki, Z. and Bohmelt, T., (2023). New Deals “The Second After Leaving?” IO Withdrawal and Bilateral Trade. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 25 (3), 405-422
Bakaki, Z. and Haer, R., (2023). The impact of climate variability on children: The recruitment of boys and girls by rebel groups. Journal of Peace Research. 60 (4), 634-648
Bakaki, Z. and Dorussen, H., (2023). Trust in peacebuilding organizations: A survey experiment in Haiti. World Development. 172, 106375-106375
Bakaki, Z., Bohmelt, T. and Ward, H., (2022). Carbon Emission Performance and Regime Type – The Role of Inequality. Global Environmental Politics. 22 (2), 156-179
Bakaki, Z., (2022). The impact of climate summits. Nature Climate Change. 12 (7), 611-612
Xanthopoulou, P., Sahinidis, A. and Bakaki, Z., (2022). The Impact of Strong Cultures on Organisational Performance in Public Organisations: The Case of the Greek Public Administration. Social Sciences. 11 (10), 486-486
Kalatzi Pantera, D., Bohmelt, T. and Bakaki, Z., (2022). The transnational influence of natural disasters on environmental attitudes. European Journal of Political Research. 62 (3), 761-780
Bakaki, Z., Böhmelt, T. and Bove, V., (2022). Attitudes Toward Migration and Associational Activity: Evidence From Germany. Political Studies Review. 22 (1), 77-92
Choulis, I., Bakaki, Z. and Böhmelt, T., (2021). Public Support for the Armed Forces: The Role of Conscription. Defence and Peace Economics. 32 (2), 1-12
Bakaki, Z. and Mehrl, M., (2021). Examining conflict management technique sequences in international claims.. International Interactions. 47 (1), 56-78
Bakaki, Z. and Bohmelt, T., (2021). Can UN Peacekeeping Promote Environmental Quality?. International Studies Quarterly. 65 (4), 881-890
Bakaki, Z., (2021). Climate variability and transnational migration: A dyadic analysis. Sustainability. 13 (1), 405-405
Dorussen, H., Bakaki, Z. and Kolbe, AR., (2021). Challenges of using collaborative methods in surveying political trust in Haiti. PS: Political Science and Politics. 54 (3), 570-574
Bakaki, Z., Böhmelt, T. and Ward, H., (2020). The triangular relationship between public concern for environmental issues, policy output, and media attention. Environmental Politics. 29 (7), 1157-1177
Bakaki, Z., (2020). The Joint Effect of International and Domestic-Level State Capacity on Civil War Risk. Social Sciences. 9 (5), 66-66
Bakaki, Z., (2018). Do International Organizations Reduce the Risk of Crisis Recurrence?. Journal of Global Security Studies. 3 (3), 358-370
Bakaki, Z. and Bernauer, T., (2018). Do Economic Conditions Affect Public Support for Environmental Policy?. Journal of Cleaner Production. 195, 66-78
Bakaki, Z. and Bernauer, T., (2017). Do global climate summits influence public awareness and policy preferences concerning climate change?. Environmental Politics. 26 (1), 1-26
Bakaki, Z. and Bernauer, T., (2017). Citizens Show Strong Support for Climate Policy, But Are They Also Willing to Pay?. Climatic Change. 145 (1-2), 15-26
Bakaki, Z., Böhmelt, T. and Bove, V., (2016). Barriers to Coordination? Examining the Impact of Culture on International Mediation Occurrence and Effectiveness. Political Studies. 64 (3), 492-512
Bakaki, Z. and Bernauer, T., (2016). Measuring and explaining the willingness to pay for forest conservation: evidence from a survey experiment in Brazil. Environmental Research Letters. 11 (11), 114001-114001
Bakaki, Z. and Hinkkainen, K., (2016). Do child soldiers influence UN Peacekeeping?. International Peacekeeping. 23 (4), 540-567
Bakaki, Z., (2016). Deconstructing Mediation: A Case Study of the Cod Wars. Negotiation Journal. 32 (1), 63-78
Bakaki, Z., (2016). Fossil Fuel Rents: Who Initiates International Crises?. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 22 (2), 173-190
Books (1)
Bakaki, Z., (2016). Breaking the Crisis Circle Conflict Management of International Rivalries. Sierke Verlag. 3868447768. 9783868447767
Book chapters (3)
Bakaki, Z., (2021). Multilateral Co-operation and Global Governance: The Evolution of International Organizations. In: The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2020. Routledge. 3- 6
Böhmelt, T. and Bakaki, Z., (2019). Cultural ties across crises: the diffusion of mediation from crisis to crisis. In: Research Handbook on Mediating International Crises. Edward Elgar Publishing. 79- 93. 9781788110693
Bakaki, Z., (2017). Mediation via International Organizations. In: Oxford Bibliographies - International Relations. Editors: James, P., . Oxford University Press
Other (1)
Bakaki, Z. and Dorussen, H., (2024).Trust is key to peacebuilding and humanitarian work in Haiti,Peace News Network
Grants and funding
Trust in organizations and their impact on peace processes in Haiti
British Academy
Academic support hours:
Please email for an online or in-person appointment
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