
Professor Royce Carroll

Department of Government
Professor Royce Carroll



Royce Carroll is Professor in Comparative Politics at The University of Essex. His research focuses on the comparative study of representation, elite and mass political behaviour, democratic institutions, political parties, and ideology, as well as quantitative methodology.


  • Ph.D. Political Science University of California, San Diego, (2007)

  • B.A. Government University of Texas at Austin, (2000)

  • Bachelor of Journalism University of Texas at Austin, (2000)


University of Essex

  • Professor in Comparative Politics, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2018 - present)

  • Director of Summer Schools and Short Courses, University of Essex (1/8/2021 - present)

  • Director, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, University of Essex (1/4/2019 - 1/8/2022)

  • Deputy Director, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis (1/9/2016 - 31/3/2019)

  • Reader in Comparative Politics, Government, University of Essex (1/10/2016 - 1/10/2018)

Other academic

  • Associate Professor, Political Science, Rice University (7/7/2014 - 1/7/2016)

  • Assistant Professor, Political Science, Rice University (7/7/2007 - 7/7/2014)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Political Institutions

Legislative politics, electoral systems

Open to supervise

Political Parties

Open to supervise

Quantitative study of ideology and political attitudes

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

(Mis)perception of Party-voter Congruence and Satisfaction with Democracy

Invited presentation, Invited talk, Konstanz, Germany, 25/10/2023

Elite Polarization in Parliamentary Democracies

Invited presentation, Invited talk, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23/12/2019

Measuring and Explaining the Dimensionality of Party Ideological Perceptions

Invited presentation, Invited talk, Bergen, Norway, 30/10/2019

Measuring Ideology

Invited presentation, Invited talk, Bogota, Colombia, 22/10/2019

Designing Research in Political Science

Invited presentation, Invited talk, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 25/9/2019

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Alexander Charles Edward Kemp
Alexander Charles Edward Kemp
Thesis title: The Effect of National Origins on the Voting Behaviour of Hispanics in the United States
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Master of Arts (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 3/12/2024
Charlotte Adele Massetti
Charlotte Adele Massetti
Thesis title: The Role of Distinctiveness in Party Survival and Support
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/3/2024
Yen-Chieh Liao
Yen-Chieh Liao
Thesis title: Electoral Reform, Distributive Politics, and Parties in the Taiwanese Congress
Degree subject: Politics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/1/2023
Joelle Tasker
Joelle Tasker
Degree subject: Political Science
Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 5/10/2022
Sarah Marie-Noelle Wagner
Sarah Marie-Noelle Wagner
Thesis title: Radical Left Parties and the Role of Euroscepticism
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/2/2022
Tatiana Andrea Gelvez Rubio
Tatiana Andrea Gelvez Rubio
Thesis title: Three Essays on Local Government Performance and Political Institutions in Colombia
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/1/2021


Journal articles (34)

Carroll, R. and Fernando, M., (2024). Multi-level legislative representation in an inchoate party system: Mass-elite ideological congruence in Brazil. Party Politics. 30 (1), 151-165

Carrion, V. and Carroll, R., (2024). Invalid Votes as Protest: Compulsory Voting and the Democratic Context in Ecuador. Political Behavior. 46 (4), 2565-2587

Calvo, E., Back, H. and Carroll, R., (2024). Debating the populist pariah: Changing party dynamics and elite rhetoric in the Swedish Riksdag. Political Research Quarterly. 77 (3), 950-961

Carroll, R., Liao, DY-C. and Tang, L., (2024). (Mis)perception of Party Congruence and Satisfaction with Democracy. Political Science Research and Methods, 1-18

Peresman, A., Carroll, R. and Back, H., (2023). Authoritarianism and immigration attitudes in the UK. Political Studies. 71 (3), 616-633

Bäck, H., Carroll, R., Renström, E. and Ryan, A., (2023). Elite communication and affective polarization among voters. Electoral Studies. 84, 102639-102639

Renström, EA., Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2023). Threats, Emotions, and Affective Polarization. Political Psychology. 44 (6), 1337-1366

Bäck, H., Carroll, R., Knapton, H. and Renström, EA., (2023). Threat, voting and candidate support. The impact of mortality salience. Frontiers in Political Science. 5, 1040644-

Røed, M., Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2023). Who Polarizes Parliament? Partisan Hostility in Norwegian Legislative Debates. Party Politics. 31 (1), 137-147

Carrion, V. and Carroll, R., (2022). The effects of candidate appearance on electoral success: Evidence from Ecuador. Political Research Quarterly. 76 (3), 1168-1179

Renstrom, E., Back, H. and Carroll, R., (2022). Protecting the ingroup? Authoritarianism, immigration attitudes, and affective polarization. Frontiers in Political Science. 4

Carroll, R. and Kubo, H., (2021). Measuring and Explaining the Complexity of `Left-Right' Perceptions of Political Parties. Electoral Studies. 71, 102310-102310

Carroll, R. and Nalepa, M., (2021). When Does the Personal Vote Matter for Party Loyalty? The Conditional Effects of Candidate-Centred Electoral Systems. Parliamentary Affairs. 74 (1), 102-120

Renström, E., Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2021). Intergroup Threat and Affective Polarization in a Multi-Party System. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 9 (2), 553-576

Carroll, R. and Nalepa, M., (2020). The personal vote and party cohesion: Modeling the effects of electoral rules on intraparty politics. Journal of Theoretical Politics. 32 (1), 36-69

Carroll, R. and Kubo, H., (2019). Measuring and Comparing Party Ideology and Heterogeneity. Party Politics. 25 (2), 245-256

Carroll, R. and Kubo, H., (2018). Explaining Citizen Perceptions of Party Ideological Positions: The Mediating Role of Political Contexts. Electoral Studies. 51, 14-23

Carroll, R. and Kubo, H., (2018). Polarization and ideological congruence between parties and supporters in Europe. Public Choice. 176 (1-2), 247-265

Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2018). Polarization and gridlock in parliamentary regimes. The Legislative Scholar (Spring)

Pachón, M., Carroll, R. and Barragán, H., (2017). Ballot design and invalid votes: Evidence from Colombia. Electoral Studies. 48, 98-110

Poole, KT., Lewis, JB., Rosenthal, H., Lo, J. and Carroll, R., (2016). Recovering a Basic Space from Issue Scales in R. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE. 69 (7), 1-21

Mattes, M., Leeds, BA. and Carroll, R., (2015). Leadership Turnover and Foreign Policy Change: Societal Interests, Domestic Institutions, and Voting in the United Nations. International Studies Quarterly. 59 (2), 280-290

Hare, C., Armstrong, DA., Bakker, R., Carroll, R. and Poole, KT., (2015). Using Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling to Study Citizens' Ideological Preferences and Perceptions. American Journal of Political Science. 59 (3), 759-774

Carroll, R., Lewis, JB., Lo, J., Poole, KT. and Rosenthal, H., (2013). The Structure of Utility in Spatial Models of Voting. American Journal of Political Science. 57 (4), 1008-1028

Carroll, R. and Eichorst, J., (2013). The Role of Party: The Legislative Consequences of Partisan Electoral Competition. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 38 (1), 83-109

Carroll, R. and Tiede, L., (2012). Ideological Voting on Chile's Constitutional Tribunal: Dissent Coalitions in the Adjudication of Rights. Journal of Human Rights. 11 (1), 85-105

Carroll, R. and Cox, GW., (2012). Shadowing Ministers. Comparative Political Studies. 45 (2), 220-236

Carroll, R. and Tiede, L., (2011). Judicial Behavior on the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 8 (4), 856-877

Poole, K., Lewis, J., Lo, J. and Carroll, R., (2011). Scaling Roll Call Votes withwnominateinR. Journal of Statistical Software. 42 (14), 1-21

Carroll, R. and Kim, HA., (2010). Party Government and the “Cohesive Power of Public Plunder”. American Journal of Political Science. 54 (1), 34-44

CARROLL, R., LEWIS, JB., LO, J., POOLE, KT. and ROSENTHAL, H., (2009). Comparing NOMINATE and IDEAL: Points of Difference and Monte Carlo Tests. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 34 (4), 555-591

Carroll, R., Lewis, JB., Lo, J., Poole, KT. and Rosenthal, H., (2009). Measuring bias and uncertainty in DW-NOMINATE ideal point estimates via the parametric bootstrap. Political Analysis. 17 (3), 261-275

Carroll, R. and Cox, GW., (2007). The Logic of Gamson's Law: Pre‐election Coalitions and Portfolio Allocations. American Journal of Political Science. 51 (2), 300-313

Carroll, R., Cox, GW. and Pachón, M., (2006). How parties create electoral democracy, chapter 2. Legislative Studies Quarterly. 31 (2), 153-174

Books (2)

II, DAA., Bakker, R., Carroll, R., Hare, C., Poole, KT. and Rosenthal, H., (2020). Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment, Second Edition. CRC Press. 1138715336. 9781138715332

Armstrong, DA., Bakker, R., Carroll, R., Hare, C., Poole, KT. and Rosenthal, H., (2014). Analyzing spatial models of choice and judgment with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 1466517158. 9781466517158

Book chapters (6)

Carroll, R., (2023). Ideal Point Estimation. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Oxford University Press

Baumann, M., Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2021). Sweden: Biased Debate Participation with Nearly Equal Gender Representation. In: The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford University Press. 713- 733. 9780198849063

Bäck, H. and Carroll, R., (2020). The distribution of ministerial posts in parliamentary systems. In: The Oxford handbook of political executives. Editors: . Oxford University Press. 314- 335. 0198809298

Carroll, RA. and Pachon, M., (2016). The Unrealized Potential of Presidential Coalitions in Colombia. In: Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America. Editors: Aleman, E. and Tsebelis, G., . Oxford University Press. 122- 147. 0198777868. 9780198777861

Carroll, RA. and Poole, KT., (2014). Roll-Call Analysis and the Study of Legislatures. In: The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Editors: Strøm, KW., Saalfeld, T. and Martin, S., . Oxford University Press

Carroll, R. and Shugart, M., (2007). Neo-Madisonian Theory and Latin American Institutions. In: Regimes and Democracy in Latin America Theories and Methods. Editors: Munck, G., . Oxford University Press. 9780199219902

Thesis dissertation (1)

Carroll, RA., (2007). The Electoral Origins of Governing Coalitions

Grants and funding


Commercialising Social Science Research Through CPD Training

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)


Strengthening Local Governance and Peacebuilding in Colombia using Data Analysis

University of Essex (GCRF)

Party representation: beyond left-right ideology

British Academy


Improving local governance in Colombia through data analysis

University of Essex (GCRF)


Explaining Elite Polarisation in European Parliaments

British Academy


Understanding the ideology, attitudes and traits behind public opinion on immigration policy

The British Academy



5.306, Colchester Campus

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By Appointment

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