Dr Katerina Hadjimatheou

k.hadjimatheou@essex.ac.uk -
6.336, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Autumn term: Tuesdays 11:00-13:00
Kat is the Director of the Centre for Criminology. She is an applied ethicist and criminologist. She is interested in technologies and data used for policing, criminal justice and security. She works particularly in the field of domestic abuse, surveillance, criminal records, and human trafficking. Her research has been funded by the British Academy, Home Office, ESRC, MOPAC and European Commission amongst others. Kat is Chair of the British Society of Criminology's Policing Network. She has also been a member of ethics committees for the National Crime Agency, HMRC, and College of Policing. She is a member of the MET Police's Research Ethics Committee and the Chair of Essex Police's Data Ethics Committee. Kat has provided independent consultancy and expertise to the Foreign Office, European Commission, United Nations, US National Science Foundation, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Justice and EU borders agency FRONTEX. She has worked on evaluations of domestic abuse interventions for Islington Council and the College of Policing. Kat also regularly acts an independent ethics reviewer for large technology research projects, mainly for the European Commission. Her research has been featured on Woman's Hour, Law in Action, the BBC's 'Bad People' Podcast, BBC Essex and Warwickshire, LBC Radio, and Islam Radio. Kat supervises and is open to supervising PhD projects on domestic violence, stalking, crimes of abuse, police ethics, new technologies in policing including AI, predictive policing, facial recognition amongst others, surveillance, and human trafficking.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
police and tech ethics, digital policing, surveillance, security, criminal records, domestic abuse, vulnerabilities,, and human trafficking
Police and tech ethics, digital policing, surveillance, security, criminal records, domestic abuse, vulnerabilities,, and human trafficking
Domestic abuse
Current research
An exploratory investigation of the implementation of Stalking Protection Orders in England and Wales
This study explores the use of Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) in tackling and preventing stalking in England and Wales. The project investigates: what types of stalking are being addressed by SPOs; how SPOs are being used by the police, the CPS and HMCTS; differences in approach among forces, challenges and best practice. This project is one of the first to analyse quantitative data on SPOs from Freedom of Information requests to all police forces in England and Wales, the CPS and HMCTS. In-depth insights into implementation, challenges and best practice are drawn from interviews with practitioners working with stalking including police, stalking charities, NGOs, the CPS and HMCTS.
Conferences and presentations
Ethics of AI in Prisons
Invited presentation, United office of drugs and Crime Congress 2021, UNODC congress, 10/3/2021
Inaugural Nick Fyfe Honorary Lecture. Citizen-Led Digital Policing
Keynote presentation, Scottish Institute for Policing Research, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 10/12/2019
Surveillance, Trust, and the Presumption of Innocence
Fundamental Rights and Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age’, São Paulo, Brazil, 21/8/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Policing, Punishment and Society (SC205)
Current supervision
Journal articles (16)
Hadjimatheou, K. and Weir, R., (2025). Adolescent domestic abuse and its consequences: a rapid systematic review. Journal of Family Violence
Hadjimatheou, K., Quiroz Flores, A., Weir, R. and Skevington, T., (2024). Using unsupervised machine learning to find profiles of domestic abuse perpetrators. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 18, 1-13
Hadjimatheou, K. and Nathan, C., (2023). Policing the Gaps: Legitimacy, Special Obligations, and Omissions in Law Enforcement. Criminal Law and Philosophy. 17 (2), 407-427
Hadjimatheou, K., (2023). An international review and normative examination of the collateral consequences of criminal record disclosures for domestic abuse. Criminology and Criminal Justice. 23 (4), 648-668
Hadjimatheou, K., (2022). ‘Social care told me I had to’: Empowerment and responsibilisation in the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. The British Journal of Criminology. 62 (2), 320-336
Hadjimatheou, K., (2022). Using criminal histories to empower victim–survivors of domestic abuse. European Journal of Criminology. 20 (3), 1106-1122
Hadjimatheou, K., (2021). Citizen-led digital policing and democratic norms: The case of self-styled paedophile hunters. Criminology and Criminal Justice. 21 (4), 547-565
Hadjimatheou, K. and Grace, J., (2021). "No black and white answer about how far we can go”: police decision making under the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. Policing and Society. 31 (7), 834-847
Hadjimatheou, K. and Lynch, J., (2020). UK Anti-Slavery at the Border: Humanitarian Opportunism and the Challenge of Victim Consent to Assistance. European Journal of Criminology. 17 (5), 678-698
Hadjimatheou, K., Coaffee, J. and De Vries, A., (2019). Enhancing Public Security Through the Use of Social Media. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin. 18, 1-14
Hadjimatheou, K., (2017). Neither Confirm nor Deny: Secrecy and Disclosure in Undercover Policing. Criminal Justice Ethics. 36 (3), 279-296
Hadjimatheou, K. and Lynch, JK., (2017). ‘Once they pass you, They may be gone forever’: Humanitarian Duties and Professional Tensions in Safeguarding and Anti-Trafficking at the Border. British Journal of Criminology. 57 (4), 945-963
Lynch, JK. and Hadjimatheou, K., (2017). Acting in Isolation: Safeguarding and anti-trafficking officers’ evidence and intelligence practices at the border. Anti-Trafficking Review (8), 70-89
Hadjimatheou, K., (2017). Surveillance Technologies, Wrongful Criminalisation, and the Presumption of Innocence. Philosophy & Technology. 30 (1), 39-54
Hadjimatheou, K., (2016). Criminal Labelling, Publicity, and Punishment. Law and Philosophy. 35 (6), 567-593
Hadjimatheou, K., (2014). The Relative Moral Risks of Untargeted and Targeted Surveillance. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 17 (2), 187-207
Books (1)
Hadjimatheou, K., Sorell, T. and Guelke, J., (2017). Security Ethics. CRC Press. 1472439430. 9781472439437
Book chapters (2)
Hadjimatheou, K., (2023). Surveillance, Democracy, and Protest in a Time of Climate Crisis. In: The ethics of surveillance in times of emergency. Editors: MacNish, K. and Henschke, A., . Oxford University Press. 132- 149. 0192864912. 9780191955372
Hadjimatheou, K. and Nathan, C., (2022). The Ethics of Predictive Policing. In: Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Editors: Veliz, C., . Oxford University Press. 433- 448. 9780198857815
Reports and Papers (3)
Hadjimatheou, K. and Seymour, K., (2024). The South Australian Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme 2018-2024: An Independent Review
Hadjimatheou, K., Quiroz Flores, A., Weir, R. and Skevington, T., (2023). Understanding Domestic Abuse Perpetrators: using unsupervised machine learning to analyse a longitudinal dataset of domestic abuse incidents from Essex Police. A Home-Office funded project. 2022
Hadjimatheou, K., Sleet, A. and Rosbrook-Thompson, J., (2022). Report: Children and Young Person's Independent Domestic Violence Advocate_an Evaluation of Islington Council's Service
Grants and funding
Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment Tool - Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) consultancy
Home Office
Do we have a right to know about the criminality of others? A normative criminological analysis
British Academy
Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment Tool - Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) consultancy
Home Office
Domestic Abuse Services for Young People
London Borough of Islington (Safeguarding and Family Support)
Evaluation of Essex Police's Knife Crime intervention pilot
Essex Police
Evaluation of Essex Police's Knife Crime intervention pilot
Essex Police
Understanding Domestic Abuse Perpetrators' (A mixed methods, Home Office-funded project in collaboration with Essex Police
Home Office
Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data
Economic & Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
Autumn term: Tuesdays 11:00-13:00