
Bass Information Hub

A drawing of a fish in white on a teal background, with a black square outline and the words "All about the bass" in black text in the centre.

This hub brings together bass knowledge and policy information, datasets and current research opportunities.

It is an outcome of the "All About The Bass Symposium" that took place on 8th July 2024. A report summarising the main findings and recommendations from the Symposium can be downloaded here. This hub aims to help the bass scientific community, policymakers, anglers and fishers find information about this iconic species more easily, and find out how individuals could volunteer and get involved directly with research and monitoring activities.

The structure is divided into three parts:

  1. All about the bass comprising an overview of bass biology, ecology and management, with useful links to broad reviews, the UK Bass Fisheries Management Plan, and slides/talks from our All About The Bass 2024 Symposium,
  2. Bass data map, signposting you to bass data collection efforts, past and present, and where to locate the associated reports and datasets.
  3. Get involved in bass data collection. A list of opportunities for anglers and the general public to participate in current bass monitoring activities. 

If you have any suggestions or questions, please email Dr Anna Sturrock at

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Get in touch
Dr Anna Sturrock