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Research Project

Innovative SaaS-based Product to Create Video Content and Distribution Strategies for Marketing

Principal Investigators
Dr Faiyaz Doctor
Dr Alba Garcia Seco De Herrera

Digital content is a growing field for marketing. With more time than ever being spent online, the most effective way to be seen is through social media and other platforms.

However digital content can be very hit-and-miss. It can be difficult to identify what your audience need or want to see, and budgets can be wasted on campaigns that have minimal impact. 

The ultimate aim for this project is the creation of an innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) based product that helps content agencies and brands to create video content and distribution strategies for marketing, based on analysis of their target audience’s interests and needs, the existing content on the web and social channels, and their budget.


This project is run in collaboration with Hub Productions Limited.


This project is funded by an Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership grant agreement No. 11071.
