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L2 Development in Classroom Learners of French

Principal Investigator
Professor Florence Myles and Professor Rosamond Mitchell

We investigate the teaching and learning of French in the classroom

A team of researchers led by Professor Florence Myles and Professor Rosamond Mitchell from the University of Southampton have investigated the development of French in classroom learners in England, through a series of funded projects.

Our long-term goal is to promote research relating to the acquisition of French as a foreign language by providing access to a growing database of French learner language oral corpora.

The database currently contains over 4,000 files (sound files, transcripts and morphosyntactically tagged transcripts). The research team has published widely on various aspects of development in L2 French, from lexis and morphosyntax to discourse, and in learners ranging from complete beginners to final-year undergraduates.

A hand writing on paper
Visit the database

Visit the French Learner Language Oral Corpora (FLLOC) website to learn more about the database and access over 4000 sound files, transcripts and morphosyntactically tagged transcripts.

Visit the FLLOC website

Key publications

Get in touch
Centre for Research in Language Development throughout the Lifespan (LaDeLi) University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 872083