4) You are closely collaborating with colleagues from universities in Colombia (Rosario and Icesi) as well as in the UK (Warwick and Kent). How did you find your collaborators?
Academics involved in the project from Essex, Kent, Rosario and Warwick are among the founding partners of an academic initiative called The International Economic Law Collective (The IEL Collective). Having previously collaborated on other academic initiatives, we had experience working with each other in the past and a common alternative vision for regulating economic activities within and across borders. As Covid-19 was spreading around the globe, our academic partners in Rosario started noticing the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on informal workers. This roughly coincided with calls from the internal GCRF funds of the three UK universities involved in the project. The academics involved in this project developed a research plan which had three main phases: (1) data collection and database development; (2) development of life histories, policy briefings and documentary; (3) dissemination (which includes the production of data clips, a dedicated website for the project and wide dissemination through social media channels). Phase 1 received GCRF funding from Kent, Phase 2 from Essex and Phase 3 from Warwick. Rosario has matched the funds for each phase. By pooling funds from these different sources, we were able to produce a large number of outputs, and have a stronger impact on the conversation within Colombia.
Besides pooling the resources, from the start, we established a team structure for the project, with clearly delineated roles for each member. We also created an umbrella for this and other related projects, Ruptures21: Towards New Economies, Societies and Legalities, which has a home in The IEL Collective – in order to organise our actions in this project and begin the process of seeking further funding. The team dedicated to the ‘Informality in Times of Covid-19’ project has been led by Dr Luis Eslava (Kent) in the UK and Dr Johanna Cortes (Rosario) in Colombia. By having a clear team structure, a dedicated leadership, we have been able to navigate through this complex project successfully.
5) Are there any challenges when pursuing this international and collaborative project?
Carrying out an international and collaborative project of this kind in the middle of a global pandemic poses enormous challenges in terms of fieldwork, communications, added mental health strain on participants and researchers, as well as increased caring responsibilities. Despite the pandemic, the team in Colombia were able to carry out fieldwork in a Covid-19 secure way following protocols designed by Rosario for this. Though the team in the UK were unable to travel to Colombia, we utilised video calls and online platforms to carry out project discussions and to be actively involved during the conduct of interviews and the shooting of the documentary. For this particular collaboration, WhatsApp groups have been a key communication tool due to its popularity as a medium for communication in Colombia, both among researchers and with project participants. Time zone differences posed another challenge that required early morning calls for the Colombia team and late night calls for the UK team.
In my view, a key contributor to the success of this collaboration was partnering with academics who have worked well together in the past and had a clear vision in terms of the need of new ways to study and solve global problems.
6) What tips would you give to other people applying for Global Challenge Research Funding?
I would recommend anyone interested in applying for a GCRF call to work in true partnership with their local partners from the start when developing their proposals. When embarking on this project, an important consideration for us was ensuring leadership of this project focused on Colombia was held by local experts based in Colombia and the UK. The Essex team has been involved in human rights and transitional justice research in Colombia prior to this project. As such, we were familiar with the existing, sharp inequalities in Colombia and had a clear understanding of the extent to which the proposed project would meet the ODA compliance criteria. On this backdrop, we worked closely with our colleagues in Rosario to identify the specific development challenges we aimed to address in this particular research, and to develop the methodology and planned outputs. This was not something developed by us and asked of them, but something we worked together on from the very inception of the project.
It is also really important to undertake collaborative projects with partners that can work well together. In this respect, it might be useful to utilise existing relationships with potential partners as a start. In the course of the project, our partnership grew organically to include a series of local allies who have been fundamental for the success of our research. These allies include the Observatorio para la Equidad de la Mujer (OEM), based at Universidad de Icesi, Colombia, and the Observatorio of Labour law (LaboUR) and the Research Centre on Public Health, both based at Universidad del Rosario. We also partnered with AlianzaEFI, one of the largest research projects on the informal economy currently running in Latin America. All of these allies brought with them new perspectives, including in terms of gender, race and political economy expertise to the project. We also partnered with Colectivo ArtoArte, a local art collective, to produce the visuals and the documentary for the project. Each of these additional partnerships have been established through the Rosario team’s impressive academic and non-academic network in Colombia.
Selecting partners carefully is also important to ensuring the smooth running of the administrative aspects of both the funding application and ethics approval process. These processes can be particularly challenging in international collaborations, due to diverse bureaucracies present in different countries. For this project, we needed to carry out a light touch due diligence and obtain ethics approval. Our colleagues in Rosario had extensive experience in international collaborations and research ethics, which made those processes run smoothly.
7) How do your GCRF@Essex funded projects support your wider research plans?
With this project, the Essex team’s research on business and human rights, international economic law, and international labour law has gained a new focus by investigating informal labour and the informal economy. Prior to this research, we have been largely focusing on formal labour structures with only subsidiary consideration of labour informality. We are now developing ideas to delve deeper into labour informality in the Global South by investigating different elements within the informal economy, which is far from homogenous. Our next objective is to investigate the gendered and racialised impacts of the pandemic experienced by informal workers, again in Colombia, by focusing on the experiences of racialised women in the Colombian Pacific. With our project partners, we also aim to apply for a larger research council grant to investigate labour informality through a multi-country interdisciplinary study.