
Celebrating our researchers

Research Impact Awards - winners

Celebrating Excellence in Research and Impact Awards

Our annual awards showcase the very best examples of how Essex research is having a positive impact on people’s everyday lives.

Our researchers are constantly asking difficult questions and providing answers to improve the lives of individuals and communities.

We look at issues that affect us now and in the future – and our research helps to shape thinking and influence policy in this country and across the globe.

The awards are open to all academics, researchers and doctoral students and signal the University’s commitment to world-class research that makes a difference.

Professor Chris Greer
“Part of what sets us apart as a University is our dual commitment to excellence in education and research for the benefit of individuals and communities, locally regionally, nationally and globally."
Professor Chris Greer Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Professor (R) Department of Sociology
PVCR Chris Greer presenting the Research Excellence and Impact awards
Our 2023 winners

Our 2023 award celebrate the amazing success of our academics and the impact their work is having on society. Awards have been given to early career researchers and research champions as well as for individual projects in the following categories: enterprise and innovation, international research, UK public policy and interdisciplinary research. Awards also went to the authors of Essex’s best-read articles in The Conversation – the news-based website, written by academics

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