Short course

Data science short course

One student pointing towards screen and another at a computer
The details
All levels of study
2023-24 and 2024-25

More and more companies are realising the importance of data science. So much so that demand for data engineers has tripled over recent years. Data science is the field of study which blends programming skills, domain expertise, mathematics, and statistics to extract meaningful insights from big data.

Having these skills of using raw and unstructured data to determine trends, patterns and correlations in ways that can help companies spot opportunities and negotiate risks are helping our graduates become more attractive in a booming job market. That is why we have created our data science short courses to help our graduates hone these sought after skills and increase their career and employability pathways.

Run through Moodle, our Virtual Learning Environment; you can choose to study the course whenever suits you at no extra cost.

This is a non-credit bearing module, with no final examination, and participation is entirely voluntary.

“We need students who have knowledge in a wide range of social science and humanities topics, but who can also work with data science and analytics to understand patterns and trends. There is a real disconnect between people who can communicate well and people that are good at data science. Our short course aim to bridge that gap.”

What the course cover?

This course will help you build programming skills in R programming language. R is an important programming language used by data scientists and those that work in data analytics, and is particularly used by social scientists.

During this course you will learn

  • how to use R and R Studio
  • how to start coding in R
  • what R syntax is
  • data types and data structures
  • how to read data into R and inspect data structures
  • how to plot in R and other forms of data visualization

You will also be introduced to machine learning and see examples from real world datasets.

Enrolment will open in October 2024

“Essex has a really diverse student body and has some of the best academics in data science in Europe. We would like to be known as the number one institution in Europe for data science training, particularly for non-computer scientists, and to reach students from around the world.”
Professor Natasha Lindstaedt Deputy Dean of Education for Social Sciences


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