Short course

Taming your imposter: supporting female leaders in developing greater self-acceptance

Two women talking


The details
Taming your imposter: supporting female leaders in developing greater self-acceptance
Professionals (both young professionals and senior experts), as well as students and staff from all universities
Online live


The University of Essex presents a group coaching course where participants will work with a coach to face their imposter, gain self-awareness around their identity, develop greater self-acceptance, and take positive actions for long-lasting change.

Do you doubt your skills and competence? Maybe you have an intense fear of failure? Are you low on self-confidence? Do you set yourself impossibly high standards beyond reach? Or perhaps you credit your success to external factors, such as luck? Has this impacted your leadership and how you interact with your team?

Everyone experiences impostor syndrome slightly differently, but if you have answered ‘yes’ to one or more of those questions, then come and explore how you can start to take some positive steps to free yourself from your imposter and develop a plan of action to live the life you deserve.

This course will take place in a group, online live for 3-hours from 9am to 12pm (UK time) on 3 March 2025.

The fee for this course is £210.

Applications are now open and the deadline to apply is 3 February 2025. 

Book your place

For enquiries, please contact:

Meet the coach

Ritta Husted headshot

Ritta Husted is a senior academic at the University of Essex, linguist and coach. She is an experienced educator who places her students at the very centre of her teaching. She is an Accredited Psychological Coach working with clients on gaining the clarity needed to take bold and brave decisions. Her approach is the evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Coaching approach which allows her clients to examine not only their thinking but also the impact their emotions have on their performance or well-being. She specialises in Leadership and Career Coaching and works with leaders and their teams to provide opportunities to establish shared values and work on the psychological safety needed to thrive at work whilst at the same time deliver for the organisation. She delivers Academic Coaching Conversation training to academics to support the personal tutoring offering and helps students to become active participants in their own learning.

The programme

This course will take place in a group, online live for 3-hours from 9am to 12pm (UK time) on 3 March 2025.

This course will give you an opportunity to explore five common types of imposter syndrome and develop some skills which will enable you to acknowledge your imposter but not let it define who you are.

Taming your impostor is not about ignoring how you are feeling, but to acknowledge those feelings and check if they are based in reality; the best way to fight impostor syndrome is to separate your feelings from the facts.

Through a Cognitive Behavioural Coaching approach, you will be invited to work with a challenge you are currently facing and start to take some action. For long-lasting results, you will develop a toolkit for future use.

Participants should bring one or two examples of goals, or problems, they are struggling with, to the course for them to work with and develop an action plan. They should also be prepared to revisit a success they had in the past.

All participants who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by the University of Essex.

Applications are now open and the deadline to apply is 3 February 2025.      

Book your place


There are no formal admission requirements, but the recommended language level is B2/C1 as this training is delivered entirely in English.

This course is designed for students and staff from all universities, as well as young professionals and senior experts, with a focus on women in leadership.

Registration and fees

The fee for this course is £210.

Applications to the coaching course are now open, to apply complete the steps below:

  • Applicants should complete the online application form.
  • Your application will then be reviewed and you will be contacted if you are successful.
  • Once your application has been processed you will then be sent a link to pay.
  • Once you have paid you will receive confirmation of your place.

Please note, to fully take part in this training, you will need access to a laptop/computer with a stable internet connection and functioning video and audio connections.

For any payment issues or queries, please contact


You can pay for your place online via our Webshop which you will be sent a link to after completing the application form. The University bank will accept Visa, Mastercard, and Eurocard.

Paying by Proficio

Essex Research students need to enrol via Proficio in addition to the online application.

If you are paying for your course fee using University of Essex Proficio funds, you will need to use the Proficio platform.

Apply now

Applications are now open for the Taming your Imposter short course. Complete the online form to submit your application.

Apply now