One-to-one appointments

Skills for Success offer one-to-one academic skills appointment to help with any aspect of your studies.

How our tutors can help

We can’t help with you with the content specific to your discipline, but we can help you with:

  • your writing
  • your understanding what assignments are asking of you
  • how to do a good presentation
  • and everything else related to the skills needed to be a successful student, whether that be organising your time or referencing your work correctly.

Please note that our tutors are not allowed to proofread your work, or provide you with detailed feedback on assignments – although we can take a look at your work in progress and talk through any questions you may have.

You can also get maths and statistics appointments to help you with those elements of your course.

Book an appointment

Appointments are available all year round and you can book them through CareerHub.

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Need help?

For further help and advice please contact the Student Services Hub.