Extenuating circumstances are circumstances beyond your control which have had an impact on your assessed work. Generally, they are circumstances of a medical or personal nature which cause you to perform less well in the assessment, to miss an assessment event (eg. an exam) or not to submit an assessment.
It is important to realise that only the most serious extenuating circumstances will have any significant impact on your overall performance, particularly when degree classifications are being considered.
Even if you have discussed your difficulties with staff, you must formally submit an extenuating circumstances form by the published deadline, even if you are still awaiting evidence. Informal notification will not be considered.
Forms submitted after this date may not be considered and you cannot appeal a decision if you could have been expected to declare your extenuating circumstance before the deadline.
You must also fully explain the impact of extenuating circumstances on your work. If you do not sufficiently explain their impact then you cannot subsequently appeal and ask for additional information to be considered.
Your claim will be considered by an Extenuating Circumstances Committee who will then make recommendations to the Board of Examiners regarding the effect your circumstances have had on your performance (including non-submission of assessment). Find out more about how your claim is considered.
In general, extenuating circumstances will be of a medical or personal nature affecting you for any significant period of time and/or on the day of the assessment event, or immediately preceding the time of the deadline.
It is important to realise that only the most serious extenuating circumstances will have any significant impact on your overall performance, particularly when degree classifications are being considered. Therefore, the Board of Examiners is unlikely to take any action unless it is believed that the extenuating circumstances have had a material effect.
Judgements can only be made about the impact of extenuating circumstances in light of the evidence of your academic ability demonstrated in non-affected work. Judgement cannot be made about your potential to have gained a higher mark if there is no evidence in the rest of your performance to support this. Unless it appears that the extenuating circumstances have had a material effect on your results, it is unlikely any action will be taken. You should therefore consider carefully before submitting a form (see also how extenuating circumstances claims are assessed).
It is not possible to list every circumstance that would not be accepted or taken into account. However, some of the more obvious examples are listed below:
You need to apply by the published deadline below. We cannot guarantee that forms submitted after this date will be considered.
It is essential to formally declare any extenuating circumstances by the deadline because you cannot subsequently appeal against any decision of the Board of Examiners on the grounds of extenuating circumstances if you could reasonably have been expected to declare them prior to the deadline.
Please ensure that you submit your claim before the relevant deadline (below) even in the event that you are still awaiting evidence so that your claim can be considered. It is important that you press submit on your claim.
If you are still awaiting evidence, please note this in your claim, the type of evidence expected, and when your evidence is likely to be ready for upload.
If you submit your claim after the deadline – please contact your department to see whether it is too late to be considered.
Exam period | Deadline |
Main summer exam period | Monday 9 June 2025 |
Psychology January exams (non-reassessment) | Monday 27 January 2025 |
January reassessment, coursework, and exams | Monday 9 June 2025 |
September reassessment period | Thursday 11 September 2025 |
Exam period | Deadline |
Autumn only incoming students All other Study Abroad students follow the main undergraduate students' deadline above | Friday 31 January 2025 |
Year of Study | Deadline |
Final Year | Monday 9 June 2025 |
Non-Final Year | Monday 7 July 2025 |
Course Type | Deadline |
Non-Accelerated Courses | Monday 9 June 2025 |
Accelerated Courses | Within seven days of the published assignment submission deadline |
Deadlines for the submission of Extenuating Circumstances forms have been set based on the date of the Board of Examiners meeting for each course/CPD module.
Please note that claims for courses with in-year reassessment, and for CPD modules, should be submitted within seven calendar days of the published assignment submission deadline.
Extenuating Circumstances applications received outside of the above timescale will only be considered by the School's Extenuating Circumstances Committee if you have provided a valid reason why you were not able to submit your claim on time. Where possible, you should also provide evidence of this reason.
Course | Deadline | Date of Board |
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology | 01/10/2024 | 21/10/2024 |
September Review Board (mainly students with pending marks from the September Boards) | 23/10/2024 | 11/11/2024 |
MSc Global Public Health, MSc Leadership in Health & Care, MSc Advanced Periodontal Practice and MSc Periodontology (Final Board) and CPD |
MSc GPH: 13/09/2024 MSc Leadership, Perio & Adv Perio: 23/09/2024 |
14/11/2024 |
Autumn Term Review Board |
15/11/2024 | 02/12/2024 |
BSc Oral Health Science - Final year |
29/11/2024 | 20/01/2025 |
PG Certificate and Graduate Certificate Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (Low intensity) (all variants) January 2024 cohorts - Final year | 27/02/2025 | 10/03/2025 |
MSc Global Public Health (January 2024 cohort Final Board and October 2023 cohort reassessment students) |
20/01/2025 | 12/03/2025 |
BSc Nursing Degree Apprenticeship (Adult/Mental Health) April 2024 cohort |
HS242: 03/04/2025 HS243: 04/04/2025 |
24/04/2025 |
Spring Term Review Board | 15/04/2025 | 24/04/2025 |
MSc Global Public Health (October 2024 cohort Interim Board and January 2024 cohort reassessment students) | TBC | 16/06/2025 |
MA Social Work (COL) and BA Social Work (COL/SOU) - Final Year |
MA Social Work: TBC |
20/06/2025 |
BA Social Work (COL/SOU) - Years One and Two |
BA Social Work Year One: 04/06/2025 |
03/07/2025 |
BSc Speech and Language Therapy (all years) |
Year One: 30/06/2025 |
16/07/2025 |
Summer Term Review Board | 08/07/2025 | 17/07/2025 |
BSc Occupational Therapy - all years |
BSc OT Year One: 03/07/2025 |
28/07/2025 |
MSc Advanced Periodontal Practice and MSc Periodontology - Years One and Two |
BSc Speech and Language Therapy - all years (reassessment students) BSc Occupational Therapy - all years (reassessment students) FdSc Oral Health Science - all years BSc Oral Health Science - January 2024 cohort PG Diploma Leadership in Health and Care - Year One (reassessment students) & Year Two (Final Board) |
BSc Speech and Language Therapy (Degree Apprenticeship) -all years |
BSc Nursing (Adult/Mental Health) SOU/COL - Year One FdSc Nursing Associate (Apprenticeship) SOU/COL - Year One |
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - Years One and Two |
BSc Nursing (Adult/Mental Health) SOU/COL - Year Two BSc Nursing Degree Apprenticeship (Adult/Mental Health) COL/SOU - Year Two FdSc Nursing Associate (Apprenticeship) SOU - Year Two |
BSc Nursing (Adult/Mental Health) SOU/COL - Final Year |
Contact your department for information on the deadline for submitting your claim.
Postgraduate Research students should follow the extenuating circumstances procedures for postgraduate research students.
If you are enrolled on the first year of an Integrated PhD course, you should follow the procedure for postgraduate taught students.
If you are registered on a Professional Doctorate course and your extenuating circumstances impacted a taught module, you should also follow the postgraduate taught students' procedure.
You should include on the form details of specific assessments or online exams affected by your extenuating circumstances. Make sure you explain the impact these circumstances had on your performance. It is not the role of the Board of Examiners or Extenuating Circumstances Committees to try to work this out or to seek further information on your behalf. Make your submission clear and concise.
Remember that Extenuating Circumstances Committees and Boards of Examiners are trying to determine whether the circumstances are likely to have significantly affected your academic performance.
Where you are able, it is in your interest to submit independent and reliable supporting evidence as part of your extenuating circumstances application. Supporting evidence should be relevant to the circumstances described in both nature and timeframe. Without supporting evidence, the Extenuating Circumstances Committee/Board of Examiners may not be able to take action on your claim.
The policy on Self-Certification for Extenuating Circumstances recognises that in the case of medical extenuating circumstances for minor illnesses or COVID-19, you may not need, or be able to seek, medical attention and therefore will be unable to provide supporting evidence. In such cases, you may self-certify on the following basis:
We ask that you do not upload supporting evidence which includes images that staff reviewing your claim may find distressing. We would normally only need to receive documentary evidence to support a claim. You can always write that further evidence is available if we wish to request it.
Seek advice from the Student Service Hub or SU Advice if necessary.
There is further information that you need to consider:
You should note that submitting a false claim or false documentation is a serious matter and would be regarded as an attempt to gain unfair advantage. This would be a breach of student conduct and would be dealt with under the Code of Student Conduct. The University reserves the right to check on the validity of the document(s) you submit by contacting the third party directly.
The University is committed to a fair and confidential process for handling extenuating circumstances and recognises that this process may involve the disclosure and handling of sensitive personal information. Information will be processed in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. For further details about how the University processes your personal data please see our Privacy Statement.
If you find that you are unable to submit an electronic copy of the Extenuating Circumstances Form, you can contact your department or Student Services Hub to ask for the form to be emailed to you. The form should be submitted to your department and please note that you should still submit any relevant evidence alongside the form.
If you have any queries about a claim which has been rejected, please email the Assessment Team at examboards@essex.ac.uk or your department to request further information. You can also discuss this feedback with staff in the Student Services Hub if you believe that your individual needs have not been understood or adequately taken into account.
If you are providing information about your disability on your extenuating circumstances form, please note that this does not count as disclosure to the University as these forms are intended for use only by the Board of Examiners. We strongly urge you to disclose any persistent medical condition, specific learning difficulty or disability to the Student Services Hub.
Important - information about you that may affect professional suitability:
The University is committed to a fair and confidential process for handling extenuating circumstances and recognises that this process may involve the disclosure and handling of sensitive personal information.
All University students are required to comply with the University’s Code of Student Conduct Regulations and other regulations of the University regarding conduct. Students enrolled on courses where a practical professional placement is required have additional responsibilities placed upon them regarding their professional suitability. Failure to meet these responsibilities can lead to the Breach of Professional Conduct, Fitness to Practise and Termination of Training Procedure being invoked. You will have been informed when you registered as a student if your degree scheme is subject to this Procedure
Breaches of professional standards by students may involve a range of actions or omissions but may include:
In addition, for students studying law, the University has an obligation to report relevant information related to professional suitability to the Law Society.
Any information that is provided on any extenuating circumstances form that raises issues of professional suitability, whether it has been disclosed by you and about you or by another student on another form but relates to you will be disclosed as necessary to the relevant internal or external authorities. Information will only ever be disclosed on a need to know basis to ensure the University is able to comply with its obligations related to professional suitability. These authorities may include the Professional Practice and Conduct Committee, your employer if your registration as a student relates to Continuing Professional Development or any relevant Professional or Regulatory Body.
Extenuating circumstances will normally be considered by a pre-board or small designated group within each department; the Extenuating Circumstances Committee.
Find out more about how your extenuating circumstances are evaluated.
If you need any further help and advice, please contact or visit the Student Services Hub or SU Advice who will be happy to assist you.