Changing modules

Changing modules at start of academic year

You will already have made an initial choice of modules. If you are in any doubt as to whether you have made the right choice, try to talk it over with your Department or Module Supervisor(s). If you're not sure which modules to take you could attend lectures for several different modules before making your final choice.

eNROL remains open for the first two weeks of the term to enable changes to module enrolment. Simply revisit the online system to change your module selections.

Once eNROL has closed, at the end of the second week of term, you must discuss any changes in person with the relevant teaching and administrative staff in your department as late changes are not normally accepted because you will have missed two weeks of tuition. In particular, you cannot drop an Autumn Term or Full Year module and replace it with a Spring Term module.

Changing modules at start of Spring Term

eNROL will be open prior to the Spring Term to enable changes to Spring Term or Summer Term optional modules. You'll only be able to change modules taught during the SP (Spring) term, PS (Spring/Summer) term, or SU (Summer term) You cannot drop an Autumn Term or Full Year module at this time and replace it with a Spring Term module(s).

Once eNROL has closed at the end of the second week or term, you must discuss any changes in person with the relevant teaching and administrative staff in your department as late changes are not normally accepted because you will have missed two weeks of tuition.

If, when you go to eNROL or review your module enrolment in MyEssex, you find that any of your modules for AU (Autumn term) or FY (Full Year) are incorrect, please notify the Student Progress Team immediately at

Changing course

eNROL assumes that you will continue with the course for which you have accepted a place at Essex, or the course that you followed last year.

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