Fees and Funding

Scholarships and funding

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Undergraduate scholarships and funding

We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to make funding your studies easier. Our main awards are listed below and you can search our Scholarship Finder to see what else you might be eligible for.

Explore the full range of scholarships

Scholarships and bursaries

I am ordinarily a resident in: 

European Union

Scholarship / bursary name Valid year of entry  Who it's for
EU Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026
Students from the EU who are classified as international fee paying students 
Essex Pathways Bursary  2024-2025 The University is offering a bursary of up to £1,500 for students who achieve a 1st or 2.1 degree in year 0 and progress to year 1 at the University of Essex
Essex Preparation Programme Bursary 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Students progressing into higher education following the global pandemic who complete the pre-arrival study skills course
Ian James Evans Scholarship 2024-2025 Essex Law School is offering one scholarship to an undergraduate student studying an LLB course and who is deaf, blind or a wheelchair user, to cover Home (UK) tuition fees (or an equivalent discount for international students).
International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Students with excellent International Baccalaureate results
International Experience Bursary 2024-2025
UK students from low income households
Sports scholarships and bursaries 2024-2025
Students with outstanding sporting ability


Scholarship / bursary name Valid year of entry Who it's for
Academic Excellence Senior Status Law Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 International students studying the Law LLB M103 (Senior Status)
Africa Regional Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Students from African nations
Asia (West-Central-North) scholarship  2025-2026  For undergraduates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hong Kong, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macau, South Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan in their first year of study
Latin America and the Caribbean Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026
For undergraduates from the Argentina, Belize, Boliva, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela or Uruguay in their first year of study
Asia (West-Central-North) Undergraduate Scholarship

2024-2025, 2025-2026

Undergraduate students from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan 
Essex Global Partner Scholarship 2024-2025
International students studying at one of our global channel partners
Essex Preparation Programme Bursary 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Students progressing into higher education who complete the pre-arrival study skills course
Essex Undergraduate Early Bird Discount 2024-2025 For international students studying at one of our listed global channel partners in Malaysia
Europe (non-European Union) Regional Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026
For Undergraduate students from specified European countries that are not members of the European Union, in their first year of -study
International College Progression Scholarship  2024-2025, 2025-2026  If you are progressing directly from the University of Essex International College to register on a full time Undergraduate degree at the University of Essex then you may be eligible to receive one of six £3,000 scholarships for your first year of study 
International Schools and Colleges Scholarship 2025-2026  If you're an international undergraduate student who has attended one of the schools
or colleges detailed in the terms and conditions, you could be eligible for a 20% discount on your tuition fees for each year of your studies (max 3 years). 
Middle East Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Undergraduate students from Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen 
South Asia Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 For undergraduate students from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka
South East Asia Scholarship

2024-2025, 2025-2026

For undergraduate students from Brunei; Cambodia; East Timor; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; The Philippines; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam
The Essex Study Abroad Scholarship 2024-2025  Overseas students coming to Essex for the fee paying study abroad programme 
Essex Law Global Partners Scholarship 2024-2025
For international undergraduate students studying at one of our global channel partners
UKT Law Premium Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026
For international undergraduate students studying at one of our global channel partners
Ian James Evans Scholarship 2024-2025 Essex Law School is offering one scholarship to an undergraduate student studying an LLB course and who is deaf, blind or a wheelchair user, to cover Home (UK) tuition fees (or an equivalent discount for international students)
International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship 2024-2025, 2025-2026 Students with excellent International Baccalaureate results
International Experience Bursary 2024-2025
UK students from low income households
Sports scholarships and bursaries 2024-2025
Students with outstanding sporting ability

United Kingdom

Scholarship / bursary name Valid year of entry Who it's for
Essex Futures Bursary  2024-2025  UK Students with a household income of £35,000 or under (as assessed by Student Finance England), who are starting a three-year undergraduate course in 2024-2025
TCTO Referral Bursary  2024-2025  Current University of Essex students or alumni of the FdA Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations course, who refer an individual (prospective student) to the same course for 2024-2025 
Schools Membership Staff TCTO Fee Discount  2024-2025 A discount offered to members of staff at our Schools Membership institutions who wish to undertake the FdA Therapeutic Communications and Therapeutic Organisations course, based either at our Colchester Campus or online 
Schools Membership Bursary  2024-2025 £1000 cash bursary to support students from School membership schools and colleges progressing into higher education
Essex Preparation Programme Bursary 2024-2025
Students progressing into higher education following the global pandemic who complete the pre-arrival study skills course
Ian James Evans Scholarship 2024-2025 Essex Law School is offering one scholarship to an undergraduate student studying an LLB course and who is deaf, blind or a wheelchair user, to cover Home (UK) tuition fees (or an equivalent discount for international students)
International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship 2024-2025 Students with excellent International Baccalaureate results
International Experience Bursary 2024-2025
UK students from low income households
Sports scholarships and bursaries 2024-2025
Students with outstanding sporting ability

External Awards

Please see below a list of organisations who have previously provided scholarships / bursaries to Essex students. You will need to check the webpages of each organisation to check if scholarships / bursaries are offered for the current academic year. 

 Scholarship / bursary name  Who it's for
WU Scholars Students holding an offer of an undergraduate place within science, technology, engineering, mathematics and business/entrepreneurship
NHS Learning Support Fund Funding support to healthcare students
Santander Universities Brighter Futures Grant Open to all registered University of Essex students. Apply before 15 May 2025 for a chance to win one of ten £1,000 grants.

Schwab & Westheimer Trust Scholarships

For students who are asylum seekers

Other sources of funding

UK Government student loans

If you’re a UK student (or qualify for ‘home’ funding) then you may be eligible to apply for a loan.

The UK Government offers eligible students tuition fee loans and maintenance loans to help pay for tuition fees and contribute towards living costs. If you are eligible and choose to take out a loan to cover the full cost of your tuition fees, you won't have to pay any tuition fees upfront and you don't currently have to start repaying the loan until you have finished your course and are earning over the income threshold.

If you have any previous years of higher education study, or you are repeating a year of study, your funding may be affected by repeat funding rules. Previous years of study include periods of self-funded study, or any study undertaken abroad. If you think that this may apply to you please see the attached guidance on repeat study (.pdf) and compelling personal reasons (CPR) (.pdf).

What you need to know

  • You do not need a confirmed place at Essex to apply for Student Finance, check the application deadlines to ensure your Funding is in place in time.
  • Tuition fee loans are paid directly to the University at the start of every term once you have registered for your course.
  • You can use the student finance calculator to estimate how much Maintenance Loan you’ll get - it will also tell you if you’re eligible for extra grants or allowances.
  • Maintenance loans are paid directly into your bank account at the start of each term. Sign into your student finance account to update your bank details and check how much and when you’ll be paid.
  • You must remember to reapply for your Tuition fee and Maintenance loans each year.
  • You start repaying your loan in the April after you finish your course and only once you are earning over the income threshold.
  • Up to date income thresholds and further information on repayments can be found on the Government web pages.

A ‘home fees’ assessment by the University does not guarantee Government funding for fees or living costs. The Student Loans Company will conduct its own eligibility assessment. If you have been assessed as eligible for home fees based on an application to the EU Settlement Scheme, your entitlement to Student Loans Company funding for fees or living costs may be affected in future years if your status changes. Once registered at the University, all students, regardless of funding source and fee status, are liable for their fees. Further information can be found in the University’s Tuition Fees and Liability Policy and on our fee status page.

If you are from Northern Ireland

If you are from Northern Ireland and are thinking of studying with us, you may eligible for funding from Student Finance Northern Ireland. They offer a tuition fee loan to cover your course fees in full and a Maintenance loan for living costs.

If you are from Scotland

If you are from Scotland and are thinking of studying with us, you may eligible for funding from Student Awards Agency Scotland. They offer a tuition fee loan to cover your course fees in full and a Maintenance loan for living costs.

If you are from Wales

If you are from Wales and are thinking of studying with us, you may eligible for funding from Student Finance Wales. They offer a tuition fee loan to cover your course fees in full and a Maintenance loan for living costs.

Should you be getting more money from Student Finance?

If your household income (which is the income of your parent/s if you are aged under 25 and not classed as an independent student) is below £62,347 per year, you may be entitled to a higher maintenance loan from Student Finance England (SFE).
SFE assess applications for maintenance loans based on household income. Therefore, students who do not provide their household income information are awarded only the minimum maintenance loan by SFE, which is currently £4,767 for new students.
By providing your household income information to SFE, your maintenance loan application can be fully assessed and you will be awarded the correct amount of maintenance loan. This is up to £10,227 for new students on standard-length 39 week courses, and up to £12,647 for students studying long courses such as Nursing.

If your household income has decreased by at least 15% since the relevant tax year, you can apply for a current year income assessment instead of relying on the previous year’s details. You can check on the Government's website if you’re eligible and how to apply.
To check how much maintenance loan you might be entitled to, based on your household income, visit the Save The Student webpage for a handy guide.
To provide your household income to SFE, please complete and submit this online form to SFE. SFE will then means-test your application. If you are entitled to a higher maintenance loan, SFE will make arrangements to increase your instalments in line with this.



EU student funding

We offer a wide range of discounts, bursaries and scholarships to make funding your studies easier, including our Undergraduate EU Scholarship worth £5000. There are also additional scholarships and funding sources available for some countries, please check the webpage for your country for further information.

International student funding sources 

There are country-specific funding opportunities, please see our country pages for more information.

If you're from the United States, you may be eligible for a federal direct loan from the US Department of Education.

Study abroad

There are a range of scholarships and funding opportunities available to give you a helping hand if you choose to study abroad. Find out what's available to you.

Charitable trusts and grants

Information about charities and trusts that offer awards and sponsorship to students and their application procedures can be found in the Educational Grants Directory and The Grants Register. Copies of these are available in our Albert Sloman Library, as well as in most public libraries.

You can also try a grants search at Turn2us. Use the keyword "higher education" and then narrow your search by filling in other information about yourself.

Many charities and trusts are only able to award a small number of grants each year, so competition can be fierce. To be in with the best chance of receiving an award it is a good idea to:

  • research charities and trusts carefully as they may have eligibility requirements (e.g. based on your area of residence, family background and subject area)
  • apply as soon as possible (many give deadlines for applications)

East 15 Acting School - charitable trusts and grants

Funding for Acting and Drama courses can be limited and competition for grants is fierce, but it’s worth looking at the sources of funding above as well as these, which are aimed specifically at students in your field:

For ideas of how to secure additional funding take a look at Damian Gaskin’s booklet ‘How to Raise £40,000 and train at Drama School’ (.pdf). (The author has asked you to bear in mind that this was written in 1996, well before all the fundraising advances that the internet and social media have given you and so needs to be read in that context. Please do not contact the author himself for sponsorship!)

You can also take a look at Degrees For Free which has some useful and interesting ideas for fundraising and money-saving. (There is a book of the same name, but don’t feel compelled to buy it, the website is useful in its own right!)

Students with children, carers and care leavers

We provide information for parents, carers and care leavers, including additional sources of funding that you may be eligible for.

Financial support for students in difficulty

We and the Students' Union offer financial support if you are experiencing difficulty with your finances in the form of a bursaries, grants or loans depending on your situation. Have a look on our Financial Support page for more information.