Undergraduate fees for current students

This page outlines fees and fee rules for current year students, including those continuing on a course of study in a subsequent year. If you'll be starting a new undergraduate course at Essex for the first time in 2024-2025, please refer to our applicant pages for fee information

For Academic Year 2025-26, the UK Government have increased the tuition fees for Home fee-paying students, you can find more info under Returning year fees below.

Current year fees

The fee bands and rates for new undergraduate students studying in 2024-2025 academic year are listed below.

Please be aware that these are the general fee bands covering the majority of courses however there are some exceptions in Health and Social Care and for Accelerated degrees. Check out full list of tuition fees for the relevant academic year for more information.

School/Department Home fees International fees

East 15
Edge Hotel School
Language and Linguistics
Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies
Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
Philosophy and Art History

£9,250 £19,500

Essex Business School
Law and Human Rights
Mathematical Sciences
Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences 

£9,250 £20,500

Life Sciences

£9,250 £22,100

Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

£9,250 £22,750
Oral Health Science £9,250 £28,850

Courses with an integrated Study Abroad or Placement year

Home/EU and International students

First registered year (including repeat year students)  Study Abroad year  Placement year
 2024-2025 15% of the standard fee for that year  20% of the standard fee for that year
2023-2024 15% of the standard fee for that year 20% of the standard fee for that year
2022-2023 15% of the standard fee for that year
20% of the standard fee for that year
2021-2022 15% of the standard fee for that year 20% of the standard fee for that year
2020-2021 No fee 20% of the standard fee for that year

Returning year fees

Academic Year 2025-26

The UK Government have announced a change in regulated UK undergraduate Home tuition fees for the first time since the tuition fee cap was frozen in 2017.

From September 2025 for students continuing on their existing programme of study, the following changes will be applied:

  • Standard undergraduate degree fees will increase from £9,250 to £9,535 per year.
  • Accelerated undergraduate degree fees will increase from £11,100 to £11,440 per year.
  • Study Abroad Year (SA) and Placement Year (PY) fees will increase in line with the Government’s percentage restrictions:
    • Study Abroad Year: 15% of the new standard fee
    • Placement Year: 20% of the new standard fee

Returning fees for international students returning studying a second or subsequent year of study will be notified of their tuition fees for the next year of study as part of the arrangements for Registration.

Annual fee changes

Any fee increases during your programme of study will be limited to the annual increase in the RPI-X index.

  • Increases in fees for full-time undergraduate students with a Home fee status remain subject to UK Government approval each year.
  • For continuing international undergraduate students who started in 2017-18 or earlier, your fees will increase by 3% for each academic year of study.
  • For continuing international undergraduate students who started in 2018-19 or later, your fees will increase by 5% for each academic year of study.

Tuition fee policies and how to pay

Funding your studies

There are various organisations which might be able to help you with funding.