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Mature and part-time students

The mature student community is a diverse one and if you're over the age of 21 at the start of your course, you're a part of it.

We appreciate that studying as a mature student can present challenges. This is particularly true if this is your first experience of higher education and you have other commitments and responsibilities, such as work and family, so we're here to help you.

Further advice

There's also advice and guidance on a range of topics, including:

"Talk to people on your course about the material you are studying. Many people will share ideas which stimulate both good academic discussion, developing ideas for essays and assignments but also friendships within departments."
Chris School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


We conduct surveys, interviews and focus groups to make sure we're helping you, as a mature student. If you'd like to take part, please email

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Need help?

For further help and advice please contact the Student Services Hub.