Module feedback

At the end of each term you will have the opportunity to provide feedback and comments on your modules via the University’s Student Module Feedback process. All students will receive an email from University of Essex Surveys (no-reply) inviting you to complete a brief online survey for each module undertaken over the preceding term. Available surveys are also accessible via the Evaluations block on the right-hand side of your Moodle homepage. This will display to the right of your Moodle page when you have open surveys that you haven’t yet completed. Please note that you may need to expand the block drawer by clicking the arrow to expand.

The surveys allow you to provide some information on your experience of each of the modules you have studied, to say what worked well and to give constructive feedback on how they can be further improved. This is critical for the University to understand what works well, and what could be improved, from the perspective of students. All feedback will be summarised and discussed by Student Voice Groups (SVGs) and will inform reports written for central University committees as part of our quality assurance processes.

There are also many other satisfaction surveys taking place, to ensure students are happy with the services the University of Essex provides.

If you have some feedback but don’t know who to tell, email

Your department will also welcome your feedback. They will have a range of quick feedback mechanisms for you to use. Contact your departmental office if you are not sure what these are.

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Student Module Feedback