We’ve made our way into the top 50 of the People and Planet University League, rising from 58th place last year to 49th in 2024/25.
The rankings are the only comprehensive and independent league table of UK universities ranked by their environmental and ethical performance. It is compiled annually by the UK’s largest student campaigning network, People & Planet. Scores are drawn from a combination of information on our website and environmental data we submit as part of the HESA return, across a range of criteria.
In this latest ranking, we score:
Areas where we scored well compared to other universities include:
A full breakdown of our results can be found on the People & Planet University League website.
These results really highlight how we are improving as a University, and we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who plays their part and does their bit for sustainability at Essex. Our raking is a reflection of the University as a whole, so you can all be proud.
Whether you’re taking part in the Sustainable Essex Awards, embedding sustainability into your teaching or office team, or just putting your recycling in the correct bin and using a reusable cup, your actions really count.
Our success is drawn from a number of areas of work, including installing more solar panels to generate our own energy, and a range of energy efficiency upgrades. This work would not have been been possible without the guidance of our Sustainability Sub-Strategy, which clearly sets out our intended pathway across a range of key categories.
The breadth of work being undertaken to address sustainability and social responsibility is reflected in our strong score for the level of sustainability staffing we have, and the policies we have in place, as well as schemes such as Sustainable Essex which support students and staff to complete their own projects.
Work to include sustainability in the curriculum is also progressing well, and the support students are getting through the Careers service is improving. Employers expect sustainability literate graduates, so we have a duty to develop their skills and awareness.
Our strong Workers’ Rights score reflects both commitments to our own staff, and those in our supply chains; for example, our pledge to paying the Living Wage, as well as being affiliated to Electronics Watch, which monitors supply chains in the electronics and technology sectors.
If you have looked at our full results, you will have seen that we scored 0% for Waste and Recycling, and we don’t want to ignore this disappointing result. We know from our own data that recycling and reuse at Essex is improving, and we do not feel this score is a true reflection of our performance.
Our average recycling and reuse rate for 2023-24 was up to 40%, and we have set ourselves a target of 50% by the end of 2026. We will continue to dig into the data and look at where we can improve further.
We have bins across our campuses for recycling, so be sure to separate everyday waste such as paper, plastic, card, cans and glass, as well as food, into the appropriate bins. Sorting your waste improves our recycling figures and contributes to making a big difference. Check out our recent blog for more information. If you have large items or things you aren’t sure about, you’re always welcome to reach out to sustainability@essex.ac.uk for help.
We are optimistic about our future potential to rise up the rankings. There are areas we can still explore and address, such as increased water reuse, as well as per head consumption.
Our net zero carbon emissions commitment (by 2035) continues to drive much of our progress, and further policy and practice improvement will help us get there.
Ultimately we have our sights set on being ranked as a First Class University – the top 25 – which will confirm that Essex’s action on sustainability and social responsibility is truly a part of our culture.