
Centre for Commons Organising, Values Equalities and Resilience (COVER)

The centre aims to create a pioneering and global agenda for studying the theoretical and practical possibilities of how commons values based on principles of cooperation, collaboration, and open knowledge sharing can foster more egalitarian, inclusive, and participative 21st century economies, communities, and organisations

A photo of people taking the knee with their fist in the air.

We explore how cooperation, collaboration, and open knowledge sharing can radically transform organisations and society

Our research investigates how principles of cooperation, collaboration, and open knowledge sharing can foster more egalitarian, inclusive, and participative 21st-century economies, communities, technologies, and organisations.

The commons refers to the shared or public ownership of goods, resources, services, and knowledge.  Across the world, innovative commons ideas ranging from community land trusts to participatory budgeting to worker owned cooperatives are being used to address climate change and global inequality. This Centre for Commons Organising, Values Equalities and Resilience (COVER) studies different theories for creating, managing, and promoting the commons – asking important questions how the commons can improve goods and services, be sustainably financed, and effectively marketed to populations and policy-makers.

Our areas of research:

Commons Development and Transformation

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of how commons ownership can create more egalitarian and inclusive economies.

Through our research of the social economy we examine how values of cooperation can create positive systemic changes for communities and societies.

Commons Technology

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of how new technologies can promote the shared ownership and management of spaces, goods, and services.

Through our research on free to use and open source technologies we examine how digital resources can foster a more empowering society, economy, and politics for everyone.

Digitalisation, Work and the Commons

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of how digital advances will impact the present and future of work.

Through our research on AI and digitalisation we examine the struggle for new worker’s rights in the 21st century.

Commons Design and Organisation

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of how commons ownership can produce new types of communities and organisations.

Through our research on cooperatives and the creative industries we examine the possibility of building democratic and sustainable institutions and ways of living together.

Commons Health and Services

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of commons owned solutions to improving public health and community-based services.

Through our research on health, energy, and housing collectives we examine the radical potential for producing services the meet the needs of all people.

Commons Education

This research area is dedicated to furthering the understanding of how to share knowledge about commons ownership and broader implications for the society, economy, and politics.

Through our research into social economy curriculum and educational technologies we examine how to share these cutting edge perspectives in an impactful way for a wide-range of students and change makers locally and globally.

"The vision of the centre is to explore the theoretical and practical possibilities of how common ownership and organising based on values of cooperation, collaboration, and open knowledge sharing can foster more egalitarian, inclusive and participative 21st-century economies, communities, and organisations."
Professor Bloom Co-director, centre for commons, organising, values equalities and resilience
A student holding a book.
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A group of protesters, mostly out of focus. In the foreground two young Black people wearing baseball caps kneel, each with a fist raised. The fist on the bottom right is in focus.
Contact us
Centre for Commons Organising Values Equalities and Resilience (COVER) Co-Directors:
Peter Bloom, Phoebe Moore, and Stevphen Shukaitis
Essex Business School University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex