Our work promotes a local and global commons society

The Centre for Commons Organising Values Equalities and Resilience (COVER) is creating new formal and informal educational opportunities. our work seeks to create resources for understanding and promoting sustainable commons value creation and values.

Our activity includes events, press, education and impact projects, to spread post-capitalist principles for transforming economic management. We aim to efficiently meet individual and community needs, foster more effective public policies and expand 20th century human rights.

Learn more about our research impact:



The Centre for Commons Organising, Values, Equalities and Resilience regularly hosts events and seminars to promote research and provide a forum for academic discussion.

Here is a selection of our most recent events:

  • 28th October 2021: A panel discussion on philanthropic power and economic justice CRESI-COVER Webinar: After Philanthrocapitalism
  • 22nd July 2022: A workshop which bought together leading social discover game designers Designing Virtual Alternatives: Social Economy, Games, and Change
  • 19th October 2022: A workshop which discussed the current developments around AI regulation and compared different approaches to regulatory oversight and strategic technological development in the field of artificial intelligence and the world of work Proposal for an ILO Policy Observatory on Work in the Digital Economy


Discover our upcoming events



  • Professor Peter Bloom explores with guests the most innovative radical social experiments happening around the world in his podcast: Another World is Podable
Upcoming events
Pedagogies of Struggles: Workers Failing and Learning to Govern Platforms in Latin America
Totality and Feminist Life: Reading Silvia Federici’s Writing on Lukács’ Aesthetics Session 3
The “Contentification” of the Web: Automating (Cultural) Collapse
A person typing on a laptop.
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Discover the very latest announcements from COVER by joining the JISC mailing list. You can find out more about our latest publications, events and activities by visiting JISC.

Visit JISC
A group of protesters, mostly out of focus. In the foreground two young Black people wearing baseball caps kneel, each with a fist raised. The fist on the bottom right is in focus.
Contact us
Centre for Commons Organising Values Equalities and Resilience (COVER) Co-Directors:
Peter Bloom, Phoebe Moore, and Stevphen Shukaitis
Essex Business School University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex