Bilingualism Matters @EastofEngland provides information for parents, schools and language professionals
Bilingualism Matters (BM) @EastofEngland was established in the centre of Language Development throughout the Lifespan (LaDeLi) in March 2018. BM@EastofEngland is part of a network of branches across the world run by researchers working on bilingualism and language learning, communicating to families, teachers, speech and language therapists and policy makers about these issues.
Bilingualism Matters was originally founded at University of Edinburgh by Professor Antonella Sorace, with the aim of enabling people to make informed decisions based on scientific evidence. We believe that real change happens through dialogue between researchers and the community.
Much of our work involves collaborative projects on the following subjects:
- bilingual development in infants
- school-aged bilingual children
- language learning
- the effect of age on bilingualism