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Research Network

Third-age Language Learning (TALL)

An older man on a laptop learning a language.

We research language learning in older adults

TALL is an international and cross-disciplinary network of researchers and language teachers interested in older adults’ language learning.

We can learn a new language at any age! As people get older, their learning capacities change, and their approaches to learning may change as well. Older adults may also differ from younger people in how they prefer to be taught.

TALL members are looking into these issues in their research and practice. We take a positive view of later life stages instead of emphasising losses or potential deficits.

It is our aim to formulate a more balanced narrative surrounding language learning and use in later life and ageing more generally.

In our research, we explore inter- and intra-individual developmental paths and the interactions of multiple factors in older adults’ language learning and use.

An older man on a laptop learning a language.
Our research agenda

Our research agenda aims for theoretically insightful explanations as well as applications to practice, including in language teaching and social and health care.

Read our agenda in the Journal of Language Teaching
Contact us
Third-age Language Learning (TALL) University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Centre for Research in Language Development throughout the Lifespan (LaDeLi) University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 872083