
Centre for Work, Organisation and Society (CWOS)

A blurred shot of lots of people walking in the city.

We are the Centre for Work, Organisation and Society

The Centre for Work, Organisation and Society aims to support cross-disciplinary research on work, society and organisational life. 

The Centre is a hub for internationally recognised, innovative and critical research on all aspects of work, organisations and society. Its interdisciplinary research draws on the humanities and social sciences, bringing in perspectives from disciplines such as cultural studies, history, literary theory, philosophy, psychology, sociology and political economy.

The Centre's strengths lie in social scientific research with a largely qualitative orientation, with growing capacity in aesthetic and visual methods, and workplace ethnography.

Headshot of Melissa Tyler
"The Centre for Work, Organisation and Society is an international hub for research that makes a global impact within and across disciplines. Through established and emerging collaborative partnerships, through our publications, events, impact and engagement activities, our research on work, organisations and society makes a substantial contribution to knowledge, strategy, policy and practice. Our centre provides a focal point that brings researchers together to share interests and expertise, to support research on work and organisational life, the economy and society, now and in the future."

Our engagement and impact activities


Our academic staff frequently feature within the wider press and media. Below are some examples of their latest appearances:

  • David Watson is a member of the MEND collective - Management Educators Navigating Degrowth (MEND) collective. The collective explores teaching post-growth and degrowth ideas in management education and associated challenges. The group was initially funded by a grant from the UK and Ireland Chapter of the Principles for Responsible Management Education.
  1. How you can future-proof your career in the era of AI
  2. How men can become role models for gender inclusivity in the workplace
  3. AI can reinforce discrimination – but used correctly it could make hiring practices more inclusive
  • Read The Wall Street Journal article by Francesca Fontana on The Reasons Women Don’t Get the Feedback They Need 
  • Listen to the BBC Radio London Programme Soho at Work which features research by Professor Melissa Tyler
  • Listen to the BBC Radio 4 Programme Thinking Allowed which features research by Professor Melissa Tyler
  • Listen to the BBC Radio 4 Programme Thinking Allowed which features research by Professor Philip Hancock
  • Read The Guardian article Secrets of the grotto revealed as study uncovers art of being a successful Santa which features research by Professor Philip Hancock.
  • Academic publications, by theme

    Professional and practitioner publications 


    Book series and collections edited by members of CWOS include:

    Textbooks produced by CWOS members include:

     Recent special issues guest edited by CWOS members include:

    Research grants

    Research grants awarded to members include: 

    Contact us
    Director of the Centre for Work, Organisation and Society (CWOS) Professor Melissa Tyler
    University of Essex
    Seminar Co-ordinator Dr Sophie Hales
    University of Essex