CWOS research has a strong international focus with expertise on emerging economies such as India and the Middle East and in the nexus of multinational corporations (MNCs) and their global value chains. In collaboration with colleagues across the Global South current projects examine informal and precarious work, reproductive work, automation and possible work futures. Of particular focus are core labour standards and rights, and workers’ organisations, as well as issues associated with job quality, workplace control and representation.
Current research also examines opportunity structures and social justice in the UK context, engaging with lived experience and social policies. Specific projects currently focus on: structural racisms and their intersections with other social divisions and inequalities; in-work poverty; labour market transitions, and social mobility. Members of CWOS have recently undertaken research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation ‘Immigration and Inclusion’, ‘Poverty and Ethnicity’ and ‘Bradford’ Research Programmes, and for the TUC on vulnerable workers, casualisation and low pay. Funded by the British Academy, another current project in this area, undertaken in collaboration with Equity and the Musicians’ Union, focuses on the impact of COVID on self-employed live performers in the UK.
- Butler, P and Hammer, A. (2020) ‘HR Practice in a fast-food MNC: Exploring the low discretion, high commitment phenomenon’ International Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Adham, A. and Hammer, A. (2019) ‘Understanding Arab capitalisms: Patrimonialism, HRM and work in Saudi Arabia,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Hammer, A. (2019) ‘Comparative capitalism and emerging economies: Formal-informal economy interlockages and implications for institutional analysis’, Review of International Political Economy. 26(2): 337-360.
- Michalski, M. (2014) ‘Symbolic meanings and E-Learning in the workplace: The case of an ICT-mediated training tool’, Management Learning. 45(2): 145–166.
- Michalski, M., Śliwa, M. and Manalsuren, S. (2020) ‘Context-specific understandings of uncertainty: A focus on people management practices in Mongolia’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (online early).
- Netto, G., Hudson, M., Kamenou-Aigbekaen, N. and Sosenko, F. (2019) ‘Dominant language acquisition in destination countries: Structure, agency and reflexivity’, Sociology. 53(5): 843-860.
- Netto, G., Noon, M., Hudson, M., Kamenou-Aigbekaen, N. and Sosenko, F. (2020) ‘Intersectionality, identity work and migrant progression from low-paid work: A critical realist approach’, Gender, Work and Organisation. 27: 1020-1039.
- Kelly, P. R. (2018) ‘An activity theory study of data, knowledge, and power in the design of an international development NGO impact evaluation’, Information Systems Journal. 28(3): 465-488.