Exploring and understanding the societal implications of human behaviour
Microeconomics research at Essex studies the implications of individual decisions and behaviour for markets, political and economic institutions, firms, and networks.
Microeconomics research at Essex has a long and distinguished record. Members of the cluster produce research that is published in the best economics, social sciences, and multidisciplinary journals internationally. The work of cluster members is (or has been) supported by national and international funding bodies such as the ESRC, British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, EC, ERC, IPA, and IFREE and has led to impact on policy. Visit our Departmental research page to learn more about our research funding and our research impact on policy. Our members also hold editorial positions at many leading economics journals.
The cluster is organised into the areas of economic theory, industrial organisation, market structure and firm behaviour, political economy and economic and social networks. Multidisciplinary research is a hallmark of the cluster’s membership, with several members working in several of the areas above and also with other disciplines. Members of the cluster have leading roles in the founding and running of the multidisciplinary Centre for Social and Economic Network Analysis (SENA).
Cluster members teach modules in all undergraduate and masters courses offered by the Department of Economics and have been at the forefront of curriculum innovation and redesign. Research students are an integral part of the cluster and students supervised by cluster members have gone on to careers in academia and policy organisations internationally.
The cluster hosts the Microeconomics Seminar Series in which external speakers from leading universities and internal speakers – staff and research students – from Essex present research in microeconomics. Cluster members also organise periodic specialised reading groups for staff and research students and a number of international conferences at Essex on topics such as dynamic incentives, social networks etc. To view all events taking place within the Department, please visit our Departmental events calendar.
Please browse our list of members below and visit their academic staff profiles to discover individual details of their research and supervision status.